Be My Strength

I'm going in now**

I'm going in now**

0As they both laid down leisurely in the tub, they talked about yesterday's event while DX gently massaged the back of her neck.     

Her hair was tied up since she did not feel like getting it wet. Right now, she just wanted to relax in the bathtub with him instead of bathing for real.     

Once her shoulders were less tense, she leaned back against him. DX wrapped his arms around her before letting his fingers danced around on her inner thigh.     

"Are you going back to the hospital later?" asked Kai Xin as she stopped his fingers from entering her. Lifting them to her lips, she bit his middle finger as if she was admonishing it.     

When she released his fingers, DX chuckled as he placed his hands obediently on the side of the bathtub before answering her, "I have to show some concern to her. After all, the accident happened at my house."     

"It's not an accident..." murmured Kai Xin.     

DX narrowed his eyes as he stared at the wall opposite him. In a terse voice, he said, "I know..."     

"Why do you say so?"     

"Because I believe that you are not such a person..." replied DX.     

He kissed her on the top of her head before continuing, "...and that you are too smart to do it in an open area where everyone can see you...Which means that there are two explanations..."     

"...One, she threw herself down the stairs. Two, she attacked you and you were defending yourself."     

When she heard his explanation, she smiled and slapped his chest lightly. With her arms folded, she said in a menacing manner, "I could have attacked her while I tried to defend myself."     

DX laughed gently before pointing out, "It doesn't make any sense. If you were defending yourself, instead of a broken leg, she would be in a worse off state..."     

"...For a girl to get on your nerve to the point of you attacking her, she would have to be close to you...and based on your temper, you would either throw her off your shoulder or give her a kick to the torso."     

As he unfolded her arms, he continued, "Song Qiao did not have any injury or bruises on her abdomen..."     

He thought about it for a second before adding, "What I can tell from this is that when she fell, she was more than prepared for the consequences and that she had been bracing herself for all the possible impacts..."     

"...In fact, that would explain the injuries on her arms and legs. A person who fell from a similar stairway would have more injuries than minor bruises on the limbs."     

Kai Xin turned herself around so that she was straddling him. She stared him for a long time before narrowing her eyes. With a low voice, she asked, "You know too much...Did you bug the room?"     

He leaned forward and stole a kiss. When she looked at him in surprise, he pointed out, "My little minx...If I can't even analyze this, how am I going to lead the entire Du Conglomerate?"     

"My man is too smart..." murmured Kai Xin before she wrapped her arms around his neck. She was glad that he did not let his feelings for her affect his judgment on the matter.     

As he placed kisses on her neck, he saw the small thin cut on the bottom of her left foot.     

With a sigh, he murmured, "I might be a smart man but sometimes I can be a little out of it...I should have noticed your foot..."     

Kai Xin glanced behind her to look at the bottom of her left foot. Since she was joining him in the bath, she had removed the bandages by herself earlier.     

Turning back to him, she lightly bumped her forehead against his before saying, "Stop blaming yourself, Du XiAn! Everything was moving so fast yesterday... I didn't even notice it until he-"     

She hesitated for a short while before continuing, "...until someone told me about it..."     

DX heard the hesitation in her voice. He knew that the only someone she could not talk to him about was Ghost. It annoyed him that the man saw something when he did not.     

"Du XiAn...Please stop..." said Kai Xin as she stared into his dark eyes.     

He had always been a worrywart when it was about her safety. She was grateful for his love and attention but she did not want him to keep blaming himself for every small injury she received.     

"Please don't let such a small matter bother you, OK?" asked Kai Xin before she kissed him.     

It was light at first but when she sucked on his lip, he growled and reciprocated. With his hands supporting her lower back, he kissed her back. After a while, he lowered his hands so that they were cupping her b*uttocks.     

As they moved their hands all over each other's body, the water sloshed about and created an echo in the bathroom. However, they were too preoccupied to pay any attention to it.     

When Kai Xin reached down between them to touch him, he was already in a hardened state.     

Pulling away, she gasped softly as she asked, "Have you... Have you done...your homework?"     

He blinked at her as his mind was still in a muddled state. His hair that was neatly pushed back earlier was now a mess. With eyes that were glazed over, he appeared confused but he quickly got over it. With a nod, he said, "Let's go to the bed..."     

He had gone through most of the materials that Dr. Phillip sent him. All of them said that it was fine to have normal s*exual relationship up until she was pregnant for at least 6 months.     

After the 6th months, there would be certain positions that he could not do with her.     

"I'll get out first..." informed DX before he stepped out of the bathtub. The floor was covered in water and he was worried that she might slip. He took a couple of towels from the cabinet and threw them on the floor. Once the floor was dried, he held her by the hand as she got out of the bathtub.     

"I think you are a little over with this..." muttered Kai Xin once she was out.     

"You are too clumsy to be left in a situation like this. I'll tell Old Mo to slip-proof the entire house once he's back from my mother's place."     

They quickly patted themselves dry before they left the bathroom. Meanwhile, she jumped straight onto the bed while she waited eagerly for him to join her.     

Met with her hungry gaze, he quickly dried his hair with the help of a blow dryer before climbing onto the bed with her. Straddling her, he cupped her face tenderly before kissing her. He first kissed her on the forehead before he moved down to the tip of her nose. Then it was on both her cheeks before he settled on her lips.     

He could feel his manhood throbbing. Even though it was not that long ago, it felt as if it had been years since he last touched her. Using two of his fingers, he placed it on her neck and slowly trailed it down her torso until he reached her crotch.     

As he pinched the sensitive nub, he felt it pulsating and grinned as he asked, "You are already a pregnant woman...Should you still be this h*orny?"     

Before she could reply, he inserted the two fingers into her. When she gasped, he kissed her mouth and let their tongues tangle together. As he slowly teased the nub with his thumb while his fingers moved around in her, she felt the ache slowly building within her as it demanded a release.     

"Quicker..." mumbled Kai Xin when he finally released her mouth and moved on to her neck. When he sucked on her neck, she groaned as felt both pleasure and a little ticklish from his hot breath.     

Following her guidance, he increased the speed of his fingers moving in and out of her while he kissed his way down to her left breasts.     

As he sucked on her nipple, he could hear her gasped out loudly. Her ragged breath was the only sound that he could hear during that time and it only made him harder than before.     

When she felt that it was coming closer, she clutched onto his shoulders before moaning,     


DX smiled when he felt her cumming on his fingers. Without taking his eyes off her face, he slowly withdrew his fingers. As she watched, he brought the two to his lips and licked one off sensually.     

His action caused her already flushed face to turn even redder as she wondered what she tasted like on his finger.     

Noticing where she was looking at it, he looked at the other finger that was still coated with her juice before grinning playfully.     

He wriggled the finger closed to her lips before saying, "You have never tasted yourself, right? I'll have you know that you taste lovelier than me..."     

DX watched as Kai Xin gulped nervously. Having teased her enough, he was about to stop when she reached out to clasp his wrist.     

She knew that he was teasing her but she was curious. To his surprise, she pulled his hand closer and licked his finger clean before sucking on it gently.     

He gulped as he watched her reverse the power play.     

The memory of her going down on him caused his hardened member to twitch as it demanded everyone's attention. He had to brace himself before he fell on her.     

It got her attention and she reached down to stroke him a little.     

Using her thumb, she moved it around the exposed top and when she saw the precum, she wiped it with her thumb before bringing it to her lips.     

Licking it off, she pretended to think for a while before saying seriously, "You are right. I do taste lovelier than you..."     

"You little minx...No more Mr. Nice Guy, " growled DX. When he saw her licking the precum while she looked into his eyes, he nearly came on the spot.     

It was hard for any hot blooded man to resist such a temptation, much less a man who was right there with a willing woman.     

Once he positioned himself between her thighs, he lifted her legs and let them hang off his shoulders.     

He continued to tease her wildly by poking gently at her entrance. Even though she just came earlier, her body was already fully recovered and it demanded him to enter and fill her up.     

When he continued to tease her by rubbing around her entrance slowly, she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him down as she growled, " Put the damn thing in now!"     

Since he had enough of teasing her, he chuckled and said, "Yes, my love... I'm going in now..."     


With one push, he went all the way to the hilt. When he did that, Kai Xin tightened her arms and cried out when she felt a mixture of both pain and pleasure.     


DX managed to calm himself down and he gave her a few seconds to get used to his size.     

"Let me know if you want a break..." whispered DX as he linked one of his hand with hers.     

When she finally buried her face in the nape of his neck and nodded against it, he started to move. He moved slowly at first and only when she begged for him to quicken his pace that he started pumping into her.     

With the feeling of pleasure quickly replacing any other sensation, she started to enjoy their game.     

With his elbows placed on either side of her head, he murmured, "I love you..."     

However, before she could reply with the same, he covered her mouth with his while his lower body continued to pump wildly into her.     

The sound of their private parts banging into each other coupled with their loud breathing and moans reverberated through the room.     

"Argh!" cried Kai Xin as she came for the second time. The intensity was a lot stronger than before and she dug her nail into his back while the waves hit her.     

As for DX, once Kai Xin came, he stopped holding back and pumped into her until he joined her in the moment of euphoria.     

Unlike before, DX did not let himself sleep on top of her. He merely braced himself on his elbows as he rested against her chest while he caught his breath. Only when he trusted his own strength that he gently placed her legs down before rolling over next to her.     

Placing a hand on her belly, he smirked as he spoke with ragged breath, "I...I don't want to hurt her..."     


"It's only temporary...Just five more months..."     

"But I'd miss having you on top of me..." pouted Kai Xin. She made an exaggerated sigh before continuing, "Looks like they are right. A man only cares about his daughters and not his wife..."     

DX laughed at her remark. He hugged her close to him and even though he knew that she was joking, he still comforted her by whispering, "My dear Kara, no matter how many daughters I have, you would still be the number one woman in my life..."     

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