Handsome CEO'S Bewitching wife

New year

New year

0It didn't take much longer and the new year was already there. To celebrate the new year, Bai Yue had decided to throw a family dinner with the Su family and the Xin family.     

To celebrate the new year, Xin Mei and Su Yuchen arrived at the Su residence, one evening before the new year, to spend some time with their grandparents.     

"Xiao Mei, Chen'er, I am so happy that you both are here." Bai Yue squealed when she saw Xin Mei and Su Yuchen. "Now go and place your luggage in your old room then come back. Tian had arranged for the barbeque in the garden."     

Xin Mei and Su Yuchen nodded their heads. They made their way toward the old room of Su Yuchen. There they placed their small duffel bag which had their clothes for tomorrow.     

They got freshen up and reached downstairs where Su Lingtian was waiting for them. He slapped on the back of Su Yuchen and asked him to help him in preparing for the barbeque.     

"You are not going to help them," Bai Yue pulled back Xin Mei who was about to go and help Su Lingtian and Su Yuchen. "It's a tradition in our house, a day before new year, it's boys who prepare the dinner. So, let them do their work."     

Xin Mei nodded her head and walked toward the couch where both ladies took their seats and started to gossip. Bai Yue was the one excitedly gossiping, telling Xin Mei about all the fun which she was doing when visiting the orphanage.     

Xin Mei smiled when she heard her. Xin Mei herself failed to visit the orphanage regularly but Bai Yue was visiting there at a regular interval, nearly every day.     

Bai Yue also took some gossips from Xin Mei about her life in the film industry.     

When talking, Bai Yue coughed and Xin Mei rushed toward the kitchen and gave some water to Bai Yue. She also gently scolded her. Xin Mei also placed some pillow behind Bai Yue to give her back some rest.     


"Xin Mei, grandma, you can come out now." Su Yuchen informed them before again going out in the small balcony where a small barbeque was set.     

Xin Mei stood up from her seat. She wore her coat and shawl and made Bai Yue wore one. They both walked out of the living room and looked in the garden where it was snowing.     

The four of them had their dinner while enjoying the snow and cold weather. Xin Mei gave a thumbs up and praised the barbeque skills of Su Yuchen. Su Yuchen smiled and praised Su Lingtian who was his mentor.     

Later, they played rounds of Go, Chinese chess. Su Lingtian and Bai Yue played against one another where Xin Mei helped Su Lingtian and Su Yuchen supported Bai Yue.     

"Grandpa, we can beat both," Xin Mei looked at Su Lingtian and nodded her head with determination.     

"You can't win. My Chen'er here is best in Go." Bai Yue teased.     

"Grandma, I have learned from him only. I have also given him defeat. Tonight also we will give defeat to you."     

Xin Mei glared at Su Yuchen with challenge and Su Yuchen merely smiled.     

Both teams started to play the game.     

Whenever the team of Xin Mei and Su Lingtian won any round, Xin Mei poked her tongue out and teased Su Yuchen. Su Yuchen was ready to lose every round to see that cute reaction of Xin Mei.     

"Tian, look at Su Yuchen. He has fallen so badly for Xiao Mei. He is not concentrating on the game so she can win. Tsk, tsk, tsk…." Bai Yue teased with poker face and Su Yuchen and Xin Mei blushed hard in shyness.     

They played the game till late at night till Su Lingtian and Bai Yue became tired. After sending them to their room, Xin Mei and Su Yuchen made their way toward their room.     

"Chen, what are you doing? You can't make love to me here." Xin Mei rebuked and slapped his hand. "What if grandma or grandpa heard us?"     

"You are acting as if they don't know we do all this." Su Yuchen rolled her eyes. "Besides, the walls of this house are sound proof. So chill. Now let me love you. I am hungry from last one week."     

Su Yuchen carried Xin Mei in his arms and laid her down on the bed. Before she could protest, he started to kiss all over her face and soon she lost herself in his warm embrace.     


"Xiao Mei, I know the walls are sound proof but that doesn't mean you are allowed to yell extra loudly." Xin Mei blushed hard when she heard Bai Yue.     

"Stop blushing like that. Don't forget we were also young. Let me tell you a funny incident." Bai Yue gushed and told Xin Mei about how she and Su Lingtian had gone for some wedding. Before going, Bai Yue had teased Su Yuchen and the result was that, during the wedding, they both were locked inside a public toilet, making love with one another.     

"I heard someone is speaking about our love life." Su Lingtian teased and entered the dining room. He took his seat beside Bai Yue and kissed her lips. Xin Mei blushed and ducked her face.     

Su Yuchen also entered the dining room and kissed the lips of Xin Mei. Xin Mei blushed scarlet and ducked her face in shyness.     

"I told you, these Su's knows how to show off their love in front of others." Bai Yue chuckled and ate the muffin which Su Lingtian placed in front of her mouth.     

Su Yuchen also did the same with Xin Mei and she shook her head.     

After having their breakfast, everyone made their way toward the kitchen to prepare lunch and dinner.     

Su Lingtian and Bai Yue had given five days break to all the staff members so they could celebrate their new year with their family. Therefore, Su Yuchen and Xin Mei decided to cook lunch and dinner for everyone.     

"Why are you not letting me help you?" Bai Yue pouted and glared at Xin Mei and then at Su Yuchen.     

"Grandma, you should rest. Let Mei and me cook the food. I am sure you will love the food cooked by our hand."     

"Yes, grandma, you should rest or if you want, you can give orders to us."     

Bai Yue pouted and looked at Su Yuchen and Xin Mei. She knew they would not let her inside the kitchen. So, she sighed and raised her hands in surrender.     

Bai Yue and Su Lingtian took their seats on the chair behind the kitchen island and watched Su Yuchen and Xin Mei who prepared food like experts.     

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