Be My Strength

I don't care where you sleep at

I don't care where you sleep at

0As agreed, DX stayed the night at the hospital to accompany Song Qiao. However, the moment Song Qiao woke up, he told her that he had to go home to change.     

"Should I pick you up later?" asked DX before he left the room.     

"It's ok. I'll call my driver," replied Song Qiao. When DX left, she grinned wickedly as she thought about the event that might be unfolded.     

At first, she was worried that Kai Xin might have recorded their conversation or that she had some other proof that might exonerate her. However, based on what DX asked of her, it appeared that her worries were unfounded.     

Regardless, she had been preparing herself. In the event that there was some sort of proof, it would be nothing compared to what she had prepared for Kai Xin. Whatever proof she had would be buried under the latest news.     

As she thought about the event that was about to unfold, she laughed softly, covering her mouth with the back of her hand as what a woman of her upbringing was taught to do. However, her gentle laugh soon turned to a mild chuckle.     

"Calm down, Song Qiao...Laugh after you get rid of the shameless woman..." murmured Song Qiao as she choked back her laughter. However, her body soon started to tremble and she sputtered before she let loose. What was only a mild chuckle earlier escalated until it hit the crescendo of a maniacal release of laughter.     


It was still quite early in the morning, so DX stopped by the nearest 5* hotel to buy some breakfast for Kai Xin. After all, Kai An and An Qi Yan might not be arriving until later and he did not want Kai Xin to starve herself.     

Since he did not know what she wanted, he bought her a variety of food for her to choose. As for dessert, he bought a few mochis with peanut and red bean fillings.     

By the time he arrived home, he was surprised to see Kai An and An Qi Yan standing around the foyer talking to some of the servants. Once the servants saw DX, they bowed and left after he dismissed them.     

"I hope you don't mind, but we are worried about Kai Xin," said An Qi Yan as she tried to take the containers of food from him.     

DX handed her some of the lightest containers before saying, "I was just a little surprised. I did not expect you to be here this early."     

"I figure I should come earlier," said An Qi Yan as she walked into the kitchen with DX following behind her. Kai An stayed back to continue his chat with the servants.     

The servants had given them a short tour earlier and when DX saw them earlier, they were in the process of briefing the mother and son about the current occupants of the house.     

"I'm grateful for that. Have you guys eaten?" asked DX as took out bowls and plates from the cabinets and gave them a thorough wash.     

"No...But," said An Qi Yan. Looking at the plates of food, she grinned, "I think we have enough here for the entire village…"     

Once he was done washing, they worked silently in taking the food out of the containers and placed them on the freshly washed bowls and plates.     

An Qi Yan was slightly worried when she watched DX washed the bowls and plates thoroughly. After a while, she finally gathered the courage to ask, "Is it that bad?"     

DX looked at her and he knew what she was asking him. Without any hesitation, he answered her, "Yes...They would do anything they can to get rid of Kai Xin and our baby..."     

"Why?" asked An Qi Yan as she watched DX placed the empty containers away.     

With a sigh, DX replied, "Because many people covet the role of Madam President Du..."     

As they carried the food to the dining room, DX continued to explain to her, "My sons were born without anyone's knowledge, and when we found them, they have already lost their mother, if there's one to begin with...Anyway, there are those who intends to marry me for their own ambitions. They might try to 'love' my sons in order to control them, but if they get pregnant with another of my child, my twins' life might be in danger..."     

"Aren't you afraid that my daughter is the same?"     

DX smiled wryly at the test that An Qi Yan was giving him as he said, "I'm a pretty good judge of characters...Why do you think I'm still a single man at my age? Besides, I've fallen too deep for her to care..."     

As they placed the plates and bowls out on the dining table, he added, "Honestly, Ms. An. You've raised a little hellion... If your daughter is more docile, I would have kept her locked up for her own safety..."     

An Qi Yan laughed, "But she's not..."     

She was glad that DX did not hide anything from her. In order to protect her daughter and her unborn granddaughter, she needed to know everything that she had to look out for.     

During the house tour earlier, she noticed the lack of kitchen staff and when she asked, the servants told her that based on the latest instructions from their boss, most of the kitchen staff were dismissed and, if needed, the rest would come during dinnertime.     

An Qi Yan was glad that DX did not play around with her daughter's safety. She had her son to help her with the cooking so she was not bothered by the lack of staff.     

"Damn, these are all good stuff…" said Kai An as he stole a bite. He had walked in at the end of the conversation and when he saw the feast that was laid out, he could not help himself but to take a bite. After all, they did not eat anything earlier.     

When his mother swiped at him, he immediately hid behind DX and pointed out, "There's enough for the entire village, mum!"     

"Ignore my stupid son...Somehow, the only thing he inherited from me is my look. Who knows where he got his lack of intelligence from...," said An Qi Yan with a smirk as her son reeled back from the insult.     

With a smile, she pointed towards the bedroom direction as she said, "Go...Wake her up. We'll watch over it myself. Don't worry."     

DX nodded and after thanking her, he excused himself and ran back into his room. When he arrived, he tried to turn the knob but it was locked.     

"Luckily, I have a key…" murmured DX as he took out the small key that was in his wallet. Even though it was more convenient to change to a keycard lock that hotels used, but DX still preferred to use a key. After all, his key was the only Masterkey and it would prevent Callum or anyone else from hacking their way into his room.     

Placing the key into the keyhole, he turned it until he heard the click. Then he slowly turned the knob before walking in quietly. Once he was sure that she was still asleep, he closed the door behind him quietly.     

When he saw Kai Xin curled up in a fetal state while she hugged the blanket that was tangled around her legs, he smiled. He walked towards her quietly. She was sleeping in the middle of the bed with a pillow that had most slipped out from underneath her head.     

After he adjusted the pillow for her, he quickly went to get a quick shower. He dried his hair as best as he could with a dry towel before he approached the bed.     

Wearing only a pair of dressed pants, DX smiled as he climbed into the bed slowly and hugged her from the back. Having woken up earlier by the sound of him showering, she had been pretending to sleep the entire time to see what he was up to.     

When she felt him wrapping his arms around her shoulders and his legs covering hers, she smiled. Reaching up to touch his arms, she murmured, "I didn't expect that you would return so early…"     

"I don't want to stay longer than necessary.." murmured DX as he gently pulled the hair that was covering her neck aside before kissing it.     

"That tickles…" laughed Kai Xin before she turned around to face him. After placing a kiss on his chin twice, she asked, "Did you sleep well?"     

"I slept on the couch if that's what you want to ask…"     

Kai Xin smirked before she pushed him down and climbed onto him. As she sat on his stomach, she poked his chest as she said, "I don't care where you sleep at."     

Patting his crotch that was right behind her, she looked at him as she added, "This boy here won't work for anyone else…"     

DX groaned, "As much as I want to…"     

He placed a hand behind her back to support her before he sat up. Placing a kiss on her lips, he added, "...I need all my energy for the press conference later."     

"Alright then…I'm still kind of sore anyway..." pouted Kai Xin before she climbed out of him. As she walked towards the bathroom to freshen up, she stopped at the door to ask, "What are you going to do later?"     

Leaning against the headboard, he shrugged, "As what we agreed. If she does what I asked of her, we will keep the recordings for later. If she chooses the other way, I'll use the recordings immediately."     

Kai Xin nodded, "Be right out with ya…"     

While she was freshening up, he leaned against the headboard and thought what they discussed last night.     


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