The Doctor Who Loves Me

The More The Merrier

The More The Merrier

0At Yang Global's group conference room, two parties were completing the merging and joint venture of two hospitals, Yang Globals and Life Hospitals.     

Dion and Xander convinced the members of the board that the consolidations between two hospitals would offer benefits, technology sharing as well as research opportunities for the staff between the two giants, and would also benefit their consumers.     

"Congratulations bro," Xander extended his hand to Dion as soon as the signing of papers were done.     

Dion grinned and responded, "Congrats to you too, bro!"     

Then they took photos while others congratulated each party. After everyone was dismissed, Xander turned to Dion and said, "Come home at dinner. Mom and dad have asked you to stay there while Rizie is at Lim's villa."     

Dion nodded and replied, "I will go back to the office then go there directly."     

Then he bid Xander farewell and left.     

Soon it was dinnertime and Yera with her mom Liz handled the cooking of special dishes since both of them felt bored doing mostly nothing inside the mansion.     

The table was set already for dinner when Xander arrived, and shortly Dion also followed.      

Senior Sy felt so happy seeing Dion joining them all on their table for the first time. Then, suddenly, he voiced out, "Dion, son… How about you and Rizie stay here at Yang mansion? We have a lot of spare rooms and Liz could ask someone to renovate rooms if you prefer a much larger and a customize one? What do you say?"     

Mom Liz's eyes brightened and seconded, "That's a great idea."     

Then she looked at Dion and said, "The two mansions are so big and the more the merrier. If your family grows in number and you still wanna shift later, then you can always go back to Han mansion. Son, your father's suggestion is brilliant. That way I can look after all of my grandchildren every day!"     

Dion grinned, seeing how excited his mother was. He remembered her mentioning before if she would keep shifting between the both mansions weekly, so no wonder she was too excited about that idea since she did not have to move from one mansion to another every now and then."     

"Yeah, I also agree bro. You and Rizie should stay here. I am sure Rizie must be so bored of staying alone there while you're at work the whole day." Xander seconded and soon was followed by Yera, who also supported the idea.     

Dion chuckled and said, "I will ask Rizie about it then tell you mom what we decide."      

"Rizie surely will agree since I have heard her always complaining about being alone and your possessiveness for her and the baby." mom Liz nonchalantly mentioned that made Dion laugh.     

"You mean, she also complains to you about me?" he asked as he shook his head.     

"Well, I think she's complaining to almost everyone about you," Yera interrupted with a grin. Rizie complained to her also and said how jealous she was with her freedom, since she could freely do whatever she wanted, unlike Rizie.      

Yera grinned, thinking how easy it was to make Xander surrender in front of her and make him do anything she wants. So unlike Dion, who was strict with Rizie.     

'Poor Rizie…' she thought.     

"Hahaha… I guess we will expect a little Dion in her womb. I heard that it's normal for pregnant women to get easily irritated with a particular person or thing. Or sometimes it's the father who will experience morning sickness or other pregnancy symptoms on behalf of the wife." mom Liz commented.     

Most of them bantered and Dion was always the target during the entire dinner that he could not help but complain, "Maybe it's not a good idea to stay here or else I will be a victim of bullying."     

Because he was sure that his wife would join the rest in bullying him.     

Xander, who got up from his chair first after eating, walked towards him and patted his shoulder. "My poor brother. Come and let's leave these bullies alone here. Join me outside for a drink."     

"I will join you two as well. You go ahead first. Let's all have a man-to-man talk without the ladies." Senior Yang excitedly interrupted, and Xander nodded before leaving the dining area. Dion soon followed, and Senior Yang as well.     

Meanwhile, Yera and mom Liz went to the living area for dessert and to continue watching the drama series they had been following. They were at season two already of the series, and it was up to season five.     

Last time, they slept on the couch because they both could not check the time by marathoning the episodes. Both Xander and father got angry at them. Father scolded mom Liz more since she was the senior. So father James gave them a curfew in watching the television together in the living room.     

"Mom, I'm excited about Rizie… I will call her tomorrow to inform her of father's suggestion. I'm sure she would love to stay in here with us." Yera commented while she peeled some oranges.     

"Yeah do that dear. What episode did we end last night? I mean, before we fell asleep?" Mom Liz asked while she pressed the remote and scanned the episodes.     

Meanwhile, the men were at the garden with their beers and snacks while talking about the companies and merging.     

Senior Yang listened to his two sons exchanging ideas, and he could not help but feel proud of the two. God was so kind to his family. Yes, they experienced the storms in their life, but then it was true that God would not give such trials they could not handle and solve.     

And now, looking how everything was working well, he was very grateful. No one could foretell what the future holds but as long as his family were intact and together, like before, together, they would surpass everything.     

"Look at you two. Oh, I feel so proud having two sons like you guys," Senior Yang could not help but voice out. Xander chuckled while Dion's face blushed.     

"I really hope you and Rizie can stay with us, Dion. What are your hobbies, son? Do you enjoy playing golf?" Senior Yang asked.     

Xander listened while the two talked like a real father and son. He gained another brother, and he knew Dion was also longing for a father, though he grew up so well. He smiled on how Dion was still a bit timid in front of his father, but knowing his father's nature, he was sure the two would enjoy each other's company and would soon be closed with each other.     


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