The Doctor Who Loves Me

See My Heart

See My Heart

0Rui no longer asked Cali if she really would continue to pretend to be his girlfriend. He would only observe Cali's every movement and how she would interrupt Candice in seducing him.     

His forehead creased when he saw Edward whispering something in Cali's ear. He hated this class in which the professor gave them designated seats and Cali was assigned to sit beside Edward.     

'What are they talking about?' Rui irritably mused. He was itching to throw something on Edward's back to interrupt the two of them from whispering in each other's ears.      

Rui noticed that Cali and Edward got along very well probably because they were of the same age, this bothered him a lot and he prayed for the class to end soon.     

"Finally," he whispered, hearing the professor end the class.     

"Cali, let's go play bowling? You said it's been a while since you last played sports… Let's go to the mall near the university. I heard they had a great bowling center, we can enjoy or how about some funny gaming machines inside the mall's game zone!     

Cali's eyes rounded in excitement as she replied, "Yeah! I would love to. It's still early…"     

"Wait… I will also come along, I have to accompany Cali." Rui interrupted.      

Edward's eyebrows raised and with a grin, he said, "Why? Cali will be fine and she's with me. Goodness doc, can't you at least let her have some fun?      

I'm sure staying at school, then at home, and following the same routine all over again, with the same person everyday is boring. Besides, aren't you two tired of seeing only each other always? Let Cali have some fun with me. And why am I even explaining to you?"      

Rui's ears flapped in rage hearing those words from Edward who looked at Cali and instigated, "Can't you at least decide for yourself, Cali? I mean, this is just a simple matter of going out to have fun with a friend? It's not like we are doing extreme things that can trigger your condition or anything such."     

Cali heaved a sigh because Edward had a point. Rui was overreacting and too overprotective.     

She looked at Rui and said, "I am going with Edward. You go home first and I will see you later at home."     

Then Cali turned towards Edward and said, "Let's go."     

Rui stood rooted at his place, frozen like a statue, while his eyes followed Cali's back leaving with Edward. He wanted to grab Cali and pull her with him, but he knew he must not, he must give her space.      

Edward pointed it out to Cali in such a way that he did not dare counter it. He did not want Cali to feel suffocated under his watch.     

"Hello, Rui! You're still here? I thought you already left with Cali," Ruth, who passed by him, commented.     

"She went to the bowling center with Edward and they will also play the machine games." Rui out of himself murmured.     

"Wow! That sounds fun! I know that place! It's just near the university. Oh, those two… How dare they not bring us along! Come let's go there too and have some fun!" Ruth chortled and pulled Rui with her to head in the same direction as Cali and Edward.     

Rui was so grateful for Ruth's presence that his face brightened. Now he had a good alibi for following Cali and Edward because of Ruth, who just saved him from bursting in rage. He let Ruth pull him to the bowling center.     

"There they are!" Ruth exclaimed when her eyes saw Edward and Cali.      

"Let's join them. It's more fun playing in a group…" Ruth innocently commented. Rui gave her a smile and nodded.      

"Hey Guys!" Ruth greeted the two who were about to start playing.     

"You two… How come you did not bring us? I pulled Rui here, knowing you two are coming here. Do you mind if we tag along and play together?!" Ruth shamelessly asked, and Rui was even more grateful.     

He remained quiet and let Ruth do the talking since she was an expert in it. He saw Edward scratch his head and obviously he was annoyed with their interruption.      

Rui smirked seeing his frustrated look. Cali, on the other hand, seemed to enjoy Ruth's presence and the two women mingled and started playing excitedly.     

Rui stood up when he saw Edward approaching Cali. He assisted Cali and taught her how to play since Cali did not try playing the sports yet.     

His heart was aching seeing Cali smiling widely at Edward.      

Rui started questioning himself if he was too possessive to want her beautiful smiles given only to him? He wanted to interrupt, but he saw how Cali was enjoying the game while Edward assisted her.     

Soon it was Ruth's turn, and she pulled Rui saying, "Help me, please. I'm not good at this. I only tried playing it once and I can't even play one properly."     

Rui stood up and walked with Ruth to help her at the bowling alley. He did not intentionally get closer with Ruth, but he had to a teach her the proper stance.      

He focussed his mind in helping Ruth out because he did not want to overthink how Cali was smiling to another man.     

Little did he know that Cali never left glaring at him. Her nose was already flaring, but Cali tried to compose herself and not show her anger on her face.     

"It seems you are not enjoying it. If you want we can go now and play the gaming machines instead!" Edward suggested and Cali nodded.      

It was better to part ways with Rui and Ruth because she did not like what she was feeling since morning that day. It started with that Candice seducing her doc and now this Ruth. If that prolonged, she knew this would not be healthy for her.     

"Ruth, me and Edward will go first and try the gaming machine… See you guys…" Cali casually said and walked out with Edward.     

Rui's shoulders dropped. Ruth heaved a sigh and mumbled, "Doc… Wake up. That's called unrequited love. If I were in your place, I would have just enjoyed playing this game without much thought. Let Cali alone for now. Geez, you two are always together, anyway. Let her have some time alone doing things she wants."     

Ruth's words were like a block of ice being thrown at him.     

Rui, without him knowing, voiced out, "How come you can see my heart Ruth and Cali still can't?"     

Ruth rolled her eyes and said, "There are people with low EQ doc. You should know that as a psychiatrist. Cali unluckily has low EQ… Good thing she has a high IQ though since I have a low IQ but a very high EQ…"     

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