Handsome CEO'S Bewitching wife

Public kiss.

Public kiss.

0"Oh my god, Xin Mei is here outside our shop and guess who is with her?"     


"Of course, her husband, Su Yuchen. You must see the chemistry between them. God, they were sizzling than any on-screen couple."     


"Yes, yes."     

Shopkeepers and their employees had come out on the streets to see Xin Mei and Su Yuchen. They wanted to admire this couple which had shaken the whole business world and film industry.     

Ignoring their glances, Su Yuchen and Xin Mei were enjoying their time with one another. Xin Mei had bought many small to big things from the local market, much to the protestation of Su Yuchen.     

"Mei, do you need to buy this skirt? I can buy you many branded ones." Su Yuchen looked at the skirt which was not of the standard of Xin Mei.     

"Stop acting like a rich man." Xin Mei scolded. "Besides, look at the design on this skirt. We cannot buy it in any mall. Let me buy it, please."     

And that please did it, Su Yuchen was paying for that skirt and many other things which Xin Mei wanted to purchase.     

Their interaction with one another was not hidden from their viewers who were enjoying small exchanges between them. The whole market was enjoying the interaction of Xin Mei and Su Yuchen as if they were watching a movie.     

"I am feeling so happy, Chen." Xin Mei took a spoon of ice-cream and smiled at Su Yuchen.     

Xin Mei was feeling very happy today. She was feeling happy to breath this city air after such a long time. She was happy to be here in the city market after a long time. She was happy to be among her fans, who so far were praising her pair with Su Yuchen.     

"I am sure, by tomorrow morning, we are going to be the headline of every news paper and channel." Su Yuchen chuckled.     

He stopped her wheelchair at the street shop where Xin Mei wanted to have a hot pot. He made a disgusted face at the open arrangement of hot pot shop before entering in with Xin Mei.     

He stopped her wheelchair in front of a table and took his seat on a spare seat beside her. He asked Li Si to order whatever Xin Mei wanted to eat.     

"You know Chen, hot pot of this shop is very delicious. I, Yan gege and He gege used to visit here often. We loved the hot pot of this shop very much."     

"I hope it's delicious because I have paid quite a huge amount to bring you here." Su Yuchen again looked around at her fans who were still clicking their photos.     

"Ignore them." Xin Mei smiled and placed her hand on his. "We are here to enjoy. So, let's enjoy."     

Su Yuchen nodded his head and gripped her hand. They both started to chat with one another, cracking jokes and laughing at them, making public awe looking at them.     

'I want a husband like Su Yuchen. Look at him. He is so rich but still, he is at this shop for the wish of his wife.'     

'He is such a doting husband, pushing her wife's chair by himself. I am sure if it was my husband, then he would have left me alone to push my wheelchair.'     

The public was continuously commenting on the chemistry of Xin Mei and Su Yuchen which made both of them smile. Su Yuchen was a little hesitant to be in public like this but he was liking their compliments.     

"Look at him and learn something." A wife, sitting on the next table to Su Yuchen and Xin Mei, scolded her husband. "He is wiping his wife's lips. Can you wipe my lips?"     

"Why should I? His wife is superstar Xin Mei, are you a superstar?" Her husband scowled and glared at Su Yuchen.     

On other side, Li Si who was guarding Su Yuchen, was shacking his head from time to time. He had already seen the way Su Yuchen doted on Xin Mei. And now, if he started to show the public display of affection then only god save all the men from the wrath of their wives.     

"Is this ice-cream is delicious? Do you want another cone?"     

After having a hot pot, Xin Mei and Su Yuchen made their way toward the ice-cream shop. By now, Su Yuchen had become comfortable with all the public attention which they were getting.     

"No, I am all good." Xin Mei licked her ice-cream. "Want to taste it?"     

"No." Su Yuchen shook his head and watched Xin Mei savoring her ice-cream.     

At that moment, he felt jealous of ice-cream which got lucky to be in the mouth of Xin Mei. He could imagine himself in her mouth. The moans leaving from her mouth were not helping him.     

He was hard and tight in his pants. He had not made love with her for the last two month and he knew he had to endure this love free life for the upcoming one more month.     

"It's still so delicious. You know, I used to finish five cones in a little time as a child. Ice-cream of this shop was my favorite."     

Su Yuchen smiled when he heard her and could remember Mian who was also a big fan of ice cream.      

"Chen, can you please lean down?"     

"Why? What happened?" Su Yuchen leaned down in front of her, at her level.     

"Can you come closer?"     

Su Yuchen knotted his brows in confusion but did what Xin Mei asked him to do. He got closer to her and the next second, he felt cold lips of Xin Mei against his.     

"What was that?" his voice was coated with surprise.     

"Didn't I tell you that I will be the one to give you our official first public kiss?" Xin Mei smirked and licked her ice-cream.     

"You..." Su Yuchen shook his head before wrapping his arms around her head and giving her a full mouth kiss, in the middle of the market, in front of the public and their cameras.     

Both Su Yuchen and Xin Mei kissed one another like no tomorrow. They did not care about the flashes of the camera.      

They were lost in their kiss!     

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