Handsome CEO'S Bewitching wife

Well planned plan!

Well planned plan!

0Imp: This chapter was wrongly posted as chapter 241. Please forgive me for my mistake!     


"Forgive me, please forgive me. I was blinded by my rage. That's why I changed the swords." He started to sob and beg. "I am a big fan of Xin Mei. I like her. I noticed the way Zhou Mingyu had always treated her. That is why, I changed the sword of Xin Mei. I wanted Zhou Mingyu to die."     

He started to sob and his body shook badly. When Xin Mei heard his explanation, her heart sunk and she narrowed her eyes. She looked at her so-called fan. She could not believe her fan would do something like this, especially when he knew he would soon get caught.     

There was something off for sure!     

"Xin Mei, please forgive me. I was blinded by my rage. I didn't think about how my actions would affect your reputation."     

Xin Mei ignored her fan and looked at Zhou Mingyu. She was weeping while holding her arm in her hand. Her injury was not so big but she was crying as if she was hurt badly!     

From the corner of her eyes, she looked at the fans of Zhou Mingyu. They were getting violent and were trying to get free from the chain of security which was stopping them. They were also loudly calling for the name of Xin Mei in a bad manner.     

"Xin Mei, you b****. How dare of your fan to hurt our Mingyu?"     

"Your fans are also like you, evil."     

"You should beg Mingyu for her forgiveness."     

"Xin Mei, fans of Zhou Mingyu are going crazy. It will be good for you if you go to the changing room. Meanwhile, I will handle them." Director Zhang ordered to Xin Mei and pushed her towards the changing room.     

"Guards, send little Jing to the police station. They will deal with him."     

Guards came and held little Jing from both his arms. They started to drag him out of the studio. They were completely ignorant of his cries and begging.     

Once little Jing was out of the studio, guards of Xin Mei took him under their control. They threw him in a black car and drove away.     


Su Zixin who was silently watching everything followed behind Xin Mei. He could not believe a man would go so far for his idol, especially when Xin Mei was still not such a big name.     

Once Xin Mei was inside the four walls of her room, she slumped down on the couch. She held her head in between her hands. She already had a problem of stalker and now this new problem arrived.     

'Don't worry, I am at your side, love. I will try to solve this problem as much as I can.'     

Xin Mei massaged her head when she again received a message from the unknown number. She switched off her mobile and sighed heavily. At the same second, Su Zixin barged into her room.     

"I cannot believe a fan can fall so low. He didn't think twice before planning the murder of someone." Su Zixin spoke out with fury in his voice. "He didn't think how badly his actions will affect your reputation. Outside, every fan of Zhou Mingyu is asking for justice. They want to send you to jail even though the mistake was not yours."     

Su Zixin was angrily punching in the air. He was feeling furious at that foolish fan. He was talking gibberish in anger when his mobile pinged with a notification.     

His blood pressure shot up when he looked at the notification. "Shit! The fans of Zhou Mingyu are very fast."     

Su Zixin looked at a video which was posted online not a five minute ago. In this video, Xin Mei was shown injuring Zhou Mingyu with her sword. The video was followed by the confession of little Ming.     

Within five minutes, the video received a lot of likes, comments, and shares. The fans of Zhou Mingyu were badly slandering Xin Mei. They were calling her many various names.     

"These fans." Su Zixin clutched hard his fist and then looked at Xin Mei who was looking lost.     

"Xiao Mei, ignore the foolish fans of Zhou Mingyu and ignore that little Jing. It is not your mistake that he took such a foolish step. You are not behind all this...."     

Xin Mei abruptly interrupted him. "Zixin, I think Zhou Mingyu is behind this accident."     

"What do you mean?"     

"Have you noticed how badly she was crying at such a small injury? She was trying to gain the pity and sympathy of her fans and why are the fans here, on the sets, in the first place? I am sure Zhou Mingyu had personally asked them to come here to watch this scene. I do not think someone could be so foolish to do this clear-cut crime. I am sure he was fed money by Zhou Mingyu."     

Eyes of Su Zixin became wide when he heard Xin Mei. For him, the logics of Xin Mei were perfect. It could be only Zhou Mingyu who could play such a dirty tricks.     

"A snake can never change her nature. She has finally shown me her true self." Xin Mei chuckled and shook her head.     


After some time, Xin Mei and Su Zixin stepped out from her changing room. They saw the fans of Zhou Mingyu were surrounding her and were looking at her with love and warmth.     

"Please my dear fans, don't be angry at MeiMei. She does not have any hand in this accident. It was a mistake of her fan, not her. So, please don't slander her."     

Zhou Mingyu acted as if she was innocent and was worried about Xin Mei. She was trying to gain goodwill and pity with her good girl act. She was trying to clear the name of Xin Mei after blackening her name in the first place.     

"MeiMei," Zhou Mingyu rushed towards Xin Mei and took her hand in hers. "I know you are mad at me, you hate me. You still have not forgiven me for cheating you. I know you want to murder me but I know you will never do so."     

"I know Xin Mei can never ask her fan to do something like this. She is very good at her heart. She may hate me but she will never hurt me."     

Xin Mei inwardly rolled her eyes when she heard Zhou Mingyu. Was she trying to save her reputation or was she telling her fans that Xin Mei hated her and wanted to murder her?     

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