Be My Strength

I'll leave the final decision to...

I'll leave the final decision to...


A week later, Kai Xin and DX went to Hospital Imperial for her checkup. Once they were done at Hospital Imperial, they went to the hospital where Ye Tian was at. Obviously, since Kai Xin frequented Hospital Imperial, DX disallowed Ye Tian to be admitted here despite Mr. Ye's pleas.     

However, he did not say anything about Mr. Ye's decision to transfer Ye Tian from the original hospital to a smaller, private hospital that was about an hour away from Hospital Imperial. The hospital that Ye Tian was still currently at was considered as one of the top hospitals in Imperial City.     

Up until now, Kai Xin and DX had avoided visiting Ye Tian because Ye Tian's condition was still unstable; it was only two days ago when Ye Tian's doctor declared him fit for visitors.     

The other reason for the delay was that Kai Xin had wanted to get her questions together before she went to see him.     

On the way, DX, who was driving, suddenly took Kai Xin's hand. When she looked up at him, he kissed her wrist before asking, "Are you absolutely sure that you want to go through with your decision?"     

Kai Xin smiled at him for a second before she turned to look out the window. After spending years hoping for severe punishment for the three b*stards, it was a hard decision for her to make.     

However, to her, it was not a bad decision. She owed someone her life. Of course, she knew that the guy would not care about this, but she still wanted to pay him back.     

After a moment of silence, she nodded, "Yes, I'm absolutely sure…"     

Once they arrived at the hospital, they stopped outside Ye Tian's ward. DX's guards, who were guarding right outside the ward, greeted them before they stepped aside. As Kai Xin stood in front of the door, she thought about the past few days.     

The doctors managed to save Ye Tian and Luo Han. However, Luo Han had a stroke two days after the operation and his right side was completely paralyzed. He could barely do anything without someone's help now.     

Ad according to Luo Han's main doctor, she said that it was unlikely for Luo Han to go back to his previous state. In fact, she was not sure if Luo Han could live much longer as the man's health kept deteriorating. It was as if he had given up on any will to live.     

As for Ye Tian, due to him being younger in age, he was doing a lot better. He was healing properly under the care of his father. Even though he was not healing as fast as what the doctors would like, they knew that it was good enough given that Ye Tian had just barely healed from his previous injuries.     

"Are you afraid?" asked DX when he saw that Kai Xin had no intention of going in yet. They had been standing outside for about a minute. When he looked at her, he noticed a somewhat confused emotion that was being shown openly on her face.     

Upon hearing the question, Kai Xin shook her head and said, "I've stopped being afraid of him for a long time… I'm just thinking… Am I a cruel person for wanting him to be punished?"     

DX thought for a while before asking, "Do you think that his past gives him a right to do whatever he did?"     

Kai Xin sighed, "Of course not…"     

"What you're giving him is already the best outcome. Honestly, I'd prefer it if you leave him in my hands," said DX. He leaned over to kiss her on the head before adding, "You're kinder than I am, Madam President Du. What am I supposed to do with you?"     

She agreed with him. If it was not for her, he would have made Ye Tian go through hell. DX was someone who believed that a person made their own future and anyone who blamed it on their circumstances without trying to better themselves did not deserve his sympathy.     

Looking at the man who had been with her through everything, she grinned, "I'm not kind… I'm just thinking about your company, Mr. President Du. I'm going to make this news known, and make a public declaration… Imagine the headline: 'President Du's new young wife graciously forgive one of her attackers'. This news would help with your cold reputation and it would also ease any resistance that's going to happen once you fully takeover Luo Corporation and Ye Corporation."     

With the agreement of Grandfather Luo, Ghost had signed over the management of Luo Corporation to DX. Whatever shares that were currently in the hands of Ghost and his grandfather would be non-voting shares. They would no longer interfere with whatever happened to Luo Corporation.     

As for Ye Corporation, Mr. Ye had the same agreement. However, instead of handing everything to DX, he handed the management to Du Conglomerate and Kai Xin. In addition, he handed 50% of his own shares over to Kai Xin. It was his way of apologizing to her.     

Given how badly their shares had tumbled, none of the directors in Luo Corporation and Ye Corporation complained. After all, their own shares and positions were protected, and they knew that without Du Conglomerate, they would lose out more.     

"Oh? Is it? Well, thank you, Madam President Du, for thinking about my company… But as I recall, since you're married to me, isn't my company your company too?" said DX with a smirk.     

She laughed softly and nodded, "Yeah… It's our company now… Come now, let's go in and settle this so that I can go home and play with the kids… "     

When Kai Xin and DX entered the ward, they saw that Mr. Ye was sitting on the couch while Ye Tian was fast asleep on his bed.     

Mr. Ye was reading the newspaper but when he saw Kai Xin and DX, he immediately placed the newspaper down on the couch before he stood up and greeted them. He knew what their visit today meant.     

"This day would have come sooner or later," thought Mr. Ye as he looked at the two people standing in front of him.     

After a moment of hesitation, he said, "I-I'll leave you to it…"     

He then turned around and walked off.     

After he left, Ye Tian opened his eyes. He glanced at the door for a moment before he turned to look at the other two in the room. With a sigh, he asked, "Are you here to kill me?"     

Ye Tian did not know how to talk to his father, nor did he know how to face Mr. Ye. Thus, most of the time, he had been pretending to be asleep. However, when he heard DX and Kai Xin's voice earlier, he decided to stop faking it and to face them straight on.     

"I could have left you to die back then," said DX gruffly. He pulled two chairs closer to Ye Tian's bed. Once they were seated down, DX warned, "Don't think you're completely safe."     

Ye Tian chuckled, "I wouldn't dare to think of such a thing."     

He then looked at Kai Xin. There was… guilt in his eyes as he looked at the woman he violated so many years ago.     

Meanwhile, Kai Xin had a calm expression. After a moment of silence, she asked the question that she had been thinking of for a long time.     

"Why me? Back then, if the one Phan- ZiYan tricked was someone else, would you've done the same?"     

"Maybe no… Maybe yes… Even if it did not happen then, on that day... it would have happened soon."     

Kai Xin frowned as she asked, "Why?"     

He closed his eyes. After thinking about it for a moment, he admitted, "I've got to push Luo Yin over… Back then, there were certain lines that he was afraid to cross because of Luo Han, but I know that he wants too…He just needed that little push… and I was right. If you did not reveal it, he would have never stopped."     

"You could've stopped him after me! You've got the evidence! But you tried to get rid of the evidence!" said Kai Xin. She had raised her voice a little when she thought about what they did to her and the other girls.     

"But I'm involved!" said Ye Tian as he opened his eyes. When Kai Xin glared at him, he said softly, "I was involved in the first incident. Luo Yin would never do anything that I don't do. He would suspect it if I refused to play along. Before I get rid of Luo Han, I can't let him suspect me… and I can't let my father know about it."     

Back then, he did not expect that Luo Yin would put up a wall against him. Perhaps it was Mrs. Luo's influence because Luo Yin was hesitant and would not do anything until Ye Tian said he would join in as well.     

Ye Tian had wanted to joke his way out, but he knew that if he did not dirty his own hands, he would not be able to get where he wanted to go. So, he did it.     

It had disgusted him, but he pushed on. At that time, he merely thought about his own revenge and ignored everyone else. He did not care that innocent people were hurt in his own angry revenge.     

Ye Tian laughed sadly before he added, "Luo Yin got addicted after his first… try, and-"     

Kai Xin suddenly interrupted him by asking, "And you? What about you?"     


Kai Xin took a deep breath before saying, "I don't want to know about him. I want to know about you. Other than me--"     

He knew immediately what she wanted to ask and so, he looked away before he said, "I don't like it… I enjoy s*x, and I thought it would be the same… but it's boring to f*ck someone who is not into it…"     

"Then why? Why didn't you leave me alone after that? I don't get it. Shangguan Xing and Luo Yin both treated me as if I'm invisible, but you never leave me alone. Why?!"     

Ye Tian smiled sadly as he explained, "I was... jealous… I… I saw you and your mother together before. At school. She came to deliver something to you, and I saw how you and your brother laughed at something your mum said… I-I wanted that… When you never said anything to anyone, I wonder how could you be so strong. I hated that because it reminded me of my own disgusting behavior... So I wanted to ruin you… I wanted to pull you down to hell with me… I wanted you to turn into me… To become someone had to dirty your own hands to get rid of your enemies… But you never did."     

He glanced at her and with a wry grin, he said, "Then you met him…"     

"Him?" Kai Xin wondered who he was talking about.     

"At the bridge… You met with Luo Guang Ying, didn't you? It surprised me that the brat tried to do something to fight back…"     

Kai Xin was startled, "You knew about it? And you didn't do anything?"     

She thought that no one knew about it! Even Ghost would be surprised that Ye Tian knew about them!     

"The man I sent to follow you reported back to me. He did not know, but I recognized Guang Ying from the photo my man sent me..." explained Ye Tian. After taking in a deep breath, he said, "Guang Ying… He's innocent… He's not tainted like me or Luo Yin… I used him, but what happened was not what I expected..."     

Back then, he had only wanted to create a rift between Luo Yin and Ghost. He had wanted to use Ghost to get rid of the rest of the Luo Family. He did not want Mr. Ye to know how evil he was, so he wanted to use Ghost. He hoped that Ghost would one day take everything away from his brother.     

What he did not expect was how cruel Luo Yin would be to even his own blooded brother. If he were honest to himself, he was also a little afraid of Luo Yin. It made him even more adamant to hide his true intention from everyone else.     

"When I saw the photo of the two of you meeting, I knew that it was only a matter of time before you retaliate, and I wanted to use the two of you…"     

When he saw that Ghost had teamed up with Kai Xin, he had pulled back all his men and waited to see how those two would retaliate against him. Even though later on he was surprised that Ghost found Phantom as well, he had already expected Phantom to keep a copy of the CCTV from that day. Otherwise, if he really wanted to get rid of all evidence, he would have done the work by himself.     

Suddenly, he went wide-eyed as he watched DX rushed over to him and grabbed his shirt up, "You b*stard!"     

DX had heard enough.     

If Kai Xin had met someone else other than him, who knew what could have happened to her? The one who would be in danger and the one that would be lying on the hospital bed now might be her! Thank God that Ghost was not a reckless man, and he did not simply push Kai Xin to any rich man in the world. Otherwise, who knew what kind of people Kai Xin would be affiliated with!     

Ye Tian groaned from the pain in his chest. His wound had not completely healed yet, and DX's action had probably caused the stitches to break open.     

At the moment, DX did not care so much about his comfort. It was hard for him to listen to Ye Tian talking about the reason as to why the latter continued to harass Kai Xin. He had tried to control himself but his anger finally took over and he raised an arm to punch Ye Tian... only to have someone pulled his arm back.     

"I take it back! He's mine!" snapped DX as he glared at Ye Tian who had closed his eyes. It seemed like Ye Tian was prepared to receive anything that DX wanted to throw at him.     

"Let him go now, Du XiAn!" said Kai Xin calmly as she pulled his raised arm back. DX looked at her and when he saw her shaking her head, he sighed. No matter what, he would always find it hard to say no to her.     

DX muttered a curse before he released Ye Tian.     

As for Kai Xin, she had calmed down. As she held DX's hand, she said to Ye Tian, "Thanks for telling me the truth… but I would never forgive you."     

"I did not expect you to, and I respect your decision but… I'm still extremely sorry for what I did to you... " said Ye Tian, and he meant it this time. He bowed as low as he could in his sitting position. Even if they wanted to kill him, he would accept their decision.     

However, the next thing that Kai Xin said surprised him.     

"My husband and I won't be the one who deals with you. I'll leave the final decision to someone else…" said Kai Xin as she stared at the man who haunted her dreams for so long. She had discussed this with DX before, and even though DX disagreed a little, but to her, it was the best thing.     

That night, if not for Ghost, she would have really jumped. Ghost gave her a life and a purpose back, and she wanted to return the favor. Mr. Ye saved Ghost's mother, and she knew that Ghost would never want to be in debt to that man.     

So, even though she knew that Ghost would be lenient, she would give him the control over Ye Tian's life.     


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