Be My Strength

Your hand is so sweaty

Your hand is so sweaty

0Rin Nakamura poked Ki Hong's palm and murmured, "Your palm is so sweaty!"     

He pulled it back and placed both his hands into his pockets before saying, "Well, who asked you to be such a scaredy-cat! If you are as brave as your sister, you won't have to hold my hand!"     

She laughed and poked him on the shoulder as she asked, "Seriously, how are you going to get a girlfriend with such sweaty palms?"     

"It's none of your business!"     

Rin Nakamura thought for a second before saying, "Since you saved me earlier, how about I offer myself to you?"     

It took Ki Hong a second to realize what she was saying. With his eyes widened, he asked, "...What?"     

"I'm single. You're single. We are the same age...And let's face it...With a face like that, you won't be able to get any other girlfriends anyway...For the sake of saving the other girls from having the misfortune of dating you...I'll be the poor sacrificial lamb then..."     

Hearing the thinly-veiled insult, Ki Hong glared at her before he snapped, "Hell, no! I'd rather be a monk than to date you!"     

When he saw the downcasted look on Rin's face, he panicked and said, "No. I'm joking! I'm sure a lot of guys would want to date you...Don't cry now..."     

After a few seconds, she burst out in laughter, "Oh boy! You are really easy to mess around with..."     

Knowing that he had been played by the woman in front of him, Ki Hong facepalmed himself. He had never met a woman like her before.     

Annoyed, he reached over and with one swift move, he placed a hand behind the back of her head and kissed her on the lips.     

It took her a second to realize what he was doing. However, instead of pushing him away, she kissed him back which caused Ki Hong to be taken aback.     

When he felt her soft lips pressing back against his coupled with the feel of her small hands on his face, he found himself reluctant to pull away.     

"What the heck..." murmured Kai An when he saw what Ki Hong and Rin Nakamura was doing.     

For a guy who claimed to be in love with his sister for so many years, he sure bounced back fast.     

After the conversation with Naomi Nakamura, Kai An was a little annoyed that Ki Hong managed to make his move.     

When Naomi Nakamura saw the scene, she gasped, "Rin!"     

If their father got news of this, he would never allow her younger sister to leave the house ever again.     

The moment she heard someone calling her name, Rin Nakamura immediately opened her eyes. When she saw her sister and Kai An staring at her, she immediately pulled away from Ki Hong and grinned sheepishly at them.     

"Food is here! Let's eat!" said Rin Nakamura as she tried to divert their attention.     

Ki Hong was still stunned by the turn of events. He was almost 27 years old and he refused to believe that he was played by a woman.     

After they were done eating, Ki Hong and Rin Nakamura walked at a distance behind Kai An and Naomi Nakamura.     

"What was that earlier?" asked Ki Hong. He was a little confused by the kiss and what it meant. After the kiss, she had been treating him indifferently as if there was nothing between them.     

"What?" asked Rin Nakamura innocently.     

"The kiss! Damn it! Rin!" groaned Ki Hong.     

"Oh? The kiss. It's just a kiss," said Rin Nakamura and she shrugged as if it was nothing.     

Ki Hong glared at her and he pulled her aside as he asked annoyingly, "Are you going to keep messing around with me?"     

She grinned and stuck her tongue out at him.     


She laughed softly at his reaction. When he frowned at being treated as her toy, she asked, "You like Kai Xin, right?"     


He was unable to answer her. Deep in his heart, he still had some feelings for Kai Xin.     

Even though he knew that there was no way she would reciprocate his feelings, it would still take him a while before he could completely forget about her.     

When he did not reply, Rin sighed. She pulled her hand away from his grip before saying seriously, "I think you are cute but I don't want to be anyone's rebound."     


She smiled at him as she said, "Naomi told me that according to Kai An, you've been in love with Kai Xin since young. I know that the feelings won't just go away that fast and I wouldn't be able to trust you if you tell me otherwise..."     

Patting him on the shoulder, she added, "...Take your time. Once you are sure that you can start a relationship without thinking about her, then give me a call..."     

When Ki Hong looked at her with a sad gaze, she added, "...I'll wait for your call..."     


As for Kai An and Naomi Nakamura, when they found that the other two were missing, they walked around the mall looking for them. When Kai An saw a photo booth, he pulled her inside.     

"Let's take a photo to commemorate our day," said Kai An as he placed the money into the slot.     

"But what about-"     

He interrupted her by kissing her on the lips. Ever since he first saw her, he had wanted to kiss those soft pinkish red lips of hers.     

In his heart, he was praying for her not to fight him. He knew that she felt the same way about him and he hoped that she would give them this one kiss.     

At first, Naomi Nakamura was taken aback and she fought for a few seconds. However, her attempt was feeble and without any real intention of stopping him.     

Before long, she responded to his kiss by kissing him back. Even though she had kissed before, she had never felt such strong feelings for a guy before.     

With her hands around his waist, she grabbed his shirt as she savored the feel of his tongue in her mouth.     

Since she was inexperienced, she allowed him to lead her and she quickly learned how to move her tongue.     

Tears welled in her eyes and when one of them dropped on Kai An's cheek, he opened his eyes slightly.     

The moment he saw her teary eyes, he pulled away slightly. The sight of her flushed face and teary eyes sent a feeling down south and he had to will it to stay down.     

With a soft voice, he asked, "Why? Do you hate it?"     

She shook her head as she continued to hold onto his shirt. Using his thumbs, he wiped the tears away from her eyes before hugging her.     

"I won't let you marry him...I'll figure out something..."     

"You can't...My father is adamant at making this work..." said Naomi Nakamura. Her father had always been hardheaded.     

Ever since the engagement with Shangguan Xing went through, he had been looking around for a new son-in-law.     

Her father thought highly of Luo Yin and he would never agree to break off the engagement.     

With the financial backing of the Luo Family, they would be able to expand the army under the command of the Nakamura Family.     

He hugged her and rubbed her back gently as he murmured, "I'll try my best, alright?"     

As they left the photo booth, he picked up the photos and gave one set to her. With a grin, he said, "For whenever you think of me..."     

She smiled shyly and took the set of photos. Placing them in her bag, she said, "We need to look for Ki Hong and Rin. I'm afraid that she might give him high blood pressure if we leave them alone any longer."     

He took out his phone and texted Kai An before saying, "I've texted him and told him that we would meet them at the Starbucks earlier. It's getting late and you should get home soon."     

Taking her hand, he held it tightly before reassuring her, "Don't worry too much about it. I'll try to convince your father. If I can't, I'll pull in my brother-in-law. He's pretty powerful."     


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