Handsome CEO'S Bewitching wife

Our wedding.

Our wedding.

0"Su Yuchen, where are you taking me?"      

Xin Mei wiggled her brows and looked at Su Yuchen with irritation. He was taking her somewhere in secret and he was not ready to tell her the place.     

"Don't glare at me. I am not going to fell for your act this time." Su Yuchen smirked and pushed Xin Mei toward the passenger seat of the car.     

Xin Mei groaned and wished to throw a tantrum like a baby.     

After two days was their wedding anniversary and on the occasion of their wedding anniversary, Su Yuchen was taking her somewhere. He had created a curiosity in her by telling her that she would love the surprise which he was planning for their anniversary but he was not ready to tell her anything about the same surprise, or the place where they were going right now.     

Xin Mei was excited for the surprise which he was planning for her but she did not like this suspense, not at all.     

"Come on, tell me."     

"Mei, you will know. We will be at our destination in hardly one and a half hours." Su Yuchen gave her a pointed look.     

Xin Mei grumbled but shut her mouth. She picked her mobile and started to look at her social media accounts. She smiled when she saw messages from her fans who were already wishing her anniversary.     

She grinned when she saw the nomination list of the various award shows and saw her name in them. Again, she was nominated as best actress in many movies.     

"Stop looking at your mobile. Look outside. I am sure you will love the beautiful view. I can also bet that you will start to recognize the place where I am taking you."     

Xin Mei again grumbled and placed her mobile aside. She lifted her head and looked out of the window. Her eyes went wide when she saw the familiar and beautiful scenery.     

"Are we going to city B?" She asked, surprise and curiosity was there in her voice.     

"Yes, I am." Su Yuchen grinned.     

"Wow." Xin Mei smiled and leaned against her chair. "I am surprised. This place holds so many beautiful memories for me."     

"For us." Su Yuchen took her hand in his and squeezed it gently. "This is the place where we were officially introduced to one another for the first time. This is the place where we kissed and probably, this is the place where I fell for you." This is the place where I saw my Mian after a long time.     

Xin Mei smiled and blushed upon hearing him. She squeezed his hand and looked ahead at the beautiful scenery.     


They arrived in city B after a drive of one and a half hours. Xin Mei looked out from the window with unbelievable eyes, not believing that the city had changed so much, with developed roads and all.      

"City B has changed."     

"It has. Didn't I tell you that I am working on developing City B? Now, city B is one of the most famous tourist spots."     

Su Yuchen slow down the car and took Xin Mei on a drive to the newly built tourist spots of city B which included sunset point, beautiful orchids, zoo, and seven-star resorts.     


Su Yuchen smiled with happiness upon seeing the happiness reflecting in the eyes of Xin Mei. She was happy at the development of city B. He wanted nothing more.     

He slowly drove his car and stopped it in front of the castle cum resort where they had stayed during their first visit in the city B, the palace where a portion of revenge was filmed.     

"Want to recall our memories on our wedding anniversary?" Xin Mei teased.     

"You can say something like that." Su Yuchen shrugged and stepped out from the car. He padded toward the car door of Xin Mei and opened it for her.     

Xin Mei stepped out from the car and held on the extended arm of Su Yuchen. She was feeling giddy to be back at this place after a long time.     

"So much has changed in these two years, so much." She mumbled and entered the resort only to felt surprised to see her family and friends.     

"What are they doing here?" she looked at Su Yuchen with question and surprise in her eyes.     

"Shouldn't parents and friends be present at our wedding?" Su Yuchen looked at her with teasing smile on his lips, making her eyes wide.     


"Yes, the wedding. Why? You were planning the wedding of your cousin and brother; don't you deserve your own wedding? Don't you deserve to wear a wedding dress? A dreamy wedding about which we can tell to our kids?"     

"You…" Xin Mei chuckled when she heard him.      

"I want to give you a dream wedding." Su Yuchen wrapped his arms around her waist. "I want to see you in the wedding dress, looking the most beautiful bride in the world."     

"But why this resort as our wedding place?"     

"A little birdy whispered in my ears that you always wanted a wedding in some castle and wanted to look like a princess. This resort is logically a castle and this is the place where we officially met, so why not this resort?"     

Xin Mei chuckled and looked at her family and then at Su Yuchen. Happy tears filled in her eyes. He thought so much for her.     

"But what about the wedding dress and other arrangements? What if I didn't like them?"     

"Do you think you will not like your wedding dress and other arrangements?" he wiggled his brows teasingly. "I have noticed your taste when you were helping Da Chun and Gu Nan with their wedding arrangements. I am sure you will like everything."     

Xin Mei smiled and jumped in the arms of Su Yuchen. "I am so lucky to have you in my life."     

"I am luckier than you." Su Yuchen leaned toward her lips, to steal a kiss from her, only to be interrupted by Xin Yan. "Guys, we are here. Please no kiss in front of us."     

Su Yuchen chuckled and looked at Xin Mei. She also chuckled over a bright smile on her lips. Su Yuchen grinned wide when he looked at her smile and her happiness.     

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