Handsome CEO'S Bewitching wife

Meeting unknown family members.

Meeting unknown family members.

0The arrival of her far away family acted as a headache for Xin Mei. She did not know half of the relatives from her mother's side of the family but still, she had to talk with all of them.     

"Xin Mei, you were so small when I had last seen you. Look at you now. You have become such a matured and beautiful lady." One of her aunts gushed.     

"And when did you say you saw me the last time?"     

"When you were five days old baby."     

Xin Mei rolled her eyes at her another aunt, she was not the first one who had seen her last time when she was only five days old, but many of her relatives had only seen her after her birth, never again.     

They did not know her but still, they wanted to make a relation with her. Of course, because she was a celebrity and married to Su Yuchen.     

"Xiao Mei, come here, come here, meet your aunt Han. She is my maternal uncle's daughter. I and she used to play a lot as a child." He Lin gushed and called for Xin Mei.     

Xin Mei groaned and rolled her eyes while looking at Su Yuchen and Xin Yan who shared a chuckle.     

"Troubles of being a superstar." She murmured under her breath and walked toward He Lin who introduced her to her another aunt.     

"Xiao Mei, you are so beautiful. More beautiful than on screen." Her aunt smiled and gave a notebook to Xin Mei. "When I told my friends and neighbors that I was coming here, they all asked me for your autograph. I hope you don't mind."     

Xin Mei forced a fake smile on her face and started to sign in the notebook. She looked behind herself where Xin Yan, Su Yuchen and Da Chun were sharing a silent chuckle at her expense.     

After giving her autograph, Xin Mei returned by the side of Su Yuchen and glared at him. "Laugh, laugh. Laugh as much as you want. You cannot help your wife in distress. You can only laugh."     

She groaned and Su Yuchen smiled. He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close.     

"Enjoy this buttering from your family. It's a rare occasion." Xin Mei rolled her eyes and huffed.     

"Su Yuchen is saying right, it's a rare occasion." Da Chun supported Su Yuchen and shared a laugh with Xin Yan.      

"Besides, you are lucky, at least everyone is asking about you. But look at me and Da Chun, no one is asking about us, even though we are soon to be married couple." Xin Yan commented and rolled his eyes.     

Only close relatives were invited to the engagement of Xin Yan and Da Chun as compare to the wedding of He Ye and Gu Nan. So, Xin Yan expected some blessings from the absent relatives but guess what, no one was interested in him, especially in Da Chun.     

They believed that Da Chun was not of their status so she did not deserve their respect. Hence, they were being rude to her or were ignoring her presence.     

This was not liked by Xin Yan but he was silent because he did not want to create any scene in the wedding of He Ye and Gu Nan, he understood they both would kill him.     

"Gege, you know humans. We all run after fame and success. So, it is no big deal if they are trying to butter me or Chen. You should not feel sad about them." Xin Mei chided and then looked at Da Chun. "Da Chun, don't mind that they are ignoring you or are being rude with you."     

"I don't mind them. I already expected such a reaction from others. I am happy that at least you and your family have accepted me with open arms." Da Chun smiled and gripped on the tense arm of her fiancé.      

"Besides, don't know when I will be meeting your relatives for the next time. So, I should not be affected by what they are talking about me."     

"That's my girl." Xin Yan lovingly pulled Da Chun close to himself making Su Yuchen and Xin Mei chuckle.     

"By the way Da Chun, we both are lucky to have Xin siblings in our lives, aren't we?" Su Yuchen raised his glass of juice to his lips.     

"Yes, we are," Da Chun grinned and kissed the cheeks of Xin Yan who kissed her back.     

"Guys, please get a room."     

"You are saying this as if you both don't kiss in public." Xin Yan glared at Xin Mei and again kissed the cheeks of Da Chun.     


"Yan'er, Xiao Mei come here, come here, meet your uncle Nian." He Lin called for Xin Yan and Xin Mei. They both groaned in displeasure and walked toward He Lin. Da Chun and Su Yuchen shared a chuckle upon seeing their state.      

"I am lucky that I have no big family like theres." Da Chun chuckled and looked at Xin Yan who was greeting his relatives with stiff node.     

"Same here. I am sure, otherwise, my relatives would have eaten me raw, for my money and power." Su Yuchen chuckled. He also looked at Xin Mei who was uncomfortably bouncing on her feet.     

"Su Yuchen, can I say something to you?"     


"You are so down to earth. I mean when I read about you from the newspaper I thought, you will be a monster or a cold-blooded man but you are nothing like those rich boys who are arrogant and egoistic. You are different."     

"Thanks for your praise, Da Chun." Su Yuchen chuckled. "Mei told me everything about you, and I must praise you. I must praise your courage. I know it's not easy for a girl to bear all the mental and physical torture by her family."     

"It was not easy for me too, but I have Xin Yan. He is very supportive to me."     

Su Yuchen smiled and nodded his head. "Remember, I have once told you to think me as your brother and I will say that again, think me as your brother. You can come to me whenever you feel the need."     

Su Yuchen smiled and looked at the lady in front of him. He did not know why, but he always saw Da Chun as his sister. Maybe he wanted to support this lady who looked so lost and broken sometimes.     

"Xiao Chun, Chen'er come here." He Lin called for them.     

"Now it's our turn." Su Yuchen murmured under his breath and Da Chun chuckled.     

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