Handsome CEO'S Bewitching wife

*Now how to mollify her?

*Now how to mollify her?

0"Brother in law, finally you came to pacify your pissed off wife." Xin Yan grinned when he saw Su Yuchen. He also sighed with relief.     

From the last half an hour, he was sitting in front of his sister who was fuming with anger. She was continuously grunting about Su Yuchen.     

"Who does he think he is?"     

"Let him come in front of me. I will not leave him. I will beat him to the pulp."     

"Let him stay all alone at home, without me. He will understand my importance in his life."     

"Why so much anger? Will he get something by remaining angry with me?"     

Xin Mei had torn five pillows in front of his eyes. Xin Yan gulped with fear when he saw her. He knew one wrong step or word from his mouth and Xin Mei would blast her anger on him.     

His father and mother had also tried to pacify her but they gave up when she didn't listen to them.     

"Now only Su Yuchen can pacify her. He is guilty for pissing her so badly." His father had commented.     

From then onwards, everyone was waiting for Su Yuchen. His father had personally called Su Yuchen to pacify this ticking time bomb.     

"Wifey, what are you doing here? You know I was so surprised when I didn't see you at home?"     

Su Yuchen felt chill down his spine when Xin Mei glared at him. Her anger was no less than his anger. He was glad that his father in law had already warned him how angry his wife could get.     

"Wifey, see what I have brought for you." Su Yuchen produced a teddy and placed in front of her. The teddy was holding a sorry card.     

"Hubby is sorry. I know I shouldn't be so angry with you. But what can I do? Hubby has anger in his blood. He can't control himself. Now please forgive your husband."     

Su Yuchen made a puppy face and looked at her. Everyone was looking at Xin Mei, waiting to see her reaction.     

Xin Mei glared at him and took the teddy from his hand. Su Yuchen sighed when he saw Xin Mei had accepted his gift.     

All smile left from his lips when Xin Mei smiled chillingly and the very next second, the teddy was torn apart in pieces. With much power, she had pulled off the limbs of teddy before pulling off the head.     

"Sorry, apology not accepted." Xin Mei threw the remaining of teddy in his direction. Su Yuchen looked at his wife with a shock.     

His wife is very strong!     

He then looked at her family members and everyone looked at him with pity.     

"Mister Su, do you want to say to me something more? I don't have much time to see your face which is making me angrier."     

"Wifey, please don't be so angry." Su Yuchen made a puppy face.     

It was the first time he was pacifying someone. He was sure his grandma would laugh once she got to know her daughter in law could also get angry and make Su Yuchen regret over his anger.     

"Why should I not be angry? Is it only you who can get angry? I can also get angry. Now you have to pacify me the way I had pacified you. If you are an angry prince then I am also an angry princess."     

Su Yuchen looked at his angry wife and then her family. He knew he couldn't easily pacify her in front of her family. He needed some privacy with her.     

"Wifey, let's go home. We will talk there."     

"I am already at home. I am not going anywhere with you." Xin Mei shrugged.     

Su Yuchen knew she wasn't going to easily give up. So he didn't have any other way except for using force.     

"Mother, Father, I am sorry for making all of you worried about the anger of my wife. I promise to pacify her by tonight. Now, me and my wife will take our leave."     

Everyone frowned when they heard the words of Su Yuchen. How was he going to take an angry Xin Mei home with himself? But the very next second, they understood the meaning of his words when he carried her up in his arms.     

"What are you doing Su Yuchen? Put me down, I am not going anywhere." Xin Mei started to trash badly but Su Yuchen with an ease carried her on his shoulder.     

"You are coming home with me, Wifey. You are my wife and your position is beside me at our home. You are mistress of our house and you can't abandon it in your anger towards me."     

"Su Yuchen, put me down right now." Xin Mei yelled and tried to be out from his arms but Su Yuchen kept gripping her tightly. He ignored all her yells and attacks. He ignored her strong punches and bits on his arms.     

Family of Xin Mei couldn't help from chuckling when they saw her condition.     

"Finally, she met with someone who knows how to handle her angry state."     


"Su Yuchen, I am not going anywhere with you." Xin Mei yelled when Su Yuchen opened his car door and made her sit on shotgun seat.     

Su Yuchen ignored her glares and yell. He forcefully buckled her seat belt and closed her door. He locked the door so she couldn't open it.     

Xin Mei removed her seatbelt and tried to open the door only to face failure. He had master locked the car.     

"Su Yuchen, you bast***." Xin Mei glared at Su Yuchen. She had taken his seat on driving seat. "You cannot take me with you without my will. Let me get out of your car, now."     

Su Yuchen again ignored her. He started to drive the car. Once the car was in speed, he turned and looked at his wife.     

"I am not letting you go, wife. Not now, not ever. If you are angry on me then punish me. You can do whatever you want with me, but I am not leaving you. Now, I understand that anger is no good and pleasant for me. Please calm down. I promise I will not get angry with you."     

"I am not forgiving you so easily." Xin Mei wrapped her arms around her chest and looked out of the window. "You have troubled me a lot from the last two days. How can I forgive you so easily?"     

"Then let the husband pacify his wife."     

He placed his hand over hers but she pulled away her hand from his grip. He could only sigh upon seeing his angry wife.     

Su Yuchen parked the car in front of an ice-cream shop. He had heard a tub of cold ice-cream could melt the anger of a girl. So, he decided to try his luck.     

He entered the ice-cream shop and quickly brought an ice-cream tub. He entered the car and looked at his wife who was trying to unlock the locked car door.     

"Wife, look what your husband has brought for you. A bucket of ice-cream. You like it, right? Have it and please forgive your husband."     

Su Yuchen brought the tub of an ice-cream in front of her. He made a pleading face.     

"I don't need it. You can have your ice-cream by yourself."     

Su Yuchen looked at his angry wife and could only frown. What should he do to pacify her?     

He always knew how to get angry but he never knew how to pacify others!     

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