Handsome CEO'S Bewitching wife

*Last days in film industry!!

*Last days in film industry!!

0 Xin Mei looked at the delicious spread with wide eyes; she walked towards it and filled her plate. She took her seat and started on the food.     

"You cooked today?" Xin Mei teased Su Zixin who was sitting opposite to her.     

"Umm, no. How can you think I prepared the food? Are you forgetting I can't cook ?"     

"But, I thought you had learnt some skills while staying in states." Xin Mie said shrugging her shoulders and took a bite of food. A mocking smile was on her lips. "By the way, why did you not wake me up? I could have cooked for us."     

"I wanted to wake you up but brother did not let me. He didn't want your precious sleep to be disturbed." Su Zixin  air-quoted the words of Su Yuchen.     

Xin Mei got a vivid flashback when she looked at Su Yuchen. She shook her head to shoo away all those memories.     

They both had their food in silence. When Xin Mei was just about to be done with her food her phone rang with a call from Su Yuchen.     

She froze when she saw caller's name. What was she going to do now? How was she supposed to talk with him after her drunken boldness?     

"Why aren't you picking up the call?" Su Zixin asked when he saw Xin Mei was hesitating to pick up the call.     

"I am waiting for you to leave the table before answering the call of my dear husband." Xin Mei quickly made an excuse.     

Su Zixin shrugged his shoulders, believing her excuse. As to not disturb the lovebirds, he left the table and went to the kitchen with his plate.     

"Hello." Xin Mei answered the call after taking a deep breath; praying Su Yuchen would not embarrass her by reminding her of last night.     

"Wifey," Su Yuchen spoke in gentle voice. Su Yuchen smiled when he heard the voice of Xin Mei.     

"Did I wake you up?" he asked because she had not picked up her phone even after so many rings. He was afraid that her ringing phone had woken her up.     

"No, I am already up. What are you doing now? Arrived at country C?" she asked, glad at Su Yuchen who did not ask her about yesterday' embarrassing incident.     

"Yup, I reached nearly eight hours back. I already finished one meeting."     

"Already?" Xin Mei asked in surprise.     

"Yes, I want to finish all my meetings as soon as possible so I can return home to my wife. I have to fulfill her wish from last night." He teased.     

Xin Mei blushed when she heard him. Not only was a minute ago she was glad he forgotten, but now she wants to slap herself for being so uninhibited.     

"Stop teasing me. Otherwise, I won't talk to you. I can't hold my liquor, I know that." Xin Mei muttered angrily. Su Yuchen chuckled heartily when he heard her.     

The clients who were standing or talking around Su Yuchen were shocked when they heard him laugh. They never thought that the cold and heartless CEO Su Yuchen could laugh like that.     

"Ok, ok, I won't tease you anymore. I don't want to anger you." Su Yuchen stopped laughing. Then sadness appeared in his eyes and he spoke seriously, "Wifey, I miss you. This is the first time I do not want to attend an international meeting. I want to come home to you."     

"I also miss you." Xin Mei confessed. She indeed missed him. It was as if a part of her soul was not with her, now that he was away from her.     

"Don't worry wife. I will return as soon as possible. I will try my best to conclude all the meetings before time."     


They both stayed silent for some time. They both were enjoying the solace on hearing each other's breath.     

"Have you eaten your lunch?" Su Yuchen broke the silence.     

"Yup, Su Zixin had ordered takeouts. We both ate it."     

"Take-out? Why didn't he cook himself? Doesn't he know take-out isn't any good for a person with a hangover?" Su Yuchen groaned angrily.     

"Are you for real? You want Su Zixin to cook for me? I am sure takeout is much better than food he would make. He is the worst cook in the whole country! I thought he had learned to cook in states but Nah…."     

Su Yuchen chuckled when he heard her. What she said was true. His brother was born with a golden spoon in his mouth. He only knew how to be spoiled. He never knew about the word called responsibility.Su Yuchen decided it was time teach him about the same.     

Xin Mei and Su Yuchen talked for sometime before Su Yuchen hung up as he was again called for some meeting. Xin Mei sighed and went to the kitchen to do the dishes.     


After their lunch, both Su Zixin and Xin Mei occupied separate couches in the living room. They started to scroll through their social media accounts.     

"Su Zixin, look, look, we have become the talk of the town. Everyone is praising us. They are saying we look good together."     

Xin Mei showed her mobile to Su Zixin. Unlike last night, now fans were praising Xin Mei. They did not want Su Zixin to leave their fan base.     

To add in, Heritage Entertainment had posted an official announcement that Chen Bai was playing the role opposite to Xin Mei. A photo was also posted in which chemistry of Xin Mei and Chen Bai could be seen.     

Xin Mei smiled brightly when she saw all the articles were having positive comments about her.     

Xin Mei then looked at the trending topics, which were filled with news about Zhou Mingyu.     

"Zhou Mingyu, a real Queen bee of film industry or a fake, hiding her true self?"     

 "Had Zhou Mingyu used the skills of her friend to become the best actress?"     

"Zhou Mingyu a hypocrite- said something in an interview and a opposing statement when receiving the award."     

"Zhou Mingyu an actress with zero IQ and EQ?"     

"Views of Zhou Mingyu on managers, she is such a disgrace to her manager who works hard for her?"     

"Was Zhou Mingyu drunk last night that she sprouted nonsense?"     

The above articles had been supported by the videos of her interview where she first had displayed her haughty attitude after winning the award, her winning speech and her interview about mangers. People had also compared her with the interview video of Xin Mei.     

 They were comparing their personalities and their IQ's.     

In some articles, Zhou Mingyu was slandered very badly. She also received negative comments from other stars who felt bad that Zhou Mingyu did not appreciate their acting the way they expected from their seniors. Managers were also slandering her including the fans of other stars.     

Fans of Zhou Mingyu were trying to save her but it was of no use.     

On other side, interview video where Xin Mei claimed that she had always demonstrated a role for Zhou Mingyu to act also went viral. It got many views and comments. Fans of Zhou Mingyu slandered Xin Mei but many stars who had worked with Zhou Mingyu were supporting Xin Mei, especially the ones who were offended by Zhou Mingyu.     

One of the stars uploaded a video on her Weibo account. 'Video was of the time where Xin Mei was demonstrating the scene to Zhou Mingyu.' She was captioned the video with,     

"I was always envious of senior Zhou. She had such a hardworking manager who always used to demonstrate each and single scene to her. With such a manger, anyone could become a star."     

After her, many stars had posted how they were also jealous of Zhou Mingyu where Xin Mei helped her in preparing for her role.     

"Zhou Mingyu, count down to the last days in the film industry has begun" Xin Mei laughed out loud when she saw how badly Zhou Mingyu was slandered on online platform. Her reputation simultaneously went down the drain.     

Dooms days of Zhou Mingyu had started!       

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