Handsome CEO'S Bewitching wife

*Some more conditions!

*Some more conditions!

0Su Yuchen glanced at Xin Mei who was still trying to hide her lips from him. He sighed and glared at his brother who dared to rub salt on his wounds.     

"Wifey," he walked toward Xin Mei and tried to wrap his arms around her when she immediately shifted away from him. "Don't worry, I'm not going to kiss you. At least let me hug you, a parting hug."     

Xin Mei removed her hands from her mouth and let Su Yuchen hug her. Su Yuchen took her in his arms and hugged her lightly, taking care of not to wrinkle her dress.     

"Wifey, I will miss you the next few days." He gently caressed her cheeks.     

"I will miss you too. Now stop reminding me that you will be going away. Otherwise, I will cry and I don't want to spoil my makeup."     

Su Yuchen chuckled when he heard her. "Take care of yourself when I am gone, ok? I am leaving guards for you. You can call them if you need them."     

"You don't need to worry about me. You finish your meeting quickly and come back home."     

"Both of you, if you are done with your emotional and boring drama, we should leave. We are already late. I don't want to miss my special walk on the red carpet." Su Zixin who was witnessing their romantic antics grumbled irritably.     

Su Yuchen sighed and stopped hugging Xin Mei. He did not want to be away from her. Now he can't see her for next four days.     

"Su Zixin, now my wife is in your care. Act as a shield if they is any need. Don't let any men get close to her." Su Yuchen spoke with a warning in his voice.     

"Don't worry brother. I will not let any man approach sister in law." Su Zixin spoke seriously. He glanced at Xin Mei and could understand why his brother was afraid of.      

"Any man should include you too." Su Yuchen walked toward him and adjusted his tie. Su Zixin remembered the warning from before and nodded his head.     

"Help her in making new contacts."     

"I will."     

"And yes, don't let her drink. She is not a good drinker." Su Yuchen glanced at Xin Mei who flushed in embarrassment, again remembering that night.     

"Yes, brother."     

"Remember to follow my orders brother, otherwise…."     

Su Zixin looked at the hand of his brother, which rested on his tie. He could again feel the sweat on his forehead.     

"Don't worry brother. Sister in law will be perfectly fine. I will not let anyone touch her. I will also not let her drink."     

Su Yuchen nodded in acknowledgement, pulled out his car keys, and gave it to Su Zixin. Su Zixin looked at the car keys with gleaming eyes.     

"Bro, you are great. You always know what I need. I was recently thinking that my car is getting older. I wanted to buy a Bugatti and look at you, you are always ahead of me like usual."     

"Don't be so happy Zixin. I bought it only because I want my wife's arrival to be memorable, I didn't buy it for you." Su Yuchen teased.     

"Brother, stop teasing me." Su Zixin protested before giving Su Yuchen a tight hug. Su Yuchen chuckled and patted on his back. "You are the best as usual. I am lucky to have you as my brother."     

"Now stop buttering me up. You are getting late." Su Yuchen reminded him.     

"Oh yes!" Su Zixin stopped with the hug. He picked up his coat with one arm and held out his other arm for Xin Mei. "Sister in law, let's go."     

Xin Mei walked toward him and looped her arm through his. She smiled and waved toward her husband. He smiled when he saw the pearly smile on her lips.     

"Both of you enjoy your day."     

"We will."     

Su Yuchen watched them leave the house before calling Huang Chu. Huang Chu entered in the living room after a minute.     


"Huang Chu, send two best shadow guards to keep a lookout on Xin Mei. I do not want any man to even look at her. You know about the type of scandals that happen in and after the award show."     

"Will do, Boss." Huang Chu replied and immediately called the Head of Security.     

"Boss, Guard Red and Guard Blue are sent to guard after missus." Su Yuchen nodded when he heard who were guarding his wife.     

"Have you finished with arrangements for my honeymoon?"     

"Boss, arrangements are done. Every detail was done according to your instructions."     

"Email it to me."     

"Yes, Sir."     

Su Yuchen lips curved up at the thought of his honeymoon. After two weeks, he would take his wife on a romantic honeymoon. He wanted to make it so memorable that she would nostalgic about it, her whole life.     

He personally planned everything, the place of their honeymoon, the locations they will be traveling to…he had planned everything down to the last detail. Huang Chu was only responsible executing his plans.     

'Wifey, I am sure you will love the surprise I prepared for you.' he thought with a gentle smile on his face.     


Grand Villas Palace, one of the biggest hotels in the city was crowded by a lot of fans who were eager to get a glimpse of their favourite stars who were entering in the hotel where the award show was taking place.     

One after another, the cars were stopping in front of the hotel and many celebrities from the film industries were stepping out of their cars. The streets around the hotel were also crowded with fans and their cheering could be heard from a long distance.     

"This time it is more crowded than the last year." Xin Mei commented when she looked out of the window.     

They were still quite far away from the hotel but they could hear loud cheers of fans. They could also see the lights using which the hotel was decorated. Laser lights lighted up the sky in the surrounding area.     

"That is true," Su Zixin added. He was carefully and slowly manoeuvring the car. "I guess, this year the show was promoted well by the organisers."     

Su Zixin then looked at Xin Mei who was playing with her fingers. "Xin Mei, nervous about walking on the red carpet?"     

"A little," she replied truthfully. "I always entered through the back door. It will be the first time that I will be walking on the red carpet. So, I'm a little nervous."     

"Don't be nervous." Su Zixin tried to console her. "You have always given strategic advice to Zhou Mingyu and now it's your turn to follow those advices.     

Xin Mei nodded her head and took few long and deep breaths. She looked out at the fans who were yelling the name of their favourite stars.     

"Look, look, it is our goddess Zhou." Fans screamed in delight when they saw Zhou Mingyu stepping out of her car.     

She gave a gloating smile and posed in front of her fans who were clicking her photos. She was accompanied by Qian Fan. She wrapped her arms around his and waved toward her fans. She walked toward fans and was about to click a photo with one of them when all the fans ran towards another car approaching the red carpet.     

"Chen Bai, it's Chen Bai."     

"He is here. We can finally get a glimpse of our husband."     

All the fans who were earlier fawning over Zhou Mingyu rushed in the direction of the car from which, Chen Bai was stepping out.     

Zhou Mingyu looked at the direction of Chen Bai with a black face. Her face blackened even more when she saw Xin Mei who was holding onto the arm of Chen Bai.     

Qian Fan also stiffened beside her. He looked at Xin Mei who was looking very beautiful. He regretted that he let her go and chose Zhou Mingyu instead.     

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