The Famous Painter is the CEO's Wife

Fake News

Fake News

0July 8, 20X2 (Tuesday)     

Miss M & Friends' Interior Designs Building     

Just as Zhao Yang had told them to do, Trisha and Elias went to work as if the CEO hasn't scrutinized their pasts. They did not want to believe that their co-worker Dan was one of the possible men in the list for the last undiscovered spy.     

Elias was disappointed with himself. Although he was an art agent now, he had been one of the top agents in France! To think that he had not even doubted his co-worker even the slightest bit meant he had been remiss of his actual duty- to protect Mei Lin. Trisha, on the other hand, had a hard time wrapping her head with the idea of the person that followed her out of the company to be the spy, but at the same time, it made sense.     

Trisha and Elias went to work as if nothing had happened beforehand. They carried on acting like before, making sure that all of their actions did not deviate from the norm. Trisha was still the first one to arrive to unlock the building, and Elias came into the building strutting like he had been wearing heels and a crown made of confidence. As workers entered, Trisha began to grow nervous. She already knew what she was going to do, but that does not mean she was not anxious. Lives depended on her acting!     

Elias bumped on her side and whispered in her ears, "Don't be too obvious. You are too nervous to be acting normal!"     

Trisha hissed, "I am trying!"     

"Just think of him not being a spy," Elias suggested.     

"But I know he is a spy!" Trisha hissed again.     

"Then delete that thought in your head because he is coming now." Elias did not look to the side, but Trisha did. She saw Dan enter with a nervous smile. Trisha lamented that she had thought Dan's always anxious behavior was something because of his past; it turned out to be a darker reason. With that thought on her mind, Trisha's nervousness turned into anger.     

Anger was an emotion that Trisha knew too well. She knew how to navigate herself when she felt anger like a professional liar. Gulping down the last of her nerves, Trisha beamed a broad smile at Dan like he usually does to encourage him to speak.     

"Dan! Good morning!" Trisha said in her cheeriest voice.     

"...Morning." Dan replied, shuffling his hands to his back. Elias almost snorted at Dan, but his amazement to Trisha's personalty's one-eighty degree turn was a more excellent source of astonishment. Elias mentally nodded his approval to Trisha, She had made him a bit worried about her behavior, but it seems his worries were laid to rest. He had not expected these turn of events. Elias was prepared to salvage the situation, already coming up a lie to tell in case Trisha behaved too weirdly.     

"Dan, our Boss is in the hospital. They said it might be dangerous for her anywhere else, so she has to stay in there for the remainder of the pregnancy." Elias calmly spoke up. At the side, Trisha nodded her head, envious inside at how natural Elias seemed while she was trying so hard.     

"Is she going to be okay?" Dan inquired softly, almost sounding genuinely concerned.     

"We don't know yet..." Trisha mumbled, lowering her head to hide her pissed off face. If she had not known that Dan was a spy, she would have believed his concern.     

"What about her children?"     

"We don't have much information since CEO Zhao, her husband only called for a few seconds. We could not ask more questions before he had to go." Elias answered. Trisha only nodded to confirm.     

Dan fumbled his hands and bid the two a short farewell to go to his desk. Once Dan turned his back to them, Elias and Trisha turned to each other with a grim look. They have done what Zhao Yang had told them to do. Now, it was just a matter of waiting for any movements from the enemy. They both hoped that Dan was not the spy. Who would want your friends to be a bad guy?     

For the rest of the day, Dan did not talk to them unless it was necessary for their job. Elias and Trisha knew they were walking on eggshells whenever they spoke to him, careful not to reveal their knowledge or any nervousness on their part. They both knew that Dan might not act fast, but he was more than smart enough to behave differently.     

It was until Dan returned to his one-bedroom apartment that he unlocked his phone and dialed the Fools' number with hands that shook as much as his heart was erratically beating. He needed to save his parents and nephew, even if it cost him his morals.     

"Hello," The man, who had been so angry at him, answered calmly. As if he was an average human who had never killed nor kidnapped anyone.     

Dan gulped his ethics, morals, and integrity down his stomach before he spilled the information that he had gained. Praying to every God he knew, Dan wished all these loads on his shoulders would be gone soon. He prayed that devils like David would just choke and die.     

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