Rebirth of the Female Antagonist: XUANRONG



0'Xu. Ji. An.'     

XuanRong felt like someone was stabbing her heart. It felt very painful and she could not help but grip the window's edge tightly.     

She would be lying if she would deny that she was not affected by his presence. When she heard someone uttered his name, she was shaken. The hatred, the anger and the pain she felt deep inside her heart, all of it were trying to erupt like a volcano.     

She wanted to grab his arm and confront him.     

She wanted to shout and slap his face.     

She wanted…     

She wanted to know why…     


Why did he betray her?     

In the seven years of being together as a couple, did he not have any genuine feelings towards her?     

Not in the slightest?     

Why was he so cruel and even ordered other people to humiliate her?     




XuanRong's eyes reddened. She could not help it. The emotions she carefully sealed, the memories she already buried at the back of her mind, the feelings she forcefully suppressed… all of it resurfaced when she heard his name.     

'Ji An…Why? Why do you have to be so cruel?'     

XuanRong did not notice that she was already crying silently as she stared at the window.     

"XiaoJie.. What's wrong?"     

Sensing that something was wrong with XuanRong, YuYing peeked and found out that her XiaoJie's cheeks were wet with tears.     

YuYing gasped and hurriedly wiped the tears that kept on flowing from her eyes.     

YuShen and YuShang were equally puzzled when they saw the abnormal reaction from XuanRong.     

"XiaoJie, are you hurt? Do you feel pain? What's wrong? Please do not scare this servant. XiaoJie…"     

YuYing anxiously wiped XuanRong's face while trying to catch her attention, but no matter what she did, XuanRong just blankly stared at the window, as if she could see outside even when the curtain was blocking her eyesight.     


YuYing grabbed XuanRong's shoulders and shook her body forcefully.     

XuanRong gasped a couple of times, trying to inhale a large quantity of air as if she was drowning a while ago.     

XuanRong snapped out of daze and confusedly stared at YuYing who was still holding her shoulders.     

YuYing realized her mistake and pulled away her hands.     

"XiaoJie. Forgive this servant for acting reckless. This servant saw that XiaoJie was not responding to this servant's call and was only crying silently as if you were dreaming while awake. This servant could not help but shake XiaoJie's shoulders to wake you up."     

XuanRong did not pay any attention to YuYing's explanation. She bewilderedly asked, "I was crying?" She raised her hand and touched her face. When she saw her fingers were drenched with tears, XuanRong was startled.     

How could she allow her emotions to distract her?     

She even cried in front of her maidservants!     

XuanRong closed her eyes and took a deep breath, trying to calm herself. She wiped her face with her handkerchief and inwardly slapped herself for being weak.     

She had thought that she no longer cared but she was wrong.     

She still had feelings for Xu Ji An.     

But those feelings did not include love and hope.     

Only hatred and anger were left inside her heart.     

Nothing more.     

"I'm fine. I suddenly felt nostalgic and emotional thinking that I can see maternal grandfather again."     

YuYing and the rest sighed in relief. They were panicking for nothing. They completely believed XuanRong's explanation since XuanRong and her maternal grandfather were indeed close when she was young, before she was sent to Lu Shan.     

"XiaoJie, the Crown Prince is here."     

XuanRong understood what YuShen was saying.     

An Imperial royalty was outside the carriage. Being a citizen of Qian Zou, they were obliged to greet the Crown Prince with utmost respect. XuanRong and the rest should have to go out of the carriage and kneel on the ground to show their reverence towards the Imperial family.     

XuanRong raised the curtain and saw a man riding a horse in a dignified manner. He was still far from their location and XuanRong saw that he was indeed coming to their way. Her eyes sharpened and closed the curtain.     

"Move. Drive the carriage away."     

XuanRong vowed that she would never kneel in front of him or in front of any Imperial royalty.     

The coachman was taken aback. He hesitated a little, but he followed XuanRong's order and drove the carriage away from the gate.     

Since the carriage moved, the rest of the servants and guards also moved forward without stopping to pay respect to the Crown Prince.     

At the capital's gate, Xu Ji An sensed something. His intuition had never gone wrong. He felt someone was staring at him. He could not help but move his eyes around to find the source. When he was unsuccessful to locate the owner of that gaze, something caught his attention. In a faraway place, he saw a small procession headed by a simple but elegant carriage. The carriage continued to move forward without planning to stop. Xu Ji An did not know if the owner of the carriage did not realize that he, the Crown Prince, was here or if the owner was impudent enough to brazenly disrespect the Imperial family.     

He could not help but ask the guard who was responsible for checking the identity of the people entering the capital.     

"Who is the one inside that carriage over there?"     

The guard was startled at first, but he immediately replied to Xu Ji An.     

"Replying to Crown Prince, the owner of that carriage is the Left Prime Minister and the one inside is the Eldest Di Daughter, Lady XuanRong."     

Xu Ji An stared at the carriage that was moving further away from him.     


Xu Ji An murmured.     


[Left Prime Minister's Residence]     

XuanLi and Xiao Lou were busy talking with their guests. XuanLi was very happy right now. He was inwardly celebrating because the Crown Prince promised him that he would attend the birthday banquet of his precious daughter, XuanFei. He had long been planning to introduce the Crown Prince to his lovely daughter. Now is the perfect opportunity to catch the Crown Prince's eyes.     

He kept on looking at the front door, hoping to see someone enter and announce that the Crown Prince has arrived.     

He was laughing with his colleague when a beautiful maiden walked towards them.     

The beautiful maiden bent her knees and curtsied.     

"XuanFei greets father and mother. XuanFei also greets Rui Wangye, Master Wei and Marquis Li."     

Seeing her lovely daughter acting like a proper Di daughter, Xiao Lou smiled and pulled XuanFei closer.     

"Fei'er, you look so beautiful. Mother was momentarily smitten. Ai. Am I right, Laoye?[1]"     

XuanLi nodded. He felt so proud of his third daughter.     

"Wife is right. Fei'er is now starting to bloom like a beautiful flower."     

XuanFei smiled shyly.     

"Father, mother, please do not bully Fei'er."     

XuanLi laughed and stared at his daughter whom he raised with utmost care.     

"Nonsense! What bullying? Your mother and I were only speaking the truth."     

Few minutes later, the entire residence was filled with happiness. Laughter could be heard even on the outside.     

Suddenly, a male servant briskly walked towards XuanLi. When he saw the anxious face of the male servant, he knew that the Crown Prince had arrived.     

The servant moved closer and was planning to speak when XuanLi interrupted him.     

"Laoye, someone was----"     

"Why are you still standing over there? No need to ask permission! Immediately open the door and welcome them."     

The servant could only shake his head and return to the gate to inform the guards to open the door.     

XuanLi resumed talking with other guests. He was acting like he was not affected but deep inside, he was rejoicing. The Crown Prince was giving him a huge face for attending his daughter's birthday banquet.     

He was very happy and was laughing loudly when he heard a very melodious voice coming from the entrance.     

"This Lady did not expect that there will be a welcoming banquet for me. Father and second mother really put Rong'er in their hearts."     

When XuanLi turned his head to see the owner of the voice who just spoke, he saw XuanRong walking towards him.     


The cup on XuanLi's hand fell.     

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[1]. Means [Master]. Literal meaning, 'The Master of the House'     

[Unedited Chapter]     

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