Handsome CEO'S Bewitching wife

*Where is your ring?

*Where is your ring?

0Next day, Su Yuchen wasn't ready to leave Xin Mei. Each second which he spent in her company was a memorable moment for him.     

He helped her in getting ready for her trip. He had already helped her in packing the bags which had all the necessities which she would need in the Hill City.     

"Wifey, are you sure you are not forgetting anything else?"     

"Yes, Mother." Xin Mei spoke with mock and irritation. "Hubby, you are worse than mother. Even she doesn't worry like you. From yesterday you have repeated the same question to me numerous times, Arghh!"     

"What to do Wifey, it's the first time you are leaving me and I want everything to be perfect from my side."     

Su Yuchen wrapped his arms around her. They both walked down the stairs and made their way to the kitchen. Su Yuchen packed a tiffin box and gave it to Xin Mei.     

"What is this?" she raised a brow.     

"Wifey, you haven't eaten anything in the morning. So this tiffin box for you. I am sure you will get hungry on your journey."     

"Awe, how sweet of you." Xin Mei smiled at the thoughtfulness of her husband. She took the lunch box from his hand and placed it in her handbag.     

Su Yuchen leaned towards her. He pushed aside the collar of her shirt and felt satisfied when he saw the red mark on her skin which he had given her last night.     

"You know there was no need for this mark. I am going to miss you no matter what."     

"But still, I wanted to satisfy myself with this mark. It assured me that you will be missing me. Besides, if anyone tries to flirt with you, you can show him my mark."     

Xin Mei shook her head when she heard possessiveness in his voice. Her husband was surely an alpha male.     

Su Yuchen wrapped his hands with hers and looked at the bare fingers.     

"Where is your ring?"     

"I had already worn it around my neck." Xin Mei pulled out the chain from her shirt and displayed it to Su Yuchen. Su Yuchen smiled when he saw his wife would keep the ring close to her heart.     

"Thank you for the chain. It was very thoughtful of you." Xin Mei again hid the chain and ring in her shirt. "Now I don't need to worry about someone find out about it."     

Both husband and wife were chatting when Huang Chu walked near the kitchen and reported to Su Yuchen, "Boss, Wang Wei is here and he had already prepared the car for Missus."     

Xin Mei raised her brows and looked at Su Yuchen for details. "Wang Wei is your driver cum bodyguard. He will be accompanying you to Hill City."     

"But I don't need one. Didn't we talk about it the last time?" Xin Mei protested.     

"We did. But then I thought you are a rising star. Your fans base is increasing day by day. So you need a bodyguard beside you all the time. You should start living at the standard of a superstar. To add-in, I will feel relaxed if you have a bodyguard to protect you. So bring him with you for my satisfaction."     

Xin Mei pouted but nevertheless nodded her head. She knew Su Yuchen wasn't going to listen to her. He was worse than her father when come to her safety and special facilities to her.     

Xin Mei and Su Yuchen walked towards the living room where a man in his early twenties was standing. No one could say that he was a bodyguard. He looked so weak.     

Xin Mei looked at him and frowned. Su Yuchen could understand what was running in the mind of his wife.     

"Don't look down on his appearance, Wifey. He may look weak but he is the best bodyguard in my security service. I had personally checked upon him before appointing him for you."     

Xin Mei nodded her head and looked at Wang Wei. Wang Wei also looked at Xin Mei with mesmerizing eyes.     

He was shocked when Huang Chu had given him the mission to guard the wife of Su Yuchen. For first, he didn't know that Su Yuchen was married and second, he never thought his Missus would be so beautiful.     

"Wang Wei," Su Yuchen yelled at him. "Keep your thoughts inside your pants. Don't forget that she is my wife, your Missus. You don't want to get fired because of your distraction, right?"     

Wang Wei felt chills down his spine when he heard the warning of his boss. He knew his boss had caught him admiring his Missus.     

"Don't worry, Boss. I will remember that she is my Missus. She is like a mother to me. I will not look at her with any other kind of eyes other than her bodyguard and son." Wang Wei bowed multiple times to Su Yuchen before standing straight. His eyes were downcast, looking at his shoes.     

Xin Mei chuckled when she saw their small exchange. She squeezed on the arm of her husband and looked at him, "Hubby, I smell the vinegar again."     

"Wifey, should I remind you what happens when you smell vinegar?" Su Yuchen looked at her with crooked brows.     

Xin Mei quickly shook her head. She still remembered the feeling of his hard stomach on her fingers. She didn't want any punishment like that this time.     

"Good," Su Yuchen nodded his head and cupped her cheeks. "Wifey, remember not to cast your eyes on any other men. Otherwise, no one will be worse than your husband."     

Xin Mei obediently nodded her good. Su Yuchen ruffled her hairs like a baby and smiled with satisfaction.     

"Now go and focus on your acting. Your husband will be waiting for you. I know you will give a full justice to the movie."     

Su Yuchen sent off Xin Mei in his special car, the one which had extra security features and was comfortable. Once her car was out of his sight, he turned and looked at Huang Chu.     

"Huang Chu, what do you think about Wang Wei?"     

Huang Chu analyzed the words of his boss before speaking, "Boss, we can trust Wang Wei. I am sure he was distracted by the beauty of Missus for only a second. We can't even blame him; Wang Wei is still in the early age of his adulthood. But I can assure you he will protect Missus with his life and wouldn't look at her with another kind of eyes."     

Su Yuchen nodded his head with satisfaction.     

"Huang Chu, prepare my car and files. We are visiting city J. I'm going to change and will be back within fifteen minutes."     

"Ok Boss."     

Huang Chu prepared the car for his boss and then made his way towards the study of Su Yuchen. There he collected all his files and laptop in his bag.     

Su Yuchen had many pending trips to the neighbouring cities where he had to do an inspection visit for manufacturing units or projects in progress. He hadn't visited the neighbouring cities because he wanted to spend more time with his wife. But now that she was not here, he wanted to use this time by visiting all the cities where his trip was pending.     

"Boss, everything is ready." Huang Chu informed and opened the car door for Su Yuchen.     

Su Yuchen nodded his head and took his seat inside the car.        


Xin Mei arrived at the Hill City after a journey of five hours. During the journey, she tried to do things that can help her to pass time but every time her attention got averted back to her husband.     

'Why am I missing him so much? I have never missed my family or anyone so much, then why him?' she thought and sighed heavily. She looked out of the window with lost gazes.     

Xin Mei looked outside at the beautiful forest. She wanted to admire it but she was missing Su Yuchen. She wanted to enjoy this beautiful scenery with her husband.     

"Stop thinking about him Xin Mei and start looking forward to the movie. You can't be complaisant just because you are married to Su Yuchen and miss him badly."     

Xin Mei took a deep breath. She closed her eyes to divert her mind from Su Yuchen and set it on the movie, which was going to be her first step to a revenge for Zhou Mingyu.     

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