Be My Strength

Poo Poo Monster

Poo Poo Monster

0When she woke up, she saw DX playing with Little Monkey on the floor. The soft light shining in from the balcony was showing her a clear image of her shirtless husband sitting cross-legged on the floor as he played with their daughter.     

He had placed a pillow on the floor and Little Monkey was lying down on the pillow. An almost empty baby bottle was placed on the floor. She guessed that Little Monkey probably wanted to play and refused to finish. Knowing DX, he probably tried to coax her once before he gave up.     

Kai Xin sighed softly as she thought, "He's going to spoil her rotten this way..."     

DX did not notice that she was awake and he continued to play with Little Monkey. Using the handkerchief that he used to wipe off her drool, he played peekaboo with her.     

"Who is the prettiest baby in the world? Who is Daddy's favorite daughter? Who is Daddy's little princess?" cooed DX as he talked to his daughter who could not understand him. Whenever Little Monkey gave her dad a smile, he would break into a smile and tickled her, which would then set the father and daughter into long exchanged of smiles and peals of laughter.     

Kai Xin had to bite her lower lips down to prevent herself from laughing out loud. The almighty President Du was talking in a babyish language.     

She watched as DX suddenly froze and he took a sniff at Little Monkey's bottom. Instead of making an "Ewww" face, he merely smiled and said to Little Monkey, "Did you poo poo again? I just changed your diaper... Are you a little poo monster in disguise?"     

Little Monkey merely looked at him with an innocent looking face. When he blew a raspberry on her tummy, she giggled and smiled widely as she raised her hands. She looked at him as if she wanted him to do it again.     

DX gently tapped her nose with his finger before he said, "Later…"     

He picked her up before he went to pick up a diaper from the mummy bag that he carried home yesterday. There were a couple of diapers inside the bag.     

When DX turned over to look at the bed, Kai Xin quickly closed her eyes and pretended to sleep.     

Seeing that his wife was still asleep and that her chest was moving up and down, DX did not wake her up. He gently walked over and placed Little Monkey on his side of the bed before he began to change her.     

With her eyes half-opened, Kai Xin watched on secretly as DX wiped Little Monkey's bottom and as he expertly changed her diaper. Once he was done cleaning, he threw the dirty diaper into the trash can next to his bed before picking his daughter up in his arms again.     

"Who smells nice now?" asked DX as he gently patted Little Monkey's tummy. To his amusement, she stuck her tongue out at him.     

That was when he saw that Kai Xin was wide awake and staring at him.     

"Why didn't you call for me?" asked DX as he went over to sit at her side of the bed.     

She grinned, "I like to watch you take care of our daughter… You're pretty good at changing her dirty diaper..."     

DX grinned. He looked at Little Monkey and said softly, "Your Mummy is awake… Say hi to her…"     

He then took her little hand and waved it at Kai Xin gently. Kai Xin waved back gently.     

"Well, hello there, my little poo monster… Did you poo properly today?" asked Kai Xin with a grin.     

Suddenly, they heard a soft knock at the door. DX placed Little Monkey in Kai Xin's arms before he went to answer the door.     

At the door was Lyle and Jack. He frowned when he saw them. They were wearing casual clothing instead of their school uniform.     

"It's Monday… Why aren't you guys at school?"     

"It's an auspicious day," said Jack as he scratched the back of his head. His hair that was shaved for the operation had grown back. It was a little shorter than before but he did not care much for it. The wounds from that day had closed up but he still felt an itch there every now and then.     

"We want to surprise everyone with you guys," said Lyle. He walked into the room and when he saw Kai Xin, he went to her and said, "Morning, Mum…"     

"Morning," Kai Xin replied with a smile. She then looked at Jack who was standing at a distance away and said, "Morning, Jack."     

"Morning, Mum…" said Jack. Somewhat shy, his face turned red and he immediately turned to look at his father. With a low voice, he asked, "Are you guys ready? Uncle Kai An has to leave for work soon, and Aunt Naomi said that she would be going out with her sister after breakfast."     

DX glanced at Kai Xin, who nodded at him, before saying to his son, "Give me 15 minutes… Take care of your sister for now..."     

He then took Kai Xin to the bathroom to freshen up while the twins played with their sister on the bed.     

Once they changed into simple clothing, all of them left the bedroom. Jack carried Little Monkey in his arms while Lyle carried Kai Xin's wheelchair. As for DX, obviously, he was carrying his wife down the stairs.     

When they were walking down the stairs, Kai An, who was walking with a piece of toast in his mouth, looked at them for a second before he dropped the toast.     

"Mum?" Kai An called out softly as he stared at his sister who was in DX's arms. Suddenly, he yelled, "MUM!!! COME QUICK!"     

Startled by the sudden loud noise, Little Monkey started to cry loudly.     

An Qi Yan, who was rushing out of the kitchen with Naomi Nakamura and Old Madam Du stopped in her track when she heard a baby crying. She then slowed down and when she saw Little Monkey in Jack's arms and Kai Xin in DX's arms, she gasped and closed her mouth with two hands.     

Happy tears started to flow down the corner of her eyes.     

"Mum…" Kai Xin called out after DX placed her down in the wheelchair.     

"Kai Xin… My baby…" said An Qi Yan as she went over to hug her. She hugged her for a long time. "Kai Xin... When?"     

Kai Xin smiled as she patted her mum's back. With a gentle voice, she replied, "Saturday night... I heard that I was out for 3 months... Sorry that I caused you to worry so much about me..."     

An Qi Yan shook her head. She released her daughter and took a small step back. As she looked into her daughter's thin face, she said, "What is important is that you're awake now..."     

When Kai Xin glanced at Old Madam Du, who was standing furthest away, she said, "Ma, thanks for your help when DX and I were away..."     

Hearing Kai Xin called her "Ma", Old Madam Du smiled brightly as she said, "Anytime... and welcome back, Kai Xin... I'm glad you woke up..."     

"Kai Xin..." Even Naomi Nakamura looked at Kai Xin with happy tears in her eyes. Everyone had been so worried for the past three months. Even though everyone continued on with their lives, it felt as if something was missing. There was barely any laughter in the house. No one knew if Kai Xin would ever wake up or if they were just waiting for the inevitable.     

Kai Xin glanced at Naomi Nakamura before smirking at her, "So, are you going to tie the knot with my brother soon?"     

Naomi Nakamura blushed and when Kai An looked at her, she blushed even redder and ran to the dining room.     

After his girlfriend ran off, Kai An sighed and shook his head at how shy she was. Then again, that was what he loved about her. Whenever they were alone, he would tease her until she turned red from top to bottom.     

Kai An went to Kai Xin and patted his sister up and down before asking softly, "Is that really you?"     

"Yes! And that hurt!" She complained when he held her shoulders too tightly.     

"I'm sorry," said Kai An. He hugged her and said softly, "I miss you, little sis... Don't ever go where I can't see you, alright?"     

Kai Xin smiled. Her brother used to say that to him whenever they were young and he was tasked with taking care of her.     

"I won't... I've got an annoying brother tagging along wherever I go..." said Kai Xin as she patted him on the back.     

Little Monkey kept crying and it got so loud that the two parted to look at the poor baby.     

Jack was bouncing Little Monkey up and down gently but she would not stop crying. She was too afraid by what happened earlier. At the hospital, everyone spoke softly around her and she had never heard such a loud voice before.     

It scared her. She wanted her Daddy!     

DX sighed and took Little Monkey from Jack. He glared at Kai An angrily before he walked away with Little Monkey. Even though Little Monkey's crying volume reduced a little, she was still crying her heart out as she looked at her father.     

She knew that she was safe now, but she still wanted her father to comfort her. She liked hearing his voice, and she knew that he would protect her from everyone else.     

DX took her around the house to introduce her to the things and some of the permanent staff.     

As he walked away, the rest of them could hear him said, "This is your house… Apart from your Mummy, you're the second-in-charge… If anyone scares you again, let me know… I'll break his legs…"     

It was obvious that he was warning Kai An.     

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