Be My Strength

I have another person!

I have another person!

02 weeks later, DX left work during lunchtime. Kai Xin and Jane went out for brunch, and he told the former that he would pick her up.     

"She's so cuteeee!" Jane said in a high pitched noise as she played with Little Monkey. The little thing was laughing as Jane showed her funny faces.     

They were in a restaurant at Hotel W.     

Kai Xin smiled as she watched Jane playing peekaboo with Little Monkey. After a while, she said, "This little thing… She's way too mischievous… She won't sleep properly at night and she wants to sleep on our bed all the time…"     

Jane laughed softly, "And your husband is alright with that?"     

"He's a total id*ot when it comes to Little Monkey…" Kai Xin sighed. She took a sip of the mango smoothie she ordered before saying, "Every time Little Monkey cries, or even just threaten to cry, he would go over to her and picks her up."     

She glanced at her baby and leaned over to wipe the drool off her face before saying, "You drooling little thing… He's my husband, you know?"     

Little Monkey looked at her with an innocent look before giggling and raised her hands up to her mother. Seeing her daughter being so energetic, Kai Xin rolled her eyes and picked Little Monkey up from Jane's arms.     

"Just because you're cute…" murmured Kai Xin as she bounced Little Monkey gently.     

Jane snickered, "Everyone knows that a woman's biggest rival in love is her daughter. So… Deal with it."     

As Kai Xin continued to play with Little Monkey, without taking her eyes away from her daughter, she asked, "How about you?"     


"My mum told me that she sent Mo Shaoyun to your place. Have you forgive him?"     

Jane sighed, "I don't know… He's a damn c*ward, but… I told him that I'm giving him a chance."     

She told her best friend everything. "His wife gave birth to a boy… He's pretty cute. A fat baby. Mo Shaoyun said that her health deteriorated after she gave birth and --- "     

Kai Xin rolled her eyes and interrupted her, "He's not going to divorce her…"     

"Not now… Knowing him, he probably felt bad for her..."     

"How long are you going to wait then?" asked Kai Xin. Little Monkey yawned and Kai Xin took out Mister Bunny from her mummy bag. When Little Monkey saw Mister Bunny, she immediately raised her arms.     

Placing Mister Bunny on Little Monkey's chest, Kai Xin then took out a pacifier and put it in Little Monkey's mouth.     

As she gently patted Little Monkey's bum to lull her to sleep, she looked at Jane and repeated her question.     

Jane leaned back against the black couch she was sitting on. As she looked toward the street outside the window, she replied, "A few years… Honestly, I don't really want to go out and try. I'm busy with work now and I want to focus on my career. I don't want to have to rely on a man for my livelihood. If there's someone suitable, then I won't hide and I would give it a go… But if there's not…"     

She made up her mind to give him at most three years. If three years later, things remained the same, then she would not wait for him anymore.     

"Kai Xin…"     

The two women looked up and saw DX walking over toward them. When he walked, the other guests of the restaurant looked at him with various expressions. Greed, jealousy, lust… Some of them tried to walk toward him but the guards in casual clothing that were sitting nearby stood up and stopped them.     

"How are my favorite girls?" asked DX. He nodded at Jane to acknowledge her before kissing Kai Xin on the top of her head.     

Little Monkey who was about to fall asleep opened her eyes again when she heard her father's voice. She spat out her pacifier and raised her hands.     

As usual, DX lifted her and when she was nestled in his arms, he asked, "Did you give Mummy any trouble?"     

Little Monkey grinned as if she was trying to say "a little".     

Kai Xin sighed dramatically and pretended to wipe off her sweat as she said, "Look at your daughter… Scold her a little, would you? She pooped right after I just changed her… Twice!"     

DX frowned at his little daughter and said softly, "No bullying Mummy, alright?"     

As if she knew she was being scolded, Little Monkey pouted and her lips quivered slightly.     

However, when DX kissed her on the nose, she smiled again before breaking into a huge yawn.     

"She's supposed to sleep now…" said Kai Xin.     

DX nodded, "You guys chat a little more… I'll walk her around and come back again after she falls asleep."     

Kai Xin and Jane talked for about 15 minutes before DX returned with Little Monkey who was in deep sleep mode. After sending Jane home, DX and Kai Xin went home. Han Ye was with them as their driver since he had to discuss some work-related matter with his boss who refused to discuss them at the office.     

When they arrived, they saw Mr. Ye's car waiting outside the main gate.     

"President Du…" Han Ye said as he looked at the rear view mirror. He was slowing down as he prepared to enter the compound of the mansion.     

"Just keep driving. I've nothing to say to him," said DX coldly. He was sitting at the back seat with Little Monkey resting in her car seat between him and Kai Xin.     

However, Mr. Ye suddenly jumped in front of DX's car and stopped him from moving. Luckily, Han Ye was fast to hit the brake or he would have really hit Mr. Ye.     

The sudden jolt startled Little Monkey and being woken up so suddenly, Little Monkey blinked from confusion for a few seconds before she started to cry. Kai Xin immediately leaned over to pat Little Monkey on the chest to comfort her.     

Little Monkey kept swiping at her mother's hand. She was upset and she did not want to sleep again.     

"There there…" said Kai Xin softly as she continued to pat on Little Monkey's chest.     

DX looked a little irritated at the fact that his daughter was unjustifiably woken up from her sleep and he got down from the car. With a cold gaze, he asked, "What do you want?"     

Mr. Ye went to stand closer to DX as he said, "XiAn! Please listen to uncle! Uncle just want to talk to you!"     

"You've been bothering me every day for the past few months… What do you want to talk? I've nothing to talk to you."     

Mr. Ye grabbed DX's sleeve and begged, "I know that Xiao Tian is with you… Please, XiAn. On account of our relationship…"     

"Our relationship?" snapped DX as he glared at the man. He flung the man's hands away before he said sharply, "Mr. Ye, unfortunately, after what you tried to do to me last time, there's no relationship between us. You should have thought about it before you betrayed me!"     

With a face filled with regret, Mr. Ye continued to plead, "Please, XiAn. Uncle knows that I'm wrong, but Xiao Tian is innocent…"     

Hearing the word "innocent", DX flipped out and lifted Mr. Ye up by his shirt. As he pushed Mr. Ye against the latter's car, DX snapped, "If your son is innocent, then what about my wife?! Don't you dare tell me that Ye Tian is innocent!"     

"XiAn, he was just a boy then… It had been so many years… Please..."     

Looking at his uncle in disgust, DX pushed the man aside before saying, "Don't come again or I'd throw you to the cops!"     

When Mr. Ye saw that DX was about to get into the car, he yelled, "I have Su Yan Xi!"     

DX stopped in his tracks. He had suspected that much and Mr. Ye just confirmed it for him. DX was angry with Mrs. Luo. If not because of her, Shangguan Xing would not have been able to hide in the first place. He had a plan on how to mess with her and her son at the same time. To do so, he needed to have her in his hands.     

He turned around and asked, "So what?"     

"I'll exchange her for Ye Tian."     

DX gave him a curt reply, "No."     

Mr. Ye clenched his fist and in a small voice, he said, "I have another person…"     


He did not want to do this. If possible, he did not want to use her as a bargaining chip. However, he did not know another way to save his son. With his hands trembling and a wavering voice, he said, "I know that Luo Guang Ying and Callum are close friends… So, please tell Guang Ying that I've someone that he wants to see…"     


Mr. Ye took out a card with an address written on it. He hesitated for a moment before handing it to DX. As he looked at his nephew, he said, "Only he knows the truth. Bring my son over to this address this weekend and you'll know…"     

With that said, he bowed at DX's car. When DX opened the car door earlier, he caught a glimpse of Kai Xin. He knew that Ye Tian was at fault, and he knew that no matter what he said, he would never be able to change the time.     

But at the same time, biological or not, he was Ye Tian's father and he had a duty to apologize for his son's misdeeds.     

After he bowed at the car, he left.     

As they drove into the compound of the mansion, Kai Xin asked, "What did he say?"     

After she was woken up suddenly, Little Monkey was fussy and refused to stay in her car seat. Since they were near home, Kai Xin had picked her up. Being in her mother's arms, Little Monkey felt safe again and she soon fell asleep again.     

In a hushed tone, DX told her and Han Ye everything.     

Han Ye frowned, "Who could the other person be?"     

"Did Lu ZiYan say anything to you before?" asked DX as he looked at Han Ye's facial expression through the rearview mirror.     

Phantom was still staying with Han Ye. In fact, they moved into a new apartment together two months ago. Both of them wanted a fresh, new start and they no longer wanted to be alone. So, they moved into a bigger apartment together.     

Han Ye shook his head at DX's question, "As far as I know, other than those from Luo Family, Luo Guang Ying did not have any other family members. His mother passed away a few years back, and she was an orphan herself."     

Kai Xin frowned. She gently patted her daughter's bum and said, "I don't think that guy would know who is in the hands of Mr. Ye. He doesn't have a lot of friends, so it can't possibly be a friend…"     

DX nodded. When they pulled over at the foyer, he said, "I won't hand Ye Tian over to him, but I want Su Yan Xi."     

"He won't hand her over that easily," said Kai Xin.     

"I won't give him that choice. It's either my way or no way."     

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