Be My Strength

I hope everything would be fine

I hope everything would be fine

0After Dr. Phillip left to tend to DX, An Qi Yan broke down in silent tears as she looked at her unconscious daughter.     

An Qi Yan sat next to Kai Xin's bed. She held her daughter's hand and stroke it gently as she said with a sad tone, "Kai Xin, why are you always in the hospital?"     

Seeing her daughter in this state reminded her of when Kai Xin was young and was admitted to the hospital. Every time Kai Xin was admitted to hospital, An Qi Yan would worry that God might have reconsidered his plan and that He might take her daughter away for real after she escaped death for the first time.     

When she saw the news last night regarding the accident at the twins' school, she was worried that something might have happened to them. She kept trying to call Kai Xin but she could not get through to her phone and when she called DX, he told her that everyone was fine, just slightly injured.     

However, she knew that he was lying, especially when they failed to return after 12 a.m. She had a bad feeling but when she texted Kai Xin and DX on their phones, only the latter replied and it was to tell her not to worry. When she tried to call Kai Xin again, it was still the same.     

Sima Erden had been feeling a bit uneasy as well. He had woken up in the middle of the night from a nightmare where he dreamed that he was standing in a pool of blood. In the dream, he was holding a lifeless baby in his hand and stood in the middle of a triangle.     

Standing at each corner of the triangle, there was a woman-like soul which he recognized to be Kai Xin's lifeforce from his previous contact with her, a darker color soul that looked like a boy, and another brighter smaller formless white soul standing.     

Sima Erden was confused by what he dreamed and unable to sleep back after that, he went to get a drink at the kitchen. That was when he saw An Qi Yan. He did not tell her anything. Instead, he told her to stop worrying about things and go to bed for now.     

"I'm sure President Du is right… Go to sleep first. If you get sick or something, Kai Xin would be unhappy..." said Sima Erden as he walked An Qi Yan back to her room.     

An Qi Yan agreed to sleep, but she was unable to sleep for long. By dawn, she found herself fully awake. When she went to Kai Xin and DX's room, the door was opened and there was no one inside.     

Even the twins were not in their bed.     

Just as she was about to call the cops, she saw Han Ye carried a sleeping and injured Lyle back. An Qi Yan immediately ran down the stairs and demanded an answer.     

"I'm sorry but could you give me a minute, Ms. An?" asked Han Ye. Without waiting for her response, he then whistled for one of the morning shift butlers to come over. When a butler came over, he said, "Take Young Master Lyle back to his room and tuck him in."     

The butler nodded and took Lyle off from Han Ye's arms.     

After they left, Han Ye turned to An Qi Yan and bowed politely before he said, "Ms. An, I hope you slept well last night…"     

An Qi Yan asked worriedly, "Where is my daughter? And Jack? What's wrong with Lyle? Is XiAn alright? Where are they?"     

Han Ye nodded and said, "Young Master Lyle was injured earlier, but it's nothing serious. He would be fine after a good sleep. The President is fine, but Madam President Du and Young Master Jack are in a worse condition. They are at Hospital Imperial at the moment. There was a little accident earlier and Madam President Du went into labor earlier than predicted."     

An Qi Yan clutched her heart as she gasped, "Is she alright? Has she given birth? What about Jack? Is he alright?"     

From the moment she knew that her daughter was pregnant, An Qi Yan had planned to be by her daughter's side. She was afraid that her daughter would be as lonely as her.     

Han Ye smiled and said calmly, "Ms. An, Young Master Jack was injured but he's fine now. He was in an operation earlier, so he's still unconscious at the moment… And Madam President Du and her baby… They are fine as well… Because the little lady is a preemie, she's in NICU now. As for Madam President Du, she had a C-section, so she still unconscious as well…"     

DX had told everyone involved not to mention anything about the kidnapping. He did not want to cause worry to anyone else.     

An Qi Yan looked at Han Ye with a worried expression as she said, "I have to visit them at…"     

Han Ye nodded and interrupted her, "I'll take you to the hospital, Ms. An. However, President Du asked if you could perhaps cook something for Madam President Du to eat when she's awake? He doesn't think that she would like any of the hospital food."     

An Qi Yan nodded. She immediately went to the kitchen to prepare something light for everyone. It took her some time since she had to prepare quite a lot of dishes and a big portion as well. She doubted that her son-in-law would eat anything when his wife and children were in the hospital.     

After leaving some for Lyle, she immediately packed the rest up for the three that were at the hospital.     

After that, she went to Sima Erden's room and knocked. Once she heard the "come in", she walked in. He was trying to put on his shirt and An Qi Yan blushed. He was wearing a buttoned up shirt but he had yet to button any of them when she walked in.     

When she saw his body, despite the situation, she inadvertently thought about the things they did previously and her face started to turn red again.     

"Yes? Have you talked to Du XiAn or anyone? Where are they?" asked Sima Erden as he tried to button his shirt. He did not realize what she was thinking about at the moment.     

An Qi Yan gulped and went over to help him. As she buttoned up his shirt for him, she told him about everything that Han Ye told her.     

Sima Erden frowned as he thought, "Is the dream coming true? Or is it just another dream?"     

Not knowing what was in his mind, An Qi Yan said softly, "So, I'm going to the hospital now. Do you want to go with me?"     

Sima Erden smiled, "Of course… Even if we can't get married, Kai Xin is like a daughter to me as well..."     

An Qi Yan sighed and hugged him, "Erden, I hope everything would be fine…"     

He patted her on the back and whispered, "It will…"     

In his heart, he prayed to God and hoped that everything would be fine. When An Qi Yan was looking at Kai Xin, he glanced at the soul that had been with Kai Xin for a while now. Ever since he moved into the Du Mansion, he had seen glimpses of the soul just hanging around Kai Xin. Mostly, he would appear near the nursery.     

As if the soul caught him staring, it disappeared shortly.     

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