Be My Strength

I'll save Kai Xin!

I'll save Kai Xin!

0DX turned to Kai Xin and looked at her. The woman that he was in love with was in a lot of pain and there was nothing he could do for her to reduce her pain. All he could do for her now was to stand by her.     

With love and worry reflected in his eyes, he kissed her on the lips briefly before saying, "I'll love you no matter what…"     

She nodded weakly.     

The anesthesiologist immediately started to do his job. Once he made sure that Kai Xin could not feel anything, Dr. Phillip and his colleague started the operation. Their hands moved swiftly as they made an incision on her abdomen.     

When DX watched they cut into her, he winced involuntarily as he wished that it was him that was being cut.     

He looked at the incision on her abdomen and prayed that both Kai Xin and Little Monkey would be safe. The doctors were moving faster than what they usually did because of the time constraint.     

When DX looked at Kai Xin, she was crying.     

"Are you in pain?" asked DX as he gently swept her sweaty bangs away from her forehead.     

When Dr. Phillip and his colleague heard him, they immediately stopped moving and looked at Kai Xin. However, Kai Xin shook her head and told them, "I'm fine… Please help her out quickly..."     

After the doctors went back to work, Kai Xin looked at DX. With a regretful tone, she said to DX, "I'm sorry… I didn't protect her well enough…"     

"Don't say that!" hissed DX. He kissed her on the forehead before he said sternly, "You protected my son - No, our son! You protected him and you protected Little Monkey as well… Nothing would happen… I won't let anything happen to any of you!"     

Kai Xin looked at him and nodded. She felt so weak at the moment… So weak, and so sleepy…     

Dr. Phillip had made an incision of about 10 cm on the abdomen and uterus. He gave the last of his equipment to one of his nurses before he placed his hands into the uterus to lift Little Monkey out.     

When he gently lifted her up, he noticed the reason for the distress. Somehow, the umbilical cord was tangled around her neck. He gasped softly when he saw that Little Monkey was not moving and she did not make any noise.     

He immediately used his body to shield Little Monkey from her parents as he released her neck from the umbilical cord.     

The nurses looked at each other with a sad expression while Dr. Phillip tried to give Little Monkey CPR.     

"What's wrong? What's happening? Why is she not crying?" asked Kai Xin weakly. She saw Dr. Phillip lifted Little Monkey out earlier and she had leaned back and sighed in relief. However, when she did not hear any crying, she started to panic.     

No one answered her.     

DX had a pale expression on his face while he stared at Dr. Phillip who was holding the lifeless body of his baby daughter. He watched as his friend tried his best to save his daughter.     

"DX!" Kai Xin pulled his arm weakly and asked, "What's happening?"     

DX gulped and looked at her, "Nothing… Little Monkey is just being mischievous…"     

He did not know what to say to her.     

However, Kai Xin knew what he was saying. The moment she knew that there was no crying, she knew. Little Monkey was stillborn…     

At first, it was just silent tears that slowly fell from the corner of her eyes. Eventually, she started crying loudly. The sound of her crying could be heard all the way from outside the hall. The nurses who were walking outside stopped whatever they were doing.     

They had heard this kind of crying often in their career. Usually, it meant that someone lost a person that was dear to them.     

It was the kind of crying that could not be faked, the crying that was filled with deep anguish and pain as if one's heart was being ripped out. The kind of crying that could affect everyone around them.     

The nurses outside the operating theatre sighed as they murmured a silent prayer. All of them entered into this career to save people and to give people hope, but there were times when they would be the bearer of bad news and it was this that made it hard for some of them to keep going.     

Back inside the room, Kai Xin cried her heart out as she begged, "Save her! Save her! DX, save our daughter!"     

When DX leaned down to hug her, she hit him in the shoulder. In her grief, she had forgotten that he was injured and when she hit him continuously, the wound started to bleed again.     

"No! This can't be true!" yelled Kai Xin as she continued to hit DX while crying out loud. DX did not know what else to do so he endured it.     

He blamed himself for not protecting her and their baby. He kept thinking that if he had disallowed her to go to the school festival, nothing would have happened. Everyone would have been safe.     

While the two were stuck in their grief, Dr. Phillip kept giving Little Monkey CPR as he whispered, "Come on, you can do this… You're President Du's daughter! You're stronger than this…"     

After a while, the heart rate monitor that was linked to Kai Xin had a sudden change and Kai Xin's body buckled. The other machines were beeping like crazy.     

"Dr. Phillip, her heart rate is falling!"     

"Dr. Phillip, her blood pressure is falling!"     

"Phillip, she's in shock!" said the other doctor who operated on Kai Xin. He pushed DX away gently and immediately ordered the nurses to prepare the equipment.     

Dr. Phillip ignored them. They could help Kai Xin. As for him, he kept giving the lifeless baby CPR. He would occasionally slap the baby's buttocks but she was not responding.     

A flatline sound finally caught his attention.     

"F*ck it, Phillip! She's not breathing! I need your help!" said the doctor. He then gave Kai Xin CPR.     

Dr. Phillip looked at Kai Xin. He then looked at DX who was standing by the side as he stared at everything that was going.     

Dr. Phillip looked at Little Monkey's lifeless body and he made a decision. He quickly went to DX and said, "Take off your shirt…"     

DX did not reply. He seemed to be in some kind of shock as well as he stared at the back of the other doctors who were trying to save his wife.     

Dr. Phillip hissed, "Du XiAn, if you want to save your wife and daughter, you'd listen to me now…"     

When he heard Dr. Phillip's words, DX immediately snapped out of his trance and said, "What do you want me to do?"     

"Take off your shirt now…"     

DX took off his shirt without any hesitation. The bandage on him was covered in blood and usually, Dr. Phillip would not have done this, but special circumstances required special treatment.     

He handed Little Monkey that he had wrapped in a pink blanket to DX and said, "Warm her up… Talk to her, let her know that you're her father and you want her to wake up... Don't give up on her…"     

DX nodded, "I won't…"     

There was no guarantee that this would work but this was the last resort. If Little Monkey did not wake up soon, even if she did eventually, the brain damage would be too extensive and irreparable.     

"Phillip, she's in cardiac arrest!" yelled his colleague who was getting a defibrillator ready.     

Dr. Phillip gave one last glance at DX before saying, "I'll save Kai Xin…"     

He then went over to Kai Xin without waiting for DX's reply.     

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