The Doctor Who Loves Me

I Got Triplets

I Got Triplets

0Week by week, time flew away and before anyone could know, it was already time for Yera's schedule for a caesarian operation. The couple were at Yang Globals' delivery room waiting for Yera to be moved to the operating room.     

Xander was restless while he held Yera's hand and muttered, "Don't be nervous, okay? I will stay with you and make sure everything is going well. We have all the best doctors to do this operation, so just relax and eve…"     

Yera chuckled, seeing how anxious Xander was. He looked like he was the one to go on the operating table to get opened. She pursed her lips, looked intently at him and said, "Shhh, darling. Relax… Look at yourself. You're more nervous than I am."     

Then she instructed with a grin, "Breathe in… Breathe out…"      

Xander followed because he felt like he would lose oxygen while waiting for the time Yera had to be moved in the operation room.     

Jane, Yera's obstetrician gynecologist, entered the room with a smile and said, "It's time Dr. Yera. We are going to move you to the operating room now…" Yera nodded and Xander exhaled while he followed as Yera's bed was moved.     

Dion was inside the operating room with Xander to take the video of the kids' delivery as requested by Yera.     

"Hey why are you so pale? I think you should better wait outside. Geez, did you really pass the medical exam?" Dion commented with a teasing grin.     

Xander's face crumpled, while he snorted, "Well it's different when it comes to family, okay, because it's Yera and our babies. I just can't help getting nervous."     

Dion patted Xander's shoulder and said, "Relax and don't worry. Soon you will hear your babies' cries, one by one…"     

The doctor began with the cesarean section, and Xander almost lost his balance when he realised how painful it would be for Yera when she regained consciousness. He didn't know how many times he held his breath, worrying for Yera and the pain that she would be in.     

Like Dion said, within 10 minutes of starting the operation he heard a loud cry.     

"Baby boy is out," Dion commented.     

"My little Bernard…" Xander lovingly gasped. He and Yera had decided to name their baby boy after his cousin Bernard. He watched as the nurse cleaned him up.     

Another loud cry and Xander excitedly looked at his tiny baby girl.     

"Oh, just like her mom, so pretty my little Yeng." He named her after Yera's mother.     

Then one more cry of the second baby girl… "My little Kanya!" he beamed, naming her after his mother.     

Dion shook his head followed by a grin looking at Xander who shifted his gaze from one baby to another while gasping at their cuteness and whispering praises and words of love for them.     

Then Xander walked towards Yera as soon as she was conscious and kissed her on her forehead and cheeks. "They are all so cute and gorgeous babies darling. Thank you for giving birth to my little sweethearts. I love you. You did great." Xander was very emotional and couldn't help but sniffed while tears rapidly fell from his eyes.     

They both then took photos with the babies near Yera before they transferred her to the recovery room.     

Dion wondered how they would manage three babies all by themselves. Xander insisted not to hire a babysitter, saying he could take care of the babies with Yera.     

"Good luck bro…" he whispered with a grin before going out to show the baby's photos and video to their family that were already inside Yera's suite room waiting for Yera.     

She was to be kept hospitalised for a few days, and time almost flew away. Yera received a lot of visitors in the next few days when she was still recuperating after her C-section in the hospital. One of them was her father-in-laws' sister with her daughter Keira.     

"Hahaha sis… See? I've got three grandchildren! You got twins, but I got triplets. Hehehehe." Senior Yang proudly burst, showing the babies to her sister.     

Mrs. Chan laughed out hard and commented, "Hey, stop that comparison. You make it sound like we two are competing on how many grandchildren we will have."     

Keira who sat beside Xander commented, "Uncle is boasting about his triplets grandchildren over and over again. He looks so proud and achieved. I can still recall him complaining a lot before because of your disorder, then when he found out I have twins he always said how he hoped he too could finally have even just a single grandchild."     

Xander chuckled and seconded, "Yeah, imagine how he was like my alarm clock. He even insisted that I download an app to monitor Yera's ovulation."     

Keira's eyes rounded and she laughed hysterically..     

Meanwhile, Yera just silently observed everyone with a smile. She could not believe that she herself was now a mother not only to one but to three cute little babies. Her Bernard, Yeng and Kanya.     

Tomorrow she would get discharged from the hospital with her babies. She stared at her husband and smiled. Xander was too excited and was even boasting himself to Dion, saying he would show Dion how to properly take care of the babies.     

Well, they would all very soon, going to witness how Xander Yang would actually become a house daddy apart from being a wife slave. His daughters would be the most pampered and spoilt kids in the family, supported by him all the time.      

Xander saw her staring at him, so he stood up from his seat and walked towards her.     

"Darling, do you need anything?"      

Yera shook her head, then muttered, "I already have everything, I am so blissful right now."     

Xander kissed her suddenly on her lips, and Senior Yang saw that.     

"Sis. I might soon have another triplets of grandchildren!" he burst, nuzzling his lips towards Xander and Yera who were being sweet with each other. Yera's face blushed while Xander said, "Don't worry that as soon as Yera recovered, I will again work hard to give you a basketball team."     

"See? That's my son! The Yang spirit!" Senior Yang boasted to his sister.     

"Don't worry, son. I will again be your alarm clock." Senior Yang added in a jest, making everyone inside the room laugh out loud.     

Xander's father then lovingly looked at his three grandchildren and said, "Little Bernard, look after and take care of your little sisters."     

Xander shook his head, listening as he whispered to his wife, "Look at dad… As if our babies can understand what he is saying already."     

"Shhh… Just let him be. He's so excited… See how happy father is." Yera lovingly commented. Her father-in-law was adorable. She bet he and Xander would even compete later on to stay with their babies often.     

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