Be My Strength

Press Conference (8)

Press Conference (8)

0As Kai An carried Kai Xin out with An Qi Yan following behind them, Layla turned to her daughter and instructed her on a couple of things.     

"Quinn, call Callum and let him know that we are sending Kai Xin over to Imperial Hospital now. Tell him to immediately send his men over to secure the presidential floor of the hospital. Let him know that I'll inform Phillip and your Godfather!" said Layla. She kissed her daughter on the forehead, and before she left, she said sternly, "Stay here until I return! No bullying the servants!"     

"Erm!" said Quinn as she looked at her Godmother who was in Kai An's arms while they waited for the driver to bring the car around. She was worried about Kai Xin and the little baby in her stomach but she did not want to cry.     

"Be strong, Quinn!" murmured Quinn to herself before she ran to get the phone.     


When DX received the call from Layla, the press conference had almost ended. He was answering a question that was put to him to a reporter but when he saw Layla's name flashing on the screen of his handphone, he excused himself before passing the microphone over to the MC.     

"Hey, is everything alright?" asked DX as he stood behind the heavy curtains at the side of the stage. He saw that Song Qiao was looking at him so he gave her a nod before turning around.     

Layla was in the front seat of the car while Kai Xin was in the back seat with her head leaning against her brother's shoulder. While she turned to look at her, Layla answered DX, "Kai Xin is not feeling great at the moment. We are going to the hospital now. Phillip is on the way there. Come over once you are done with your press conference."     

"What! Is she alright? What happened? Let me talk to her!" said DX nervously as he paced around the back of the stage.     

He heard the phone being passed around before his favorite person answered, "Hey...Did you drop the mic?"     

"Stop joking around! What happened?" asked DX. Perhaps it was due to him being worried over her, he unwittingly raised his voice.     

Kai Xin winced when she heard his loud voice and she complained meekly, "I'm in pain now. Can you please don't yell at me?"     

DX frowned, "I'm not ye- I'm sorry, ok?...Are you alright? I'm coming over now…"     

Kai Xin shook her head weakly as she said, "It's probably gas. Don't worry too much about it and focus on your press conference"     

He looked at his watch as he answered, "Hell with don't worry! I'm coming over now. I'd be there in less than an hour."     

After a short silence, he added, "Don't be scared…Everything would be fine...Our baby would be fine..."     

Despite the uncomfortable sharp pain that was emitting from her belly, Kai Xin laughed softly, "I'm not scared…"     

However, there was a crack in her voice that DX could tell. He knew she was trying to be brave for the others in the car. In a soft voice, he reassured her, "Everything would be fine...Phillip is a good doctor...I'll see you there soon…"     

Kai Xin nodded before saying, "Drive safely…"     

Once he hung up, DX went back to Han Ye to get the car key and to inform him that he would be in charge of the event.     

"Is Ms. Zhen alright?" asked Han Ye as he passed DX the car key. There was only one reason why DX would leave early when the press conference was so important. It was the only time that he could clear Kai Xin's name.     

"She would be fine," replied DX before he turned away. He did not know who he was trying to reassure when he said that. All he knew that for everyone's sake, Kai Xin had to be alright.     

When Song Qiao saw DX walking towards her, she called out, "XiAn..."     

She wanted to talk to him and to convince him that she had nothing to do with whatever that happened today. She had done everything he asked of her and she was sure that he would believe her. All she had to do was to blame everything on her father.     


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