Be My Strength

Why are you so silly...

Why are you so silly...

0"Don't worry…" replied An Qi Yan as she gently patted Little Monkey's bum to soothe her when Little Monkey frowned in her sleep. After a few seconds, Little Monkey's frown was gone and her lips parted slightly as she continued to sleep.     

DX felt reluctant to leave his precious baby, but he knew that he was being silly. Little Monkey was with the people who loved her dearly. She was safe. DX gently caressed his daughter's cheek before he placed a kiss on his daughter's forehead.     

"Daddy will be back soon, alright?" whispered DX. Little Monkey was deep in her sleep and she did not have any response to what he said.     

DX then pushed Kai Xin out of the dining area. When they were at the huge backyard, Kai Xin closed her eyes as she felt the heat from the sun. Her skin warmed up quickly and it made her felt comfortable.     

Suddenly, she noticed that she stopped moving and turned around to look up at DX. He was pinching his glabella and frowning.     

"What's wrong?" asked Kai Xin with a worried voice.     

DX shook his head as he said softly, "Nothing… Just a little dizzy…"     

Kai Xin frowned. She made DX sat down on the ground and next to her wheelchair before she asked, "What happened? Did you sleep at all last night?"     

DX nodded but he quickly replaced it with a shook of his head. He did not want to lie to his wife.     

"I didn't… I was worried…"     

He was afraid something might happen to her when she was sleeping, so he did not sleep a wink last night and the night before. After three months of stressful days, that lack of sleep had finally taken its toll on his body. He felt extremely light headed. It was as if the world was spinning around him.     

Kai Xin leaned over and kissed him on the top of his head as she said, "Why are you so silly… Nothing's going to happen..."     

"It's just for one day… I just want to make sure that you're completely fine…"     

He looked so tired, and now that she knew he had not been sleeping since she woke up, she finally noticed his deep eyebags. She did not say anything previously when she saw it before because she knew that he had not been sleeping well during the duration that she was unconscious…     

However, she had never expected him to be this crazy.     

"Then why did you let them discharge me?" said Kai Xin as she stared into her husband's eyes with her own slightly angry eyes.     

With his eyes closed, DX answered, "Because you don't like the hospital…"     

Kai Xin sighed. She had more strength today than when she first woke up. Using her own strength, she climbed out of the wheelchair and sat on the grass next to DX.     

She then straightened out her legs and patted her thighs as she said, "Here. Sleep now…"     

DX raised a brow as he asked, "What? Here?"     

"Yeah. Here… It's not too hot, and the weather feels great… Take a quick nap here…"     

"But Little Monkey…"     

"She's fine with my mum…" said Kai Xin. She pulled DX's shirt a little and he complied by placing his head on her thighs.     

As she placed her hand on his chest, she said softly, "Think about it… If you get a dizzy spell when you're holding our daughter, what do you think might happen?"     

When DX heard that, he gave up on resisting. He knew that she was right. It was dangerous for him to walk around with their daughter when his body was weak. He sighed softly before closing his eyes.     

Kai Xin signaled for one of the staff nearby. When the staff came over, she said, "Bring us an umbrella that's big enough for shade, and something to drink. Also, my iPad."     

The staff nodded and quickly left to get everything.     

Before the staff came back, DX had already fallen asleep. At the same time, one of his hand was holding her hand that was placed on his chest.     

Not long later, she heard a voice calling out her name, "Daisy…"     

Kai Xin smiled and turned around, "Ghost…"     


Ghost had spent the night in Callum's bedroom and after both of them finally woke up, they were famished.     

After they freshened up and changed into fresh clothing, both of them went to the kitchen to get something to eat. That was when they heard the cries of a baby. They had exchanged weird and confused looks.     

When they followed the noise, they saw An Qi Yan, Sima Erden, and the twins huddling at the couch in the living room.     

An Qi Yan was holding the crying baby as she hummed a lullaby to comfort her.     

"Is that…" Callum's eyes went wide when he saw Little Monkey who was dressed in a little pink overall.     

He stepped closer to take a good look. "Is that Little Monkey?"     

Jack answered him, "Yeah. She came home last night…"     

"What about Kai Xin?" asked Ghost when she did not see Kai Xin or DX around.     

"Mum's awake." This time it was Lyle who answered the question. He held Mister Bunny in front of Little Monkey's eyes to make her smile as he continued to tell Ghost, "She's home as well. She's at the backyard with my dad…"     

Ghost looked at Callum and said, "I… I'll go see her for a moment… You stay here with them?"     

Callum nodded. He did not want to ask too many questions. After what had happened between them, he trusted Ghost to know his own feelings by now. However, when the others had their eyes on Little Monkey, he placed a quick kiss on Ghost's cheek and whispered, "I love you..."     

Ghost did not reply him. Instead, he smiled and said softly, "You id*ot."     

He then turned and left to look for Kai Xin.     


As Ghost looked at Kai Xin, who had lost so much weight, he said bluntly, "You look kinda horrible."     

"Wow, what a nice greeting, you dumba*s," said Kai Xin as she frowned at him. However, the tone of her voice said that it was a friendly reply. She looked at Ghost who seemed to have gained weight. When she last saw him, it was at the hospital, and he was weak from the abuse Su Yan Xi did to him. But now, he seemed to have mostly recovered from it.     

Ghost smiled, "You slept for so long that I thought you're going fuse to the bed soon… How are you?"     

Kai Xin laughed softly before she replied, "I feel great… I thought I had to be on diet for the next few months after the baby was born…"     

She patted her flattened tummy and joked, "I went on a diet that I'm not even conscious for…"     

"Funny you can still joke about it… That man there nearly went crazy…" Ghost nudged toward DX with his chin.     

Kai Xin smiled as she glanced at DX. She then turned back to look up at Ghost.     

"Sit down. My neck hurt," said Kai Xin as she patted the empty area next to her right side. The large umbrella that the staff fixed for her kept most of her and DX's body inside the shade. There was still enough space in the shade for Ghost.     

Ghost sat next to her. He took a quick glance at DX before turning back to Kai Xin, "I was really worried about you… How could you just sleep for so long?"     

Kai Xin smiled but she did not say anything. After a while, she asked, "So, how's your progress with Callum?"     

Ghost blushed slightly at her direct, cut to the chase question. He then lied down on the grass and thought for a while before saying, "It's good… But honestly, I never expect myself to like a guy…"     

She smirked, "That's cause you've never given it a try before…"     

Ghost laughed softly. "Well, it's definitely better than whatever I had with girls before…"     

"Oh, you mean those wh*res that your stepmother and your brother sent over to keep you in a promiscuity life?"     

Ghost nodded. His fingers curled into fists when he thought about the things he had to do in order to keep himself alive. Closing his eyes, he tried to get the images of the girls out of his mind.     

After a moment of silence, Kai Xin cut to the chase and asked, "What happened to Ye Tian and Shangguan Xing?"     

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