Be My Strength

It's time for you to go home

It's time for you to go home

0DX reassured her by patting her hand as he said, "It's alright… I'll support her… You won't drop her…"     

He knew that Kai Xin was worried about her own strength, and he knew what she was thinking about.     

How could someone who could not even stand by herself hold a tiny baby?     

He was not worried about it as he had been practicing for the past few months. As long as his hand was under Kai Xin's hand at the same time, she would have the strength to hold their daughter.     

Looking at Lyle, DX nodded to signal his son to put Little Monkey in Kai Xin's arms before she could change her mind.     

Kai Xin was nervous as she watched the little baby that was in her arms. For the longest time, they were just staring at each other. When Kai Xin looked at the tiny baby that was staring back at her, she felt all warm inside. She could not believe that she created such a beautiful little being.     

"Little Monkey… It's Mummy…" said DX as he patted Little Monkey's bum with his hand.     

Little Monkey looked at her father's face for a second before looking at her mother's face again. She felt strange and uncomfortable at the way Kai Xin was holding her. Within seconds, she started to pout. Her mouth opened and closed as if she was asking the "stranger" to give her back to someone she knew.     

Seeing the little pout on her face, Jack immediately went and took the little bunny that Little Monkey loved from the crib. He held it a few inches away from Little Monkey's face as he said, "Look, it's Mister Bunny…"     

When Little Monkey saw Mister Bunny, she smiled and raised her hands to try and touch it.     

Kai Xin gasped softly when she saw the little bunny and she looked at DX who then smiled and said, "Mister Bunny has been with Little Monkey since the first day… It's her favorite toy…"     

She smiled as she took the little bunny from Jack. She then placed the little bunny on Little Monkey's chest and watched as Little Monkey tried to hug the soft toy.     

A small drop of tear dropped from the corner of Kai Xin's eyes and when he noticed it, DX asked with a worried tone, "What's wrong? Are you not feeling well anywhere?"     

Kai Xin shook her head, "No… I feel happy… I feel like everyone is finally together…"     

When she woke up earlier, she felt that she had a painful yet important dream. She had a vague memory of it, but she felt that she had finally said a proper goodbye to her son.     

For the longest time, she had felt some sort of heavy burden being placed on her, but now… She felt as if the guilt that had been eating her had finally been lifted.     

Especially when she saw Little Monkey and the little bunny.     

The twins smiled as they watched their parents interacted with each other. Other than the time he was with Little Monkey, his father had barely smiled for the past three months. So when they saw the smile on their father's face, it made them sighed in relief.     


After about an hour, DX told the twins to go home first. He told them not to say anything to anyone since he wanted to surprise the others. Furthermore, he told the twins to let everyone know that there should be no visits for tomorrow as he wanted to have some peace and quiet.     

Kai Xin actually wanted to go home immediately but Dr. Phillip refused to follow her wishes. He wanted to keep her for another day to observe her conditions.     

She tried to beg DX but he refused to follow her wishes.     

"Anything but this... I'm not taking any chances with your health..." said DX sternly. In the end, she relented and did as what she was told.     

No one came for a visit the next day. They figured that DX probably needed some time alone with Kai Xin, instead of dealing with visitors every few hours.     

DX spent the rest of the day with Kai Xin. When Dr. Phillip talked to her, sometimes she would forget about what she was saying and talk about something else. She was not really in the mood to talk and she seemed to be confused about many things, her memories included.     

It seemed that occasionally, she could not differentiate which part was real and which part was a dream.     

Dr. Phillip did not worry himself over this and he explained to DX, "It's a common thing that comatose patients tend to share... She's going to need time to heal from this."     

Surprisingly, despite her long sleep, Kai Xin felt tired quickly enough and she fell asleep again shortly after the talk with Dr. Phillip.     

At about 9 p.m. the next day, Dr. Phillip and his team had finally run through all the necessary tests. They had been observing and monitoring her conditions for the last 24 hours. Once all the doctors agreed that it was OK, they could finally officially discharged her.     

The most important part was that Little Monkey could finally go back home as well!     

"... As for now, Kai Xin is free to go home. However, she's going to need physical therapy for the muscle atrophy," said Dr. Phillip as he looked at Kai Xin's medical file.     

He then looked up at DX and said, "I'll send you a list of things that you can do to help hasten her recovery. Help her get some light exercise and so on... However, she has to come back twice a week for me to check on her condition and progress…"     

Dr. Phillip did not want to discharge her so fast since she just woke up from such a long coma. He would prefer to observe her for another day, but if she was going to get agitated, then there was no point. Stressing her out would not help her recovery.     

Furthermore, since there was nothing during the first 24 hours, he figured that there would be no problem.     

DX nodded as he noted down mentally everything that Dr. Phillip was saying.     

Meanwhile, Kai Xin kept looking at their bundle of joy that he had placed in her arms. Since she did not have the strength to hold her baby properly, DX had placed a small pillow behind her knee to prop it up higher so that Little Monkey would not accidentally roll off.     

He also kept an eye on his baby's position to make sure that she was absolutely secured.     

As for Kai Xin, she was secretly praising herself for giving birth to such a beautiful baby girl and did not really pay attention to anything else.     

Before they left the hospital, Dr. Phillip told them that they had to fill in her birth certificate. Thus, he needed a name.     

"So... What is it going to be? What is the name for the little lady?" asked Dr. Phillip as he glanced at DX and Kai Xin.     

Kai Xin, who was sitting on a wheelchair, looked up at DX and said, "I actually thought of a name for her before… I was going to tell you -"     

DX interrupted her by saying, "You can name her anything you want…"     

After what Kai Xin went through, he would give her anything she could ever want.     

Kai Xin shook her head. With a smile, she said, "She's our daughter. You should have a say as well… I'll give her her English name, and you'll give her her Chinese name. Alright?"     


Kai Xin looked at Little Monkey who was sleeping in her arms and as she gently caressed her baby's head, she said, "Daisy… My strong little Daisy…"     

When Ghost gave her the codename before, he told her that Daisy was a name suitable for someone who would continue to live on despite any adversity. Even though it might be a little improper to name the daughter of one of the most powerful men on Earth after a type of weed, she liked the name and the meaning behind it.     

Her daughter fought for her life the moment she came into this world. She deserved a strong name.     

DX smiled when he heard her choice. He knew that Daisy was a name that was connected to Kai Xin's past, so he was fine with it.     

As for his daughter's Chinese name… He thought for a moment before saying, "Lyle's Chinese name is Du Qing Yun and Jack's Chinese name is Du Qing Yu… I'd like to continue the naming style so that people would know that they are siblings… I've actually been thinking about it for the past few weeks… and there's a name that I really like…"     

He looked at Kai Xin and asked, "What do you think of Du Qing Lei?"     

"Lei? Like thunder?" asked Kai Xin as she cocked her head slightly.     

DX nodded and explained, "Cause she came into this world like a thunder...We saw her before we heard her…"     

Kai Xin smiled. She looked at Little Monkey who had woken up earlier and was tugging on Kai Xin's hair.     

"Daisy Du Qing Lei… I like that..." said Kai Xin as she played with her daughter's hand. The name was a little boyish, but it was a strong name suitable for their daughter.     

Dr. Phillip thought about the name for a moment before nodding in approval. He then said, "Qing Lei… Not a bad name… I'll handle the birth certificate. When it's done, I'll bring it over to you."     

He got down on one knee and took Little Monkey's hand. He shook her hand and said softly, "Nice to meet you, Qing Lei… It's time for you to go home, but Uncle Phillip would come and visit you soon… "     


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