Rebirth of the Female Antagonist: XUANRONG

Di Daughter

Di Daughter

0"DaJie, I---"     

XuanFei paled.     

She only wanted to show other people that she deeply cared for her eldest sister and was not able to hold back her tears. She did not expect that instead of being moved by her tears, XuanRong would lecture her upbringing and would even point out her mother's lack of management.     

At first, the guests were quite moved looking at the beautiful XuanFei who was crying but after hearing XuanRong's words, it felt like XuanFei's reaction was a bit exaggerated. Some guests even thought that she was jinxing the celebration. It was clearly a harmonious and happy gathering, why was she crying heavily?     

Sensing the weird gazes coming from the guests who were present, XuanFei opened her mouth, trying to explain.     

But how could XuanRong allow XuanFei to defend herself?     

Not wanting XuanFei to start her explanation, XuanRong waved her hand and spoke.     

"Never mind. Jiejie was only lecturing you for your own good but Jiejie knows that Meimei is still young and could not think properly. Anyways, we should just forget it since this is a happy occasion!" XuanRong inwardly grit her teeth and hugged XuanFei, although it only took a second before she immediately pulled back her arms.     

Showing her lovely smile, XuanRong spoke happily.     

"Jiejie is very happy! Jiejie did not expect that father would prepare this welcoming banquet for me! Meimei, tell me the truth! Was it you who convinced father to surprise Jiejie? Oh! Jiejie knows it was you!"     

'Welcoming banquet?!'     

XuanFei almost fainted due to anger.     

She subconsciously clenched her hands, trying to suppress the urge to scream at XuanRong's face and call her 'shameless'.     

The banquet was clearly prepared for her birthday celebration. How did it change into a welcoming banquet for her stupid eldest sister?     

XuanFei wanted to refute and tell XuanRong that she was mistaken but Xiao Lou pulled her arm and signaled her to shut up. Feeling wronged, XuanFei bit her lower lip, trying to stop herself from crying.     

Sensing the distress coming from her beloved daughter, Xiao Lou immediately spoke to save her face.     

"That's right, ah! Rong'er, it was Fei'er who pleaded to your father to prepare a welcoming banquet for you. In five years that you were away from the Fu, Fei'er kept urging your father to send you back here. Unfortunately, because your health was not good, your father did not agree. Since then, Fei'er would always visit the temple to pray for your well-being, hoping that you would return home soon. Who would have thought that the heavens would grant Fei'er's wish? Ai. Rong'er, now that you are here, mother will definitely not allow you to get sick again and make your Meimei sad."     

Listening to Xiao Lou's words, XuanRong wanted to applaud her. She was clearly trying to show how filial and virtuous XuanFei was by saying those praying in the temple and whatnot.     

'Old ginger is really hotter than young ginger[1] ah.'     

"Really? Was second mother telling the truth, meimei?"     

XuanFei who was inwardly cursing XuanRong could only nod her head and answer.     

"Fei'er was only praying for Jiejie's health and was hoping that Jiejie would return home soon. When Fei'er heard that Jiejie is coming home, Fei'er pleaded father to prepare this banquet because Fei'er wants to surprise Jiejie."     

'Praying for my well-being? More like praying for my death.' XuanRong nodded on the outside but secretly rolling her eyes inside.     

'What surprise? The banquet was clearly prepared for her birthday yet, she shamelessly said that it was prepared for me."     

XuanRong inwardly mocked XuanFei for being a hypocrite.     

"Jiejie is truly glad to have meimei as my sibling. *sob*. Meimei, no matter what people say, even if our statuses are not the same, Jiejie will always love you. In Jiejie's eyes, you are not a shu[2] sibling but my precious meimei."     

Looking at XuanFei's twisted face when she mentioned her former status as a daughter of a concubine, XuanRong could not help but feel elated.     

She wanted to paint XuanFei's horrible face and hang it inside her room, so she could laugh at it every day.     


When XuanRong mentioned XuanFei as a Shu child, Xiao Lou's face blushed due to anger. She could not help but glare at her. Being a former concubine was the greatest stain in Xiao Lou's life. Although she was able to climb up and became the Second Furen[3] after that slut ChenYi died, she still could not move on and would always feel inferior to her. Even when she was attending gatherings and celebrations, some Furen from other prestigious families would always look at her indifferently, whispering to themselves that she, a Shu daughter from Xiao family, was able to climb on Left Prime Minister's bed and became the master of the courtyard.     

No matter what she did, no matter where she went, she would always carry the title of the 'Second Furen' or 'Xiao Lou, the former concubine'.     

Not wanting her daughter to be humiliated, Xiao Lou spoke.     

"Indeed ah. Fei'er, always remember, mother is now the Furen of the XiangFu. You must not lower your head to other people. You are properly a Di[4] daughter."     

So what if she was a former concubine? She was now the Main Wife! No matter what other people say, she was now called Xuan Furen and not Xiao YiNiang[5]!     

"That's right ah! Meimei, what second mother said is true! Although she was once a lowly YiNiang in the Fu, but she is now our Er Niang[6]! Do not feel sad ah."     

XuanRong's face was full of worry as she stared at XuanFei who was on the verge of crying.     

'XuanFei… Seems like you have forgotten your former status ah. Let Jiejie remind not only you but also these people present here that once a low-born, will always be a low-born. In this Fu, I am the only Di Daughter, no one else.'     

Some people present on the birthday banquet were not idiots. Some could even decipher hidden messages between the conversations. Even XuanLi could tell that behind the loving smile and warm embrace lies a hidden war between his eldest daughter and his beloved wife.     

But no matter what, he could only pretend that nothing was wrong. He could not reprimand his eldest daughter since it would only gather hatred coming from other people and would even affect his rating. He knew that General Chen was quite unhappy ever since he banished XuanRong in the capital and let her live in the suburbs for five long years. He had to show that he cared for her to appease the old general. He could not also scold his wife in front of many people for reacting to XuanRong's provocation. Without any other choice, XuanLi could only close his eyes and vowed to settle them later.     


"Let's stop this nonsense talks ah. We can continue reminiscing the past later after the banquet, for now, we must celebrate for XuanRong's arrival. Yes! Let's celebrate! Where are the servants? Come, bring out the food! Start the performance!"     

"That's right! That's right!"     

"Let's drink!"     

The other guests did not dwell on it since it was a personal matter between the Xuan family members.     

Since XuanFei and Xiao Lou had already said that the banquet was to celebrate XuanRong's arrival, he could only follow their lead and treat the celebration as a welcoming banquet for XuanRong. Without any other choice, the chair intended for XuanFei was now given to XuanRong as the guest of honor.     

The limelight was now transferred to XuanRong and XuanFei could only bite her handkerchief and curse inwardly.     

Since XuanRong had already messed XuanFei's celebration, she no longer had the desire to stay. After a few minutes of mingling with the other maidens and Furen from other prestigious families, XuanRong decided to leave.     

"Father, Rong'er is feeling tired since Rong'er did not rest for a couple of days. Rong'er wants to be excused. May father allow Rong'er to leave and return to my courtyard."     


XuanLi only waved his hand without looking at XuanRong.     

Even if XuanRong left, XuanLi was not planning to stop the banquet since he was still waiting for the Crown Prince. Although XuanRong messed things up, changing the purpose of the banquet, but as long as he would be able to introduce XuanFei to the Crown Prince, everything would still be the same.     

Looking at his eldest daughter who was walking away with her maidservants, XuanLi had mixed feelings. He did not know if her arrival was a good thing or not.     


"Long Live Crown Prince Ji An!"     

The guests spoke in unison.     

After the guest of honor, XuanRong, left the banquet, Xu Ji An arrived in front of the residence. When he entered the door, he could not help but subconsciously search for someone.     

"Rise. No need to kneel before me."     

"This lowly one understands."     

After saluting, everyone resumed what they were doing.     

"Your Highness, welcome to my humble home."     

XuanLi immediately went forward to curry favor.     

"Mmm.. This Prince had to return to the palace before coming here. Pardon this Prince for being late."     

"What are you saying, Your Highness ah? This lowly one was glad that even if Your Highness was busy, Your Highness would still visit my humble home."     

When XuanLi saw XuanFei sitting in the corner together with Xiao Lou, he immediately ushered Xu Ji An towards them.     

"Ah! That's right. I haven't properly introduced my daughter, XuanFei, yet. Fei'er, come quickly!"     

XuanFei immediately bent her knees and curtsied to Xu Ji An.     

"Fei'er greets Your Highness the Crown Prince."     

XuanFei shyly spoke. Looking at the dashing man before her, she could not help but blush. She even took secret glances in order to satisfy her eyes.     

But instead of replying to her, Xu Ji An turned his head towards XuanLi.     

"Where is your other daughter?"     

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[1]. jiāng hái shì lǎo de là: Experience counts or the older, the wiser.     

[2]. A child of a concubine or an illegitimate child     

[3]. Madam/Wife     

[4]. A child of a wife or a legitimate child     

[5]. Concubine     

[6]. Second Mother     

[Unedited Chapter]     

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