Handsome CEO'S Bewitching wife

The flying women.

The flying women.

0The studio of the flying women was set outside of the city, nearly a hundred miles away from the centre of the city, near the river and ocean.      

The studio was set at a large level with a simulation of an airplane where most of the filming of the movie was going to take place.     

On the first day of the shoot itself, director Zhang put a lot of pressure on Xin Mei. He made her act very hard. He gave her many retakes. He wanted her acting to be very dominating.      

Not only because it would be officially her first movie but also because he wanted his mother's movie to be the best. He wanted this movie to beg many awards and now with the support of Heritage, he hoped that his dream would come true.     


By the time Xin Mei was done with the filming for the day, it was already one in the night. She was hell tired. She did not know how she was going to travel back home. She did not even know if she would get a hotel to stay at this hour of night.     

Before coming on the sets, she did not realise that it would be so far away from her home and she would need to travel a long distance.     

'Mei, I am waiting for you at the parking.' Xin Mei smiled tiredly when she read the message of Su Yuchen. He must have travelled to meet her.     

She walked towards the parking and tiredly threw herself in the arms of Su Yuchen.     

"I am so tired, Chen. I do not have any power to do anything. Take me home, or hotel will be better. I do not know how I am going to travel to sets. I think I will be staying at the hotel for the time being." She informed him.     

Su Yuchen directed her towards his car. He helped her in taking her seat on the passenger seat. Xin Mei sighed once her head touched the headrest. A painful moan escaped from her mouth.     

Su Yuchen felt sad when he saw how tired she was. He knew she would give her full to this movie.     

"Stop looking at me. Take me somewhere. I want my bed."     

"I am taking you home, Mei." He informed her and gently combed her hairs with his fingers.     

Su Yuchen started the car and made his way towards home.     


Xin Mei was shocked when Su Yuchen halted the car in within five minutes. She frowned and looked out from the window to find a mansion that was not theirs.     

"Don't tell me that you have purchased a mansion near my sets, so I don't need to do up and down from the city." She looked at him with wide eyes filled with shock. "You don't need to waste so much money for me. Our mansion is hardly at two hours' drive."     

"You are forgetting the traffic, Mei. I think if you stay near your set then it will be best for you. This way, you will not feel so tired."      

Su Yuchen stepped out from the car and made his way towards the passenger seat. He opened the door for Xin Mei.     

"Besides, I have not purchased this mansion. It belongs to grandpa. I have taken permission from him to stay in this mansion."     

"Oh." Xin Mei nodded her head with realization.     

"If grandpa has this mansion then why don't Su Zixin stay here or somewhere else? Why had he stuck himself to us like a third wheel?"      

"Only he knows. I have pampered him badly and now I can't even kick him out."     

Xin Mei chuckled when she heard him and made her way towards the mansion. Su Yuchen opened it for Xin Mei and Xin Mei was surprised to see that the mansion was all ready for her stay.     

"I was already aware that the set would be far from the city. So, I got this mansion ready beforehand."     

Xin Mei nodded to Su Yuchen and again smiled at his thoughtfulness. He was always two steps ahead of her. He cared about her the way no one could, not even her.     


So, it was decided that Xin Mei was going to stay in this mansion of Su Lingtian which was only a five-minute drive from the sets. Su Yuchen also shifted with Xin Mei. He decided to work from home or travel back and forth to the office because he would not be able to bear the absence of Xin Mei from his arms and house.     

After three days, Xin Mei was introduced to the male lead opposite her. She was shocked to see that it was none other than Tang Min.     

Tang Min grinned widely when he saw Xin Mei where Xin Mei groaned.      

Was director Zhang stuck with pairing her with Chen Bai or Tang Min?     

"Hey Xin Mei, here we are, again, but this time as a lead pair. I hope we will have a good time and maybe I will be able to change your mind about me." Xin Mei groaned when she heard him.     

Why was Tang Min sticking to her like a parasite?      

Hadn't she rejected him only two weeks back? Then why was he still trying his chance with her?     

"Look Tang Min, I didn't say it in front of everyone but I have someone in my life. And I am very, very serious about him. I will not leave him for anyone. So back off. I am sure you will not like to come under the radar of my man." She declared with anger in her voice.     

"Xin Mei, stop lying. I know you…."     

"I am not lying." Xin Mei cut him off. "Even if I do not have someone, I will never have a man like you as my lover, a man who changes his girlfriend with his every movie. So back off."     

And with that, Xin Mei ignored Tang Min and walked pass him. Tang Min looked at her back with determination. He thought, eventually Xin Mei would have a breakup with her love. Then he would have her.     

But if only he knew!     

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