The Doctor Who Loves Me

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0The next day, Shane called Cali early in the morning to inform her that Kane had dropped out from the culinary art classes.     

"Don't worry too much about that dumbass. He just needs some time to take you out of his system. I told him earlier also not to follow you there and just help father and both brothers in the business, but that brute is too stubborn.     

I think his feelings for you turned into kind of an obsession, so right now he needs some help and to take a few sessions of counselling also this time, based on the result of his primary assessment.      

Rui already... I mean Dr. Dee has already recommended a reliable psychiatrist to help Kane. Cali please remember that no matter what happens, it's not your fault. It's all Kane's fault for not understanding your situation and your feelings for him as well. I will really give him a good beating once he's back home." Shane reassured from the other line.     

Cali and Shane talked a little more for a while before they said goodbyes and ended the call.     

"Ready to go?" Rui asked her when he came down to the living room where she was waiting for him.     

Cali nodded.     

"Are you okay?" Rui paused and questioned  noticing her dropped shoulders.     

Cali heaved a sigh and murmured, "Everyone keeps saying it's not my fault that Kane is in such a condition. I keep telling myself the same thing but why does my heart still feel so heavy?"     

It was true… Last night she could barely sleep because she was too worried for Kane. He was like a big brother to her who had always been by her side.      

He gradually became her shield from all the bullies in the school and protected her always. He was her best friend too and he mostly remained a dear brother to her in heart.     

Although Rui and Shane both had confirmed to her that Kane was getting excellent treatment and was in good hands… she still felt uneasy.     

Rui patted her head and said, "That's only natural sweetheart because you care for Kane and love him like your own blood brother. You can check his condition through Shane from time to time, talk to him also if he's a little more stable and he permits it. And go to see him after he's completely over you."     

Cali pouted her lips and murmured, "I hope he meets a good woman to be in his life soon."     

Rui chuckled and said, "he's still young and I'm sure he will meet the one for him as destined. After classes, how about we both go out and have some fun today?"     

Cali exhaled loudly and replied, "alright but for now let's go or we'll be late for school today."     

As usual Rui parked the car and Cali went out first and started running to her classroom. Cali looked at her wristwatch as she walked hurriedly because they were almost late already due to unexpected traffic on their way. She quickly changed into her cooking outfit in the locker room and rushed towards the classroom.     

"Ouch!" She cried as she bumped into a man's back while running absentmindedly.      

"Sh*t!" She unconsciously burst because she had dropped her mobile phone.     

"Oh, I'm so sorry…" she apologized to the man as she picked up her phone and all it's parts that separated from it due to the fall.     

The man helped her pick those up and said, "it's okay. I guess you're late and are in a hurry…"     

Without looking at the man, Cali chuckled and responded, "Yeah… Two more minutes for the class to start."     

Tha man handed her the last scattered piece and Cali thanked him, bowing her head twice before saying, "I have to go… Thank you again." Then she rushed towards her classroom.     

The man chuckled and murmured, "what a cute lady." He too then walked in the same direction behind her and luckily she was heading to the same direction as him for attending the classes as well.     

Rui entered the classroom just in time after quickly changing into his cooking outfit. Cali had already adjusted herself in her assigned area.     

Cali looked so cute in the uniform in white, with that apron and the hat, like what the chefs wore. Little did he know that he was not the only one sneaking glances at her at that time nor was he alone in thinking the same thing about her.     

Cali had raspberry red, almost shoulder length wavy hair that perfectly fit her sophisticated personality and adorable look. She also had an ash black eyes color that was too expressive wherever she darted her eyes anywhere and those natural red kissable lips of hers were really inviting and very enticing.     

Rui heaved a long sigh as he observed Cali. He already talked to Ruth and told her not to bother Cali about Kane since it was their personal matter and he was grateful Ruth fully understood without asking too much.     

Ruth told him that Kane apologized that night and instructed his driver to bring her back home that night. She no longer asked what happened because Kane looked devastated and like someone who you couldn't talk to at that time.     

Rui sighed as he thought of some more ways to help Cali forget about Kane's incident because he could still feel her weariness every once in a while.     

"We all have a new student with us joining today, and I want you all guys to welcome Edward," the professor called out the new student who introduced himself before them.     

Rui did not even notice him a while ago because he was too focused at monitoring Cali who sat a meter away from him.     

His face darkened when he followed Edward's gaze and noticed the man was staring at Cali's direction nonstop, as he introduced himself.     

'What the heck?!' Rui inwardly grunted because he instantly saw something alarming with the way, how that man looked at his wife.     

He suddenly thought if it would be okay to tell those men the truth about Cali's condition and mention his marriage with her to them in case they would try to woo his wife.     

It did cross his mind before about the possibility of some men wooing his wife at school that was also why he came up with an idea of enrolling at the same class with Cali.     

Kane, who knew Cali was already married, still pursued his wife then what more for men like Edward who did not know Cali were already married.     

If he opened his mouth about it then there would be a high possibility it would reach Cali and if Cali found out about it she would definitely go haywire.     

'Who wouldn't be if she found out I'm her husband and pretending to be her private doctor?' He mused followed by a curse, seeing that Edward often looked in Cali's direction even though he was back in his seat. He was already throwing several daggers at the man's direction.     

'She's my wife so back off!!!' He wanted to yell to that man's face but he could only do it inside his head.     

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