Handsome CEO'S Bewitching wife

Pregnant with this baby

Pregnant with this baby

0A girl in her early twenties walked out from the clinic. There was a gentle smile on her lips as she glanced at the reports in her hands. She couldn't believe that she was pregnant; she was going to give birth to his baby. The baby in her womb was going to solve her problems. Finally, she would be having a new family.     

"Thank you, baby, for coming in this world. You don't know how happy mamma is. I can't wait for you to come to this world. After your father, you are the reason that I will be living in this world."     

Xin Mei smiled hopefully. There was rare happiness and shine in her eyes which were missing from last one year. She walked toward the footpath and hailed a cab. She entered inside with much tenderness as to not disturb her baby.     

"Where to miss?" Driver asked. He was looking at her with a weird expression on his face.     

"Qian Corp..." she was about to give the address of the company of her boyfriend but changed her decision at the very last moment, "Imperial Regency please."     

Instead of visiting his office, she decided to visit his home. She would be giving a surprise to him by making his favorite. Xin Mei smiled to herself before looking at rear view mirror. Her eyes fall on driver who was giving her disgusting looks. Well aware of the reasons of such look, Xin Mei quickly covered her face with a scarf, her face which had a long scar, starting from her left eyebrow and ending at the right corner of her lips.     

In last year, Xin Mei had received a lot of permanent scars on her body and all thanks to her best friend and boyfriend for whom she could do anything. She loved them more than anything. But from last few months, they were not treating her like a human, especially her boyfriend. Now her baby was the only hope to get his love back.     

Xin Mei had received the scar on her face while practicing sword fighting scene with her best friend, Zhou Mingyu. She was an A list actress of the time. There was another scar on her shoulder which she received during another practice session. Even after receiving so many scars, Xin Mei always volunteered to help her friend in practice.     

There were other marks on her body like a burn mark on her left arm, her back was nearly blue due to whipping, half of her forehead was hairless and all this was due to the beating which she received from her boyfriend, Qian Fan.     

At first, she ignored his beating thinking it to be stress of work but later he became very aggressive toward her. He started to give her physical as well as mental pain. Her loving Qian Fan was gone and was replaced by a psycho Qian Fan who took pleasure in her pain.     

Maybe the baby in her tummy was a result of physical assault but she was sure that he would love the baby no matter what. If not him then his mother would love the baby, loving the baby would mean that she would love her.     

"We are here." Taxi driver announced, breaking the train of her thoughts.     

Xin Mei paid the fare before stepping out of the taxi. She made her way toward the mansion which stood proudly among the most expensive properties of city A.     

She looked at the mansion which soon would become her home. She knew the family of Qian Fan and knew that the wedding was on the way.     

With slow and careful steps, she walked toward the main gates of the mansion, after pressing the codes, she entered in.     

Once she was in, she placed her stuff on the couch in living room. She then made her way toward the kitchen and drink cold water. Meanwhile, she looked around the kitchen in search of the ingredients for dinner. She was rummaging through the refrigerator when she heard a loud voice coming from the room of Qian Fan.     

Feeling alert due to the noises, she made her way toward the room of Qian Fan which was located on the second floor. In her way, she took a vase to protect herself.     

'Who could be in his room? I am sure that Bro Fan doesn't return home till seven in the evening. So who can be in his room? Thief??' She thought and shivered inwardly.     

With slow steps, she entered the room only to freeze in shock upon seeing the scene in front of her. She rubbed her eyes not believing what she was seeing was true. There in front of her, her best friend and boyfriend were getting intimate with one another.     

Their loud moans acted like piecing wails in her ears.     

Xin Mei couldn't believe what she was seeing. Her face turned pale as she saw her best friend in the arms of her love. Big fat tears filled in her eyes. Her whole body trembled and the vase from her hand fell down, alerting the two people on the bed.     

"What are you doing here? Are you here to see how I give pleasure to her?" Qian Fan asked in a mocking way. There was no remorse or guilt in his voice for cheating her. He kept pleasuring the girl in his arms, ignoring the broken girl standing at the door.     

For Xin Mei, this all was a bad dream, a very bad dream. But looking at Qian Fan she knew that it was a reality. She stood frozen on her spot. Her legs rejected to move. She was looking at Qian Fan and Zhou Mingyu without a blink of an eye.     

It was when they both were done getting intimated; they looked at now very pale and white Xin Mei.     

"Why are you standing at the door like dumb, you mutt?" Qian Fan spat and stood up from the bed. Xin Mei downcast her eyes upon seeing him and he chuckled.     

"You must be having so many questions in your mind, don't you? And the simple answer is her. Lift your face and look at Zhou Mingyu, she is such a beauty and you...."     

Xin Mei lifted her face and looked at Zhou Mingyu. Zhou Mingyu stood up from bed with a lazy smile on her lips. She didn't lag behind in showing off the red marks covering her body. Breath of Xin Mei hitched in her throat as she looked at her friend.     

"Do you really think that I would love an ugly like you? A girl with so many scars on her body and face." Words of Qian Fan were like cold water on Xin Mei. "I never loved you, Xin Mei. You hear me, I never loved you. You were a money bag for me and then a punching bag."     

"You are lying to me," were the first words which came out from the mouth of Xin Mei. "Qian Fan, you love me right. That bi*ch have seduced you right. You can't...."     

Before Xin Mei could complete, a slap landed on her cheek. The person to slap her was none other than Qian Fan.     

"How dare of you to call her bi*ch? You are a bi*ch, a useless bi*ch that is like a big burden on my head. I am glad you come to know that I am cheating on you. Now leave me. From now onwards you and I are nothing."     

"No...No...No...noooo....you cannot leave me, Bro Fan," tears spilled out from the eyes of Xin Mei. "You cannot leave me. You cannot. What haven't I done for you? So how can you leave me? Moreover, I am pregnant. You can't leave your baby right?"     

A smirk appeared on the lips of Qian Fan and Zhou Mingyu. Xin Mei shivered upon seeing the evil smirk on their face.     

"Are you sure that this is baby of Bro Fan?"     

"What do you mean?"     

"Don't you remember the night one month back where I had sold you to a group of six men? Don't tell me that you were unconscious at that time to even remember the faces of the father of your baby."     

Xin Mei forgot to breathe upon hearing her.     

"Do you really think that Bro Fan slept with an ugly like you when he has a beauty like me in his service? Bro Fan doesn't even look at a girl like you who now has nothing left."     

"You are lying. You are lying to me."     

"No sweetie, today we are not lying to you. Today we are showing you the reality, reality that you have lost. You have lost everything, your name, money, family, beauty, bro Fan and now you will be lossing your baby."     

With a sick smile on her lips, Zhou Mingyu walked toward Xin Mei who stepped back in fear. Her hand was now protectively covering her belly.     

"You will do no such thing Mingyu. We are friends right. So how can you say about killing my baby? Leave me and my baby alone."     

There was so much pain and fear in the voice of Xin Mei. She looked at her friend for whom she could have abandoned everything. Xin Mei was the one to make Zhou Mingyu a successful star and this was how she was getting repaid.     

Xin Mei looked at Qian Fan to save her but he gave her a cold look. Tears pricked from her eyes when she felt life-taking pain in her lower belly. With a shock, Xin Mei looked at her friend who had heartlessly kicked her. She was looking at her friend when another kick landed on her belly, this time by Qian Fan.     

Loud painful yells left from the mouth of Xin Mei who tried to protect her belly. She pleaded to the monsters in front of her but they were nowhere to be stopped. They kept kicking her. They pushed her out of the room and threw her on the floor.     

Soon blood seeped in-between the thighs of Xin Mei. She froze in fear. Loud wails left from her mouth as she knew her baby died...no it was murdered by two monsters who were still kicking her hard. Xin Mei had become a punching bag for them.     

Xin Mei reached at the corner of the staircase when Qian Fan kicked her so hard that she rolled down the stairs. Blood started to pour from her forehead.     

"Now what should we do with a garbage like her?" Xin Mei who was in the dizzy state could hear the voice of Qian Fan.     

"Kill her the same way dad had killed her father."     

Xin Mei left all the will to live upon hearing Zhou Mingyu. All this time she thought that her father killed himself but the reality was something as.     

Qian Fan and Zhou Mingyu carried Xin Mei to the office where Qian Fan pulled out his pistol from the drawer and after few minutes, a loud bang resounded in the house.     

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