The Famous Painter is the CEO's Wife

Long Distance Relationship Part 3

Long Distance Relationship Part 3

0August 29, 20XX (Thursday)     


Everyone in the room was busy. Mother Zhao was talking about the needed plan they had to install all over the city. They need to increase their monitoring on the streets of Beijing so they could find the only Arcadia member left. Ever since the grand discovery of the base, Mother Zhao had been sighing in relief that most of the terrorist group is finally going to be annihilated. There were already plans to destroy the island once Greece gives its consent. In fact, Xue Chang Min had delivered four explosives that were not as powerful as an atomic bomb but three times stronger than a grenade to a hidden Italian base.     

The Zhao family along with the Xue family were meeting for more ideas on how to deal with the only problem they have left, The Fool. Everyone was alarmed that this Fool was looking for Miss M, and they were more worried that one of his underlings was almost successful in kidnapping Mei Li. Everyone was worried and afraid for Mei Li. In their faces, anyone could see how much the people in the room love Mei Li.     

Suddenly, a phone vibrated, and all eyes turned to Yang as his phone the familiar love song that has been singing on and off from the beginning of the meeting. Chang Min lost his composure and slammed his hands on the table near Yang, "Why don't you silent that phone of yours?"     

"It's Mei Li. I never silent nor ignore Mei Li."     

Chang Min was taken aback. He sighed and muttered, "You are so whipped."     

"She hates when I miss replies especially when she knows I am doing nothing else. Since you told me not to tell her about this meeting, I can't really lie to her about it because she has access to my schedule using my Secretary." Yang shrugged.     

The dark atmosphere of the room slowly colored, and soft snickers and chatter about lovestruck Yang began to grow. Aunt Qinyang was reporting to Grandma Xue about all the things Mei Li had done to Yang; she retold the stories of how Mei Li had Yang started using lip balms and moisturizers. All the people that were listening were cracking up as the story went on.     

Chang Min snorted and teased his friend, "Do you get a lecture if you don't reply?"     

Mother Zhao shook her head and drawled, "My son is happy to be lectured. You can't tease him about that."     

Yang grinned at Chang Min and shamelessly replied, "She looks cute when she is talking fast. She has this way of furrowing her eyebrows and pressing her lips in a thin line as she thinks what to say next. When she is done with her lecture, she would be huffing and puffing as if she ran a marathon. Don't get me started on her voice."     

Chang Min slammed his right hand on his face, and grunted, "You are foolish."     

Grandma Xue reached to touch Yang's hands and asked, "When do you plan to wed her?"     

Everyone sat straight at her questions. They had tried to ask Yang about it. In fact, they have been bugging about the wedding plans. Aunt Qinyang, especially, was over the moon to help plan their wedding. She had cleared almost all schedule that would take more than a week of work, so she was readily available to help.     

Yang smirked at them. Mother Zhao raised her eyebrows at her son; even she didn't know what their plans for their weddings are. She had tried to ask, but Yang just evaded her questions like a pro. She had tried to ask Mei Li in their phone calls, but she always returned the topic to everyone's health.     

"The wedding is all in Yue's hands. Once Mei Li arrives back here on September 14, every preparation will be almost done. The wedding invitations will be sent next Monday on September 2. The wedding will be on October 22, the anniversary of our meeting." Yang announced, and then all hell broke loose.     

"Why are you hurrying?!" Chang Min cried.     

"What can I do to help?" Grandma Xue told.     

"Who decided this?" Grandpa Xue asked.     

"How about the gown?" Aunt Qinyang questioned.     

"Why didn't you tell me this? Why did that daughter of mine remain silent?" Mother Zhao demanded as she stood up with a stomp of her foot. Father Zhao had to calmly relax his wife to sit down by whispering to her about having a grandchild early.     

Yang was relief that Jerome Bonaparte hurried to Italy to help with the attack on the lone island in Greece. He had been excited to take vengeance for his late daughter and wife finally. Nobody dared to stop him. Yang shrugged at all the questions and said, "I only followed what Mei Li wants. Heck, I can elope with her if you are that against it."     

Everyone quieted down and calmly put smiles on their faces, afraid that Yang would make his threats true. The unpredictability of this man was something everyone knows by heart. Mother Zhao settled back in her seat while noting to herself to bother her daughter about the preparation. She wanted to know more about it, dammit.     

Suddenly, Mother Zhao's phone rang. Everyone's eyes turned to her as she answered the call, "Hello. Zhao Hui Ying is speaking."     

Jerome Bonaparte's voice echoed into her ears, "We are successful with the bombing. No casualties have been reported on our side. We had confirmed the existence of the main members of Arcadia being present when it happened. Arcadia has fallen."     

Mother Zhao locked her phone as Jerome Bonaparte hang up. She turned the TV on and waited for the news. Everyone in the room was surprised and were looking at each other with confusion. When suddenly, an anchor reported, "A small island in Greece has been bombed, authorities are now investigating..."     

Everyone sighed in relief.     

Now, only one member left.     

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