Be My Strength

He's loud, but he's harmless

He's loud, but he's harmless

0"He's not going to hurt me, is he?" asked Kai An. He seemed a little uneasy as he watched his brother-in-law walked away. It was as if a dark cloud was looming above him, threatening to strike him down if he made another mistake.     

"Probably not… Not too badly anyway," teased Kai Xin. Her stomach rumbled slightly and it was then she realized that she had not been eating well since she woke up. She did not have much of an appetite yesterday, but now that she was home, she felt a lot better and so was her appetite.     

Kai Xin then gently slapped Kai An's stomach with the back of her hand and said, "Out of the way, bro… I'm hungry…"     

Jack placed his hands on the handle of the wheelchair. Before he started moving toward the dining room, he glanced at Kai An and commented with a wry tone, "I don't know… Dad is kind of overprotective when it comes to Little Monkey…"     

He gave Kai An a look that said "You're dead" before shrugging and pushed Kai Xin toward the dining room.     

With his head low, Kai An sighed loudly before he dragged himself over as well.     

Everyone else went to the dining room with them. At the dining room, Sima Erden and Naomi Nakamura were sitting there waiting patiently for them. When Sima Erden heard Little Monkey, he had expected Kai Xin to be home. After all, DX was a man of his word.     

Kai Xin greeted Sima Erden as Jack pushed her to her seat. Lyle had pulled her chair away so that she could "park" there instead of sitting on the chair.     

"I think Uncle Callum is still at home… His door is closed...," Lyle mumbled before he took his seat. He then looked at one of the staff and told him to get his uncle.     

A few minutes later, the staff came back and said, "Young Master Xun said that he's too tired so he won't be joining for breakfast…"     

The staff then giggled and whispered to Lyle, "I think Young Master Xun has a guest in there…"     

"Guest?" thought Lyle curiously before he waved his hand to dismiss the staff. As far as he knew, Callum and Ghost was a couple, and Callum had never brought anyone else home. As he poked one of the three sausages on his plate, he wondered, "What base are they in now?"     

They enjoyed their breakfast as they talked. After a while, DX came back in with Little Monkey who was sucking on her pacifier. Her cheeks were red from her crying earlier and she was holding the little bunny. Well, it was lying low on her body.     

When she would not stop crying earlier, DX had brought her back to the bedroom to pick up Mister Bunny.     

He sat down at his seat next to Kai Xin and said, "She cried herself out…"     

Kai Xin leaned over and patted Little Monkey's chest as she said softly, "Don't be scared, Daisy… That's your uncle, Kai An… He's loud, but he's harmless…"     

Kai An came over. He froze in place when DX glared at him, but after Kai Xin slapped DX gently at the back to tell him to behave, Kai An felt safe to approach.     

He took Little Monkey's hand and said, "Little Monkey, do you remember me? I'm your uncle...I came to visit you quite often when you were at the hospital… Well, you're always asleep so you might not remember me much..."     

Little Monkey looked at him with a blank look. He was right, she did not remember him.     

Kai An cocked his head slightly. He thought he heard something earlier, so looked at Kai Xin and asked, "Did you call her Daisy earlier? Is that her name?"     

Kai Xin nodded and explained, "We gave her a name before we left the hospital yesterday… She's Daisy Du Qing Lei…"     

Kai An turned back to Little Monkey and said, "Hi, Daisy… You have a beautiful name…"     

As if she knew that they were talking about her, Little Monkey laughed softly. As she laughed, she nearly dropped her pacifier but Kai Xin caught it before it rolled off Little Monkey's body and placed it back into her mouth.     

Kai Xin watched as the rest came over to talk to Little Monkey.     

"Xiao Lei…"     

"Little Monkey…"     


"Little Qing Lei…"     

Kai Xin frowned when she heard the others used different variation and nickname for Little Monkey. She thought about it for a moment before saying, "Let's just call her Little Monkey for now… When she's older, we can call her by her given name…"     

She had no idea how smart her daughter was but Kai Xin did not want her daughter to get confused by her own name. It would be bad if she went to school and tell people that her name was Little Monkey.     

After a while, everyone left for either their jobs or their appointment.     

An Qi Yan took Little Monkey, who had fallen asleep, away from her father and said to DX softly, "Why don't you take Kai Xin out to the backyard for a stroll? Both of you have been stuck indoors for so long… The fresh air would do you good. Don't worry about Little Monkey. I'll take good care of my granddaughter…"     

"Yeah, Dad… Go take a rest at the garden… You look tired…" said Jack as he looked at his father with a worried expression. Since both him and Lyle were staying home from school, they could help out a little as well.     

Both of them wanted to take Little Monkey to their room to show her their stuff. They wondered if Quinn would be able to answer their call today. The little girl had been placed under house arrest for the past few months ever since she stole Layla's credit card and bought herself a plane ticket home.     

After she saw the news about the incident at Imperial Primary, she gave the twins a call. When she found out what happened to her Godmother, she wanted to come back but her mothers said no.     

See, Judge was the presiding judge for a major case involving a drug lord in the U.S. Until the trial ended, Quinn and her two mothers were placed in protective custody due, and because of her action, everyone had to be relocated. As of now, it was hard for them to contact each other.     

Lyla and Jack had to go through the FBI in order to send photos of Little Monkey over to Quinn.     

DX glanced at his sons and his mother-in-law. He then looked at his mother-in-law and nodded. With a gentle voice, he said, "If she wakes up and starts to cry, just tells someone to get me…"     

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