The Doctor Who Loves Me

The Throne

The Throne

0"It has been proven that Xander Yang was the true heir and qualified leader of the Yue Clan." The council's representative announced, but Xander did not want to be the King of the clan and he refused to get involved in direct matters of the clan.     

"I was here to get justice for the blood spilled among my family and to make sure there is no more bloodshed. I always had my own small army and a team of security personnels that made my assassination difficult for even Yun, and I have no greed of power to run the world. I want to just live in peace with me and my family.      

Though I know I can not completely forsake my connection with the triad, I want to make it clear that I would never raise my claim as the leader of the Yue clan." Xander commented, and everyone in the room immediately understood what he meant was that he could keep in touch with the clan. Be one of the veto members for the important decisions to be taken, but would happily let the capable heir to the clan be the leader and become its king.     

Chad had tried to convince Xander to lead the Yue clan previously after the trial ended, but Xander had no desire to lead the group. All he wanted was for his family to remain safe and well intact.     

Leading the Yue clan would be a burden he did not dream to have. He had already experienced a lot of complications because of his connections to the clan, and if possible he only wanted to live a normal life with his wife and no longer get entangled with the running of the clan.     

"I would not plead for any rights as the leader of the Yue clan. I only have one request, and that is to change the filthy rules of the clan that have led to such bloodbath within the family and also to make stricter rules to not let any such thing happen ever again. And yes, I would be ready to contribute in making all these amendments." Xander directly requested.     

The councils accepted Xander's request and made this special arrangement for him and his family to be kept under the security of the Yue clan and be given special voting rights in the clan that would extend to his further generations.      

No one in the clan would be allowed to lay a hand on them and they would always remain a part of it, but not be involved in the running of the clan.      

But Xander must also humble down to help the clan in case some crisis arises and even lend a helping hand in running it, if ever any need arises and not abandon the clan of his mother completely.      

Everyone there agreed to those arrangements, and even Xander agreed to the last part of it. He knew his family and future generations were now safe forever, rather safer than they ever were before.     

Chad bore witness to it all and as promised, he further agreed that he would find the rightful heir of Yue Clan to end the tyrant ruling of King Marcus. The rightful heir should be Ester's grandson, and he already had a lead on him. Ester's grandson was alive, but who was he and where he was, had to be found out yet.     

While all those matters were being settled down in the courtroom, a man barged inside the court unhesitantly and introduced himself as Tyron, the right-hand man of Princess Raine.     

"Our princess has rescued Mr. Xander's wife, and she is now in the safe custody of the military under General Zach. Our Princess wanted to inform the great councils that we are very sorry for all the shame that Prince Yun had brought to the Mirage Triad.      

She hereby has promised to correct everything before King Marcus should wake up from his coma. We have already wiped out all of Yun's trusted and loyal men in connection to all the crimes he committed.      

The entire clan now has only the men who can be trusted by the Princess and even Mr. Yang. Please allow me to make a proposition from our Princess to ensure Xander Yang's lineage to be safe." Tyron solicited.     

Tyron heaved a sigh as he looked at the people inside the room. Raine already foretold Xander's view towards the throne. She helped Xander because she knew Xander would not be a hindrance for her to claim the leadership, unlike Yun.     

Before everyone, Tyron then went on and explained Princess Raine's proposition to salvage the current situation. The princess stated that her father was not aware about Yun's movements since he was in a coma and everything about the trial that happened would be fully confidential and not go further than the people in the courtroom.      

She would make sure that the trial would not reach the King's knowledge after he wakes up. To maintain peace and prevent unnecessary wars between the clans, the princess would make it look like Yun along with all his men died in a tragic battle with the military, that attacked because Yun was also responsible for the various crimes and a few terrorist attacks in country V.      

This trial and his final sentence should be concealed henceforth. Xander found it to be a good plan, so he immediately agreed. However, final decisions would come from the councils.     

"Why would we trust your words? The princess should face us herself in the first place! It's a disgrace that she is not showing herself before anyone!" one of the councils commanded after hearing Tyron's plan. None of them had ever met Raine in person at all.     

That time, Ester entered the room and said, "I vouch my life for this plan. Raine has her valid reasons for limiting her physical presence everywhere."     

She knew Raine well. Her niece could be stubborn all the time and her ways sometimes could be misunderstood largely by the people, but she trusted Raine, although Marcus was the one who raised and taught her.     

"Isn't this enough? I represent the Yue clan at this point as the sole rightful heiress to lead the group." Ester continued. She was also one of the rightful heirs to the throne.     

"Marcus is still in a coma but would soon wake up according to his doctors. We are all aware of my brother's temperament… And he will not be happy by how his brother died like that.      

Yun was the only one he trusted. We must ensure that peace prevails at the triad, so I agree to what princess Raine proposed. This is the best solution and we must make a decision at this moment now." she added after a careful thought.     

Everyone heaved a long sigh before they cast a vote among councils. In the end, princess Raine's plan was approved for peace and order amongst the clan and the civilians that got involved as well as Xander and his family.     

Everyone inside the courtroom who witnessed everything signed a contract that should any details or information leak about anything that happened in that courtroom, it would be answerable by their life alone.     

Ester then looked at Xander and said, "I would love to pay you a visit and your family as well as soon as everything is settled."     

Xander smiled and nodded. He could tell the longing for a family's warmth in those eyes.     

"Grandma… My home will always welcome you. I'm indebted to you as well for your great help in bringing justice while putting your life on the line." Xander spoke with full of gratitude.      

They managed to get all the evidence they needed because of Ester's help, which also included how Yun had stolen and shifted the corpses of his mother and Bernard's mother to Yue clan graveyard.     

"That is nothing my grandson compared to all the hardship we both had experienced because of Yun's greed and tyranny." Ester murmured with a grieved heart.     

Xander sighed and added, "Don't worry, grandma. We will soon find your grandson. Chad is a very capable man, and he always keeps his promise."     

Ester nodded while her face softened. She only hoped for peace as well… All she wanted now was to get united with her long lost grandson.     


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