Handsome CEO'S Bewitching wife

She is her sister.

She is her sister.

0Su Yuchen could not believe that fate could be something like this. Three months back, he got to know that he had a sister. Till the last day, he had no news about her and now, she was there standing in front of him.     

And on top of that, he knew who she was. Hardly an hour back, he had declared her as his sister.     

Can the world be so small?     

Can the theory of pale blue dot be true?     

Can he find his sister in the form of Da Chun?     

But how? Didn't she have a loving parent who passed away? Then how could she be his sister? How could she look so familiar to his mother!     

Su Yuchen had never seen a photo of his mother, nor he remembered how she looked. So, he did not know if Da Chun looked like his mother or not. But seeing the surprised expression on the face of Bai Yue and Su Lingtian, he knew she looked like his mother.     

"Bai Yue, control yourself. Please don't comment on anything regarding her look." Su Lingtian murmured in the ear of Bai Yue once Da Chun and Xin Yan came close to their seats.     

Xin Mei who knew Su Yuchen was searching for his lost sister placed a hand on his shoulder and smiled at him. He Lin and Xin Jin simply shrugged their shoulders thinking it to be a coincident.     

"Da Chun, meet them. They are the grandparents of Su Yuchen." He Lin officially introduced Da Chun to the elder Su couple. They met her for the first time, only to get shocked upon seeing the familiarities which she had with their daughter in law.     

Su Yuchen also looked at their expression and then at Da Chun, feeling a kind of discomfort. He looked at Xin Mei who smiled at him.     

"We can conduct a DNA test if you doubt she is your sister." Xin Mei leaned against his ears and whispered softy.     

"Will do." Su Yuchen nodded to her and again looked at Da Chun.     

Su Yuchen turned his attention away from Da Chun only when the wedding song started to play. Not only he, everyone turned their attention to the door from where the wedding couple entered the hall.     

Louds claps filled in the hall at the arrival of He Ye and Gu Nan who grinned widely and waved to their guests.     

"Do you also want a wedding like this?" Su Yuchen asked and looked at Xin Mei.     

"You know I did. But not anymore." Xin Mei smiled and leaned against his shoulder while watching all the ceremonies of the wedding.     


After the vows and kiss of He Ye and Gu Nan, it was the time for the dance and party. He Ye and Gu Nan got mingled with the guests where Su Yuchen pulled Xin Mei on the dance floor.     

"Finally, I can take you on the dance floor as my wife." Su Yuchen hollered and Xin Mei chuckled, dancing with him.     

They both danced with one another, burning the dance floor with their chemistry. And the cherry on the top was that Su Yuchen kissed Xin Mei at the end of the song. He grinned widely at his kiss where Xin Mei blushed scarlet.     

Party continued for late at night, where Su Yuchen and Xin Mei had their fun. Xin Mei also got a chance to get a strand of hair of Da Chun for Su Yuchen, so he could send it for DNA test.     

Su Yuchen also got a chance to discuss about the same with his grandparents. Bai Yue and Su Lingtian could not wait for the test to come positive and to find their long lost granddaughter in the form of Da Chun.     

Su Yuchen also got a chance to meet with the maternal grandmother of Xin Mei and to give her his thanks. He thanked her for saving Mian, for giving her the needed love and care.     

They left the hotel, late at night, after sending off all the guests and sending off He Ye and Gu Nan on their second honeymoon.     


After one week     

Su Yuchen looked at the reports in his hand with a huge smile on his lips. He could not believe that Da Chun was his twin sister. Xin Mei smiled and squeezed on his shoulder. Happiness was reflecting on her face and in her eyes.     

"I cannot believe she is my…" Su Yuchen trailed, feeling his throat heavy. There were unshed tears in his eyes.     

He again looked at the DNA reports which declared that he and Da Chun had a brother-sister relationship. He also looked at the investigation report of Da Chun which clearly stated that the parents of Da Chun had adopted her from a Ngo and that Ngo had found her in a whOre house.     

"She has suffered so much…" his voice was hoarse as he read the reports of the sufferance from the time her adopted parents died.     

"She has suffered, but now, you can take her suffering away. You can make her happy by being her brother. You can give her the love of the family, the name which she deserves."     

Su Yuchen smiled and nodded at her.     

"But first, we need to tell her about the same."     


On the evening of the same day, a meeting was organized at the Su residence, between Su family and Xin Family.     

Su Yuchen had already given a heads up to his grandparents and Su Zixin, to not act like crazy peeps at the arrival of Da Chun. Xin family was also informed about the fact, including Xin Yan expect for Da Chun.     

"Geez, I can't believe that I have a big sister. A big sister!" Su Zixin grinned and squealed in delight. There was an ear to ear grin plastered in his lips.     

"Su Zixin, I am again warning you to not act like a crazy in front of Da Chun, I don't want to scare her away with your attics." Su Yuchen pointed his finger toward him in a warning.     

"Don't worry brother. I will not act like crazy. I will wait for you to disclose this secret to her."     

Su Yuchen nodded and eagerly looked toward the gate of Su residence. He could not wait for the arrival of his sister. He could not wait to see her reaction once he would tell her that she was his sister.     

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