Be My Strength

I'll deal with it

I'll deal with it

0Kai Xin choked on her tea for the second time that night when she heard him.     

She glanced at him and mouthed, "Xiao An?"     

DX shrugged nonchalantly and gave her a discrete wink.     

Having noted the exchange between those two, Grandma Zhen was curious but she merely nodded and while looking down at his mask, she said, "Nice to meet you. Are you feeling unwell?"     

"I have a bit of cold and I don't want to transfer it to anyone," answered DX.     

"You should have stayed at home if you are feeling unwell." said An Xin.     

Turning to her sister, she continued, "Kai Xin, you should have let him rest at home. Nai Nai is old and her immune system is not that good nowadays."     

Her tone was soft but the meaning was there.     

She was implying that Kai Xin was inconsiderate both towards her boyfriend and their grandmother.     

"I am the one who wanted to come," said DX tersely while giving her a cold glance.     

An Xin who had been treated kindly by everyone since young was shaken by his look and she quickly looked down at her cup of tea.     

To Grandma Zhen, DX explained, "I hope I did not offend you. I just want to have a look at Kai Xin's beloved grandmother. I have matters to handle at home, so I won't be staying for long."     

Grandma Zhen took his hand and tapped the back of it, "I'm not particular about this, but let's exchange our numbers. I'd like to know more about the man that Kai Xin approves of. She is quite a difficult child to handle, is she not?"     

DX chuckled softly as he typed in his number into Grandma Zhen's phone.     

Glancing at Kai Xin, he pretended to whisper, "She can be quite difficult to please sometimes."     

Kai Xin pretended to get offended and lightly slapped his shoulder, "How dare you....Xiao An!"     

Grandma Zhen laughed softly and said, "I hope you can accept her for who she is."     

"No matter what, she would be my only one," DX reassured the old lady he looked on lovingly at his woman.     

Taking out a small box from his pocket, he handed it to Grandma Zhen, "I hope you would like this little gift."     

Grandma Zhen frowned and she tried to push it back, "There's no need for a gift!"     

DX insisted and placed it in her handbag, "Take it as a thank you gift for passing down such wonderful genes to your granddaughter."     

Grandma Zhen laughed, "Well, if you put it like that..."     

She gestured for him to sit, "At least eat a little before you leave."     

DX stood up and stared at Kai An until the latter took the hint and moved to the next seat.     

When he sat down, he immediately scooped out some soup for Kai Xin and Grandma Zhen.     

Once he was done with soup, he picked out some dishes that Kai Xin liked and placed it on her plate while she took some food and filled up Grandma Zhen's plate.     

Grandma Zhen nodded approvingly. Glancing at her son who waited for his wife to serve him, she sighed. Like her husband, her son only cared about himself.     

While DX was expertly extracting the crab meat, Kai Xin asked, "Is everything alright at home?"     

Still focused on his job of extracting the meat, DX answered, "Lyle called earlier. He said that Jack is feeling unwell and he refused to eat without me."     

Worried, Kai Xin placed her hand on his to stop him, "Go home then. The kids need you. I'll be fine here."     

He shook his head and said, "It's fine. I talked to Old Mo earlier and he said that Jack did not have any fever."     

He rubbed against her cheek gently with the back of his hand before saying softly, "I'll just stay for a while to accompany you."     

Kai An groaned, "Damn! can you guys please stop with your PDA?"     

Grandma Zhen laughed, "What's wrong with lovers showing their love? If you are jealous, then go get yourself a girlfriend and make me a great grandson to play with!"     

Kai An immediately turned away and focused on his bowl of rice.     

Mr. Zhen looked at DX who was piling up a bowl with crab meat. He wanted to scold him for hogging all the best part but Mrs. Zhen spoke first,     

"Xiao An, is it? It's rude to take things without offering to your senior first."     

DX glanced at her before saying, "There's still plenty of crabs here."     

"You took all the claws," pouted An Xin. That was her favorite part of a crab.     

DX nodded, "Well, that's the best part."     

Thomas took the one on his plate and gave it to his fiancee, "An Xin, take this."     

Even though she was still unhappy, An Xin decided not to argue about it. She did not want to embarass Thomas in front of everyone else.     

Once he was done with extracting the meat out of 8 claws, DX split them into two bowls and gave equal portions to Grandma Zhen and Kai Xin.     

"Eat well," said DX while he placed the bowl in front of Grandma Zhen.     

As he placed the bowl in front of Kai Xin, he said, "I have to leave soon. If you want more, tell the manager. He'll get someone to extract it for you."     

Kai Xin shook her head, "I'm fine with this amount. Besides, it taste better if you are the one who does it for me."     

"Oh my god!" groaned Kai An. Annoyed, he adjusted himself so that he was not facing them at all.     

Kai Xin smirked at him and said, "Told you to tell Grandma to find you someone."     


Underneath the mask, DX smiled as he watched Kai Xin teasing her brother.     

He took a quick glance at his watch and stood up when he realized that he had to leave. Turning to Grandma Zhen, he said, "I hope you like the crabs, Nai Nai."     

Grandma Zhen nodded and gave him a thumbs up as she said, "It's very tasty. Thanks for picking out the meat for me. Even my late husband has never done that for me."     

She noticed that he did not touch his food and told him to eat first before he leaves.     

DX declined and explained, "I have to leave now. I promised someone that I would eat with him."     

Grandma Zhen nodded, "Even though it is a small matter, a man must always keep his promises. I'd be here for a while so there would be plenty of chance to meet."     

"Yes, Nai Nai."     

Without removing his mask, he leaned down to give Kai Xin a quick peck on the lips.     

Before he stood up, he whispered in her ear, "If anyone upsets you, just use my name to crush them. Whatever consequences that might arise, I'll deal with it."     

Kai Xin laughed softly, "Yes, Xiao An."     

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