Be My Strength

Caller ID - Sperm Donor

Caller ID - Sperm Donor

0When DX heard the constant vibrating sound coming from the nightstand next to him, he reluctantly opened his eyes to take the call before the big burrito snuggling tightly against him wake up.     

"Quick. I'm still sleeping..." murmured DX softly as he kept his eyes on Kai Xin's sleeping face. His arm was dead but he did not want to move it away from her.     

"Erm...This is?"     

DX frowned when he heard the unfamiliar voice. When he looked at the phone in his hand, he sighed. He had accidentally grabbed Kai Xin's phone instead.     

Before he placed it back on his ear, he took a quick glance at the Caller ID - 'Sperm Donor' - and murmured, "Hold on."     

Chuckling at how Kai Xin named her father, he gently lifted her head before removing his arm from underneath her head. After giving it a couple of shakes to get rid of the painful numb feeling, he slowly got out of the bed.     

When he noticed that she was shivering from the sudden loss of heat, he quickly covered her up with the blanket before giving her a quick peck on the cheek.     

After so many years of 'dating', DX knew that Mr. Zhen rarely called his daughter and suspected that, if anything, this call was related to everything that happened last night. Putting on a bathrobe, he went to the balcony and closed the door behind him before saying, "Mr. Zhen, this is Kai Xin's man."     

There was a moment of silence when Mr. Zhen realized that he was with President Du. It took him quite some time before he asked, "President Du?"     

"Just call me, XiAn, Mr. Zhen. Kai Xin is asleep. May I know what this is all about?"     

Mr. Zhen leaned back against his chair. He was looking at the picture of a masked Kai Xin kissing DX on his laptop when he replied, "My daughter...I guess the rumors are true...She's really the third person in your relationship with Ms. Song."     

"Do you believe in the rumors?"     

Closing his laptop, Mr. Zhen sighed before saying, "President Du, I don't know what to believe. That child has always been up to no good and there are pictures all over the internet. Everyone is saying that she did it."     

Annoyed at how Mr. Zhen described his own daughter, DX asked tersely, "I'm not asking about everyone else, Mr. Zhen. I'm asking you. Do you believe in the rumors?"     

"I-I..." Mr. Zhen was unable to answer him. He had a mistress when he was still married to An Qi Yan. In his mind, he thought that Kai Xin did it to provoke and shame him. Otherwise, why would she be with a 41-year-old man like DX? Even if he was the almighty President Du, with her capabilities, she would have no trouble finding someone who was closer to her in terms of age.     

"Mr. Zhen...Since we are both someone's father...I think I am at the position to tell you this..." said DX as he turned around. While he looked through the sliding door at the sleeping woman on his bed, he continued,     

"When I talked to Kai Xin's Nai Nai before, I thought that perhaps you are just a misunderstood man. However, from our conversation today, I can see why Ms. An divorced you. Rude as it may be, I have to say that I'm utterly disappointed in your lack of trust towards your own daughter. After reading the hurtful things that people wrote about her, not only did you not ask about her feelings, you chose to believe those groundless rumors over her. If the one who picked up the phone earlier was Kai Xin, would you have spoken to her in such a polite manner?"     

Embarrassed at being reprimanded by a man younger than him, Mr. Zhen gave up all pretense. He banged the desk with his fist before standing up. As his anger level rose, his fist trembled involuntarily while he snapped, "President Du, this is the problem of our family, and she is my daughter. I have to think of the well-being and safety of my entire family! You don't have any daughters so you do not know the trouble they can bring..."     

DX scoffed, "Let me ask you this...If I'm to ask Ms. An the same thing, do you think that she would hesitate the way that you did earlier?"     

When he heard the question that DX posed to him, Mr. Zhen fell back onto the chair. DX was right. An Qi Yan would never believe the rumors. She would be able to answer him without any hesitation. Unlike him, his ex-wife had always shown complete trust in her children.     

While waiting for his answer, DX noticed that Kai Xin was stirring around in her sleep and he chuckled when she kicked the blanket away as if it was bothering her. When she sat up, she seemed so vulnerable with her messy bed hair and droopy eyes. As if she was unsure whether she was really awake, she patted her cheeks twice.     

Not once did it occur to her that he might be at the balcony. Once she realized that his side of the bed was cold, she felt disappointed. After she exhaled a long sigh, she climbed over to his side of the bed and buried her face in his pillow. The scent that he left behind was a sort of comfort to her.     

Mr. Zhen's voice took his attention away from Kai Xin.     

"President Du, perhaps you are right. I know that I've not been much of a father to her. If you have a daughter that you barely know, you would have done the same thing."     

When he heard Mr. Zhen's words, DX could not help but laugh wryly at the poor man before saying, "Mr. Zhen...I would never give up the chance of knowing my own daughter... I would never hurt my wife and my daughter the way you did to them. If the reason you are calling today is because of your safety, then rest assured. I've placed bodyguards around the entire Zhen Family."     

"President Du..."     

"Mr. Zhen, I'm running out of patience with you. Do remember this. I do not forgive and forget, and I definitely won't forgive those who hurt my woman...even if the person is you..." warned DX tersely. Without waiting for a response, he hung up.     

In order to give her a surprise, he quietly snuck back into the room. Since she was half-asleep, it was easy. When he was next to the bed, he crouched down next to her. Her eyes were closed and he could see tears seeping out.     

Reaching over, he gently wiped her tears away with his fingers. When she felt someone touching her, she opened her eyes and smiled when she saw his face.     

"I thought you've left..." said Kai Xin in a soft voice while she reached over with a hand to caress his face.     

"I won't leave without telling you..." said DX before he kissed both her eyes. Once he was done, she sat up while he knelt on one knee in front of her and asked, "Why are you crying?"     

Embarrassed, she wrapped her arms around his neck and murmured, "I dreamed that you were gone...then I woke up and I didn't see you..."     

"I went to answer a call..." said DX as he gently rubbed her back. He was worried about her mental well-being. It felt as if the knowledge that she was pregnant filled her with fear more than happiness.     

When they heard the loud noise coming from her stomach, he stood up and looked down at her guilty face. With a frown, he stood akimbo as he asked, "Did you not eat anything earlier?"     

She tried to avoid answering the question by hugging him.     


With a sigh, she shook her head against his flat, muscular stomach before murmuring, "I'm afraid."     

"What? Why?" asked DX as he removed her arms from his waist. He looked at the clock and frowned, "It's 6 p.m. Have you eaten anything at all today?"     

"Just something light for breakfast..."     

With a sigh, he helped her up and when she was standing in front of him, he asked sternly, "Kara...You are eating for two now...What are you afraid of?"     

Feeling guilty that she caused him to worry again, Kai Xin answered truthfully, "I'm afraid that someone would hurt her...To be honest, I don't feel completely safe..."     

Pulling her into a hug, he placed a hand behind her head as he murmured, "You silly woman..."     

Even though he said that it was unlikely, he knew that there was still a possibility that the staff might be bribed or threatened by someone. She probably had the same thought as him. The staff might not know about the pregnancy yet but it would be impossible for them to keep it a secret forever.     

As he rested his chin on the top of her head, he said, "I understand...We will keep it a secret for as long as possible...and I'll inform everyone who has knowledge about it to be careful...As for your meals...I was going to give them a couple of days before I ask them but I think I'll ask your mother to move in immediately. She would be the one responsible for all your meals and I don't think she would mind that. For now, you still have to eat...Let's go to the kitchen...I'd cook for you..."     

She nodded and agreed with his arrangement. She would feel a lot better with her mother and brother by her side.     

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