Handsome CEO'S Bewitching wife

First public appearance.

First public appearance.

0Two months flew away from the date of the accident of Xin Mei and she was recovering at a fast speed. She still had a plaster around her legs and hand but now they did not bother her much.     

She was happy with plasters as she got full rest and full pampering from her family and Su Yuchen, who were at her service twenty-four seven.     

For now, Xin Mei was living the life of a queen. She was enjoying the glory which she was receiving because of the success of the suspicious wife. She had thought her absence from the promotion of the movie or the role of Jiang Biyu would affect the movie but nothing like that happened.     

Meanwhile, she was also planning the wedding of He Ye and Gu Nan, and Xin Yan and Da Chun at a full force. She was utilizing all her free time in this planning.     

He Ye wanted a big, grand wedding. He wanted to invite whole of the city at his wedding, the stars under him and all his relatives, even far away relative to whom he had not met even once.     

Where Xin Yan wanted a wedding at a small scale, only close family members if possible and Da Chun wanted a destination wedding. Therefore, Xin Mei was planning their wedding in Paris. She was continuously sharing her plans with them and they were satisfied with her.     

She was also planning to use the shops which she had purchased in the mall to iric Song Daiyu. She wanted to use them for the girls from the talent institute whom she had met a few months back.     

She knew they had talent and the thing they needed was a business that she was going to provide to them. She already had the shops designed and now she only had to inform the head of talent institute about the same.     

Meanwhile, Su Yuchen was searching for his sister in full force.      

Yes, his sister. He had confirmed from the hospital that he had a sister. His team was able to find the birth certificate of his sister, looking at which he had cried.     

He had also confirmed the same with his grandfather. Su Lingtian was shocked upon knowing that Su Xinyi was alive and had confessed that Su Yuchen truly had a twin sister.     

"Your mother asked me to not tell you about your sister. She was afraid that you will break down upon knowing you had a sister whom your mother could not protect."     

From then, he had appointed a special investigation team who was focusing only on searching his twin sister. Su Yuchen knew it was not easy because they did not have any clue, not even an idea of how she looked.     


"Mei, it seems that your legs are doing fine. Do you feel any pain in here?" Su Yuchen looked at the legs of Xin Mei and thanked the nurse who had just changed the plaster.     

"Nah, I don't feel any pain." Xin Mei grinned and gave her hand to Su Yuchen. "Now help me on the wheelchair. I can't wait to go out of the house with you."     

Su Yuchen chuckled and carried her in his arms. He placed her on her wheelchair.     

Xin Mei was staying at her home from the time of her accident which had made her bored. She was bored like hell. She wanted to go out and for that, she had bugged Su Yuchen. They had a small argument before Su Yuchen agreed to take her out.     

"I can't wait to go out after so long." Xin Mei stretched her left arm and then directed her wheelchair toward the elevator.     

Su Yuchen was following behind her. "Now I am regretting that I bought this automatic wheelchair for you. I can't help you in pushing your wheelchair."     

Xin Mei chuckled and entered inside the elevator with Su Yuchen on the toe. "You can. You know I am not taking an automatic wheelchair for the walk." She grinned and then squealed. "Oh my god, I can't believe that I am giving my first public appearance with you."     

Su Yuchen grinned and placed his hand over hers.      

Their first public appearance as a married couple!     

That was the reason he agreed to take Xin Mei out of his house. He also wished to give a public appearance with her. He wanted to show off his love for Xin Mei in public.     


In his Macbeth, Su Yuchen took Xin Mei to the city market. The city market was the local market of the city and in the opinion of Xin Mei, it was the place with the most delicious food in the city.     

Xin Mei had not visited this market from the time she had entered the film industry. But today, she wished to visit here. She wanted to spend one day in her city like the old days.     

"You sure you want to go in here?" Su Yuchen asked, parking his car in the parking lot. "What if your fans get rowdy?"     

"I am sure they will not. Besides, don't you have your guards following after us."      

Xin Mei raised her eyebrow!     

"Now help me out of the car. I can't wait to explore these streets, again."     

Su Yuchen took a long breath and stepped out of the car. He opened the trunk of the car and retrieved a normal wheelchair, the one which would need him to push it.      

He walked toward the car door of Xin Mei and opened it. He helped Xin Mei from the car and made her comfortable on the wheelchair.     

"Feeling comfortable?" he asked and adjusted her legs in the wheelchair.     

"Very much."     

Su Yuchen started to push the wheelchair toward the market. Luckily, it was not crowded today because of the weekday.      

"Mei, we are already getting a lot of attention. You sure you want to stay here for long?" Su Yuchen murmured when he noticed how many passers-by had already caught onto them.     

"Yes, I want to stay longer." Xin Mei wobbled her head with a huge grin and gave pose to her fans who were clicking her photos.     

"And here I thought, you don't want your photos on a wheelchair."     

"Didn't you say that I look cool on the wheelchair? So why can't my fan have a photo of me on the wheelchair." She threw a grin toward him before again giving smiles to her fans.     

Su Yuchen sighed and kept pushing the wheelchair of Xin Mei, further in the market, toward the shops of street food.     

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