Handsome CEO'S Bewitching wife

She liked to taste his love-filled food!

She liked to taste his love-filled food!

0That night, when Su Yuchen arrived in his room, he found Xin Mei rolling on the bed. He lay down on the bed and pulled her in his arm.     

"Su Yuchen." She opened her eyes and looked at him. Her eyes looked in his eyes and then fall upon his lips.     

"Not feeling sleepy?" Su Yuchen asked and combed her hairs with his finger.     

"No," Xin Mei shook her head negatively. She placed her arm around his waist and could feel him turning tensed.     

She knew she affected him. He wanted to love her and did she want to do the same? She asked herself.     

Yes, she knew she also wished for Su Yuchen to love her. She knew she desired him the way she hadn't desired anyone before, not even Qian Fan. Only she knew how she had control herself when she had accidentally seen him only in his towel.     

Gu Nan had always sung praises of He Ye in front of her. Her intimate life and love weren't hidden from her and now she also wished to have a life like Gu Nan and He ye with Su Yuchen.     

"Su Yuchen." She spoke his name for one more time before quickly pecking on his lips. It was a quick peck.     

Before he could react, she turned her face to the other direction and hid her face with a blanket, leaving Su Yuchen in shock.     

What just happened here?     

Su Yuchen stood up from the bed and looked at his wife who was hiding her face in a blanket. He touched his lips where his wife had kissed him now.     

"Xin Mei, don't hide your face from me and explain to me about what you did just now." Su Yuchen said in a loud voice and tried to pull the blanket from her face.     

Xin Mei tightened her grip on the blanket. Her face was red and she was scolding herself. 'How can I be so bold to kiss him like that?'     

"Xin Mei," Su Yuchen yelled and forcefully pulled the blanket from her hand and off her body. He threw away the blanket and quickly held upon the hand of Xin Mei before she could hide her face from something else.     

"What was that wifey? Why did you kiss me?" he asked and raised a brow. He leaned closer to her face and looked in her eyes, to find some type of hint.     

"I trust you husband and wanted to kiss you." Xin Mei said in a very shy voice. "I want to take our marriage to the next level. I want to make it strong and real. I want to have a healthy relationship with you like that of father and mother, Gu Nan and Ye gege and your grandparents."     

Xin Mei took a deep breath before boldly looking in the eyes of Su Yuchen. "I like you husband and I want to convert our likeness into love. I want to feel your love and give you love in return."     

Su Yuchen smiled when he heard her words. A warm expression appeared on his face. His little wife had finally accepted him fully as her husband. Now she wanted to take their marriage at the next step. What more did he need?     

"Wife, our marriage will be also strong like grandma and grandpa. We will have a lot of kids and then grandchildren. We will become an ideal couple whose story the world will follow." Su Yuchen bumped his head with hers. "And wife, I think I am already falling for my bewitching beauty."     

Xin Mei blushed when she heard his words. Su Yuchen grinned. He brushed his nose with hers and leaned toward her lips.     

"Now, can I kiss you? Our first full blown kiss after marriage."     

Without answering, Xin Mei wrapped her arms around his neck, she pulled him closer. He gently brushed her long hairs and caressed her cheeks. He looked at her with doting smile on his lips. His eyes held so much tenderness for her.     

He slowly lowered his head and captured her lips. He kissed her deeply. He could taste her familiar taste. Her failure fragrance teased his nostrils.     

Xin Mei shuddered below him. She could feel the man above her was trying to create new waves in her mouth. She could feel her body shuddering with his every lick in her mouth.     

Su Yuchen broke the kiss, giving Xin Mei a chance to breathe. After taking huge gulps of breath. He again kissed her hard. He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her close to himself. Their bodies didn't have any space in-between them.     

"Oh, Xin Mei," Su Yuchen moaned in-between the kisses. "You are so beautiful. I am lucky to marry you."     

Su Yuchen lovingly trailed down kisses on her jaw and chin. He kissed on her long slender neck, leaving red marks in the way. He could feel pain in his lower part but he ignored it.     

He pulled down her nightdress from her shoulder and kissed on her creamy shoulder. He lovingly bit on her shoulder making her hiss in pain.     

Xin Mei could feel her heart beating very fast with his every kiss. His kisses were burning her skin like fire and she wanted it more. She wanted to glue his lips with her skin.     

He felt additive when kissing her. He wanted to kiss her all over her body. Oh how badly he wanted to mark her but he controlled himself.     

So lost in her Su Yuchen started to open the nightdress of Xin Mei. He wanted to have more of hers. Xin Mei below him panicked when she understood his intentions. She stiffened and tightened her grip around his neck.     

Su Yuchen winced in pain and looked up at Xin Mei. His eyes widen when he saw fear in her eyes. It didn't take him long to realize that she wasn't ready.     

He took a deep breath and again buttoned up her nightdress. "Wife, I will not do anything until you are ready. So, don't worry." He leaned his forehead against hers and took a deep breath.     

"I…." Xin Mei tried to clarify her panic when Su Yuchen placed a finger on her lips.     

"I can understand wife. We will take our relationship slowly. I will first make you comfortable around me. I will never force you. So, don't worry. We still have a long life to make love. So don't worry. Hmm."     

He smiled and before Xin Mei could panic, he again placed his lips on hers. He knew that he had to take their relationship slowly. He couldn't expect everything from her within a day!     

Maybe she also craved for him but it didn't mean she was ready for this new experience. He would take it slow and would make her comfortable around himself before making her his!     


Next day, like usual, Su Yuchen was up before Xin Mei. When she woke up, Su Yuchen was already down in the gym. She yawned and made her way to the bathroom.     

After doing her morning routine, she made her way towards the kitchen to prepare breakfast.     

In last weeks, Su Yuchen and Xin Mei had also made a routine for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, where breakfast was cooked by Xin Mei and dinner by Su Yuchen or both of them.     

During lunch, Su Yuchen tried his best to visit home to have lunch cooked by his wife's hand. Many times, Xin Mei had delivered lunch for Su Yuchen with the help of Hung Chu.     

Slowly, they both were becoming addicted to the food cooked by one another. Su Yuchen liked the delicious food cooked by Xin Mei and Xin Mei liked that Su Yuchen cooked food for her, even though he wasn't a great cook.     

But she still liked it, she liked to taste his love-filled food!     

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