Be My Strength

Just rest for now

Just rest for now

0Dr. Phillip glanced at Jack quickly before he said, "We have to keep him here and monitor him for a few days, just to make sure that there's no blood clot… According to the doctor who operated on him, he said that it was a pretty bad hit. Jack had a compound fracture on his skull... But don't worry about it. A compound fracture basically means that his skin and tissue are broken... Anyway, he would have to be on antibiotics so that he won't get any infection. In addition, I'd need you to keep an eye on him in case of any side effects."     

He paused for a moment before continuing, "Keep him off school for now, and definitely no sports for the next couple of weeks..."     

DX nodded. He went over to his son's bed and when he saw Jack frowning in his sleep, he kissed the boy's forehead before he said softly, "You did well…"     

After a moment of silence, Dr. Phillip asked, "Do you want to visit Little Monkey? I can look after Kai Xin for you…"     

DX glanced at him. He then looked at Kai Xin. It had been a few hours since he last saw Little Monkey. Truth be told, even though the doctors kept telling him that she was fine, he was still unease after the scare that he had earlier.     

After a few seconds of hesitation, he murmured, "I'll be back soon…"     

He then stood up and with a hand on Dr. Phillip's shoulder, DX said, "Thank you…"     

Dr. Phillip waved a hand nonchalantly as he said, "Don't worry. I'll bill you well enough…"     

DX smiled slightly before he walked out of the room. Dr. Phillip was not joking. His bill was ten times what a normal doctor would charge, but DX did not care. After all, he had all the money in this world.     

The guards outside the room nodded at him but he just walked past them. He went straight to NICU. When the guards outside NICU saw him, they nodded in acknowledgment as well.     

"Anyone came here earlier?" asked DX. He stood in front of the glass wall separating him from his baby daughter. A nurse inside the room was taking down notes of what she could see from the monitors that were attached to his baby.     

One of the guards nodded and answered, "Young Master Lyle, Young Master Shenlong, Young Master Luo, Mr. Han, and Mr. Lu came earlier… They only watched from the outside for a few minutes…"     

DX did not say anything. He sanitized his hand with the free hand sanitizer outside the room and let it dry off before he walked into the room. When the nurse on shift inside saw him, she just smiled and nodded.     

DX lifted a hand to signal her to be quiet. Little Monkey was asleep and he did not want to wake her up. He went to the incubator and his heart ached at the sight of Little Monkey.     

She had an oxygen hood on to help her with breathing. She was also hooked to a blood pressure monitor and Nasogastric intubation to help her get her nutrients. Since she was still too small and did not have the strength to suck from a milk bottle yet, this was one of the ways she could get her nutrients from.     

DX put his hand through the small round opening at the side of the incubator and lightly touched Little Monkey's left hand. With a smile, he whispered, "Little Monkey, I'm glad you're here… Mummy will visit you as soon as she's awake, so don't worry about it, alright?"     

At first, she did not respond.     

However, just as he was about to pull his hand away, her little left index finger touched his index finger. DX watched in awe and he put his finger closer to her.     

Little Monkey wrapped her fingers around DX's left index finger. There was no strength in her grip but DX smiled nonetheless. In his mind, he was thinking that if Kai Xin could see this, she would definitely be happy.     

"Photo…" murmured DX.     

He looked up at the nurse and signaled her to take a photo. When the nurse went to get her phone, DX murmured to Little Monkey, "Let's show Mummy how strong you are… We can't let her miss anything, right?"     

As if she could understand him and that she was trying to answer him, her fingers opened and closed around his finger. DX could only smile. He knew that he would be the type of father that Kai Xin said he would be - the ones that would never be able to say no to their baby daughter.     

After the nurse took a few photos, DX thanked her and asked her to send the photo to Han Ye's phone. Han Ye would then send and develop the photos for DX without the risk of DX giving out his phone numbers.     

"Daddy will come and see you again in a few hours, Little Monkey… Be good and get stronger, alright?" said DX softly. When Little Monkey opened her eyes slightly, he gently patted her chest. As if his warm palm comforted her, she yawned slightly and it was not long before she fell asleep again.     

When he lifted his palm, that was when he first saw the little red birthmark in the middle of her chest. He smiled and noted the similarity of the birthmark to the one that Kai Xin had.     

As he looked at his daughter with a loving gaze, he thought, "You're going to grow up to be a great beauty like your mother, aren't you?"     


The moment he walked out of the NICU, he collapsed on the floor after a few steps.     

When he woke up again, he was hooked to an IV and was receiving a blood transfusion. He saw Dr. Phillip glaring at him and asked, "What happened?"     

Dr. Phillip sighed, "That's what happened when you waited so long before you get your wound fixed! You are an idiot! Do you think that you are a robot?!"     

Normally, he would not dare to speak that way to DX, but since DX was unable to hit him now, he felt braver.     

DX glanced around and when he saw that he was in a different room, he sat up immediately and asked, "Where's Kai Xin and Jack?"     

"Don't worry. They are at ICU. Your mother-in-law and her boyfriend arrived earlier. They are watching over Kai Xin and Jack. A doctor is in the room with them as well."     

When DX attempted to stand up, Dr. Phillip pushed him down and said sternly, "I'm not joking, Du XiAn! I'm severely sleep deprived and I don't need you to add up to my list of patients. You'll stay here and take your blood transfusion like a good boy or I'm going to tell Kai Xin what you did!"     

DX glared at him but in the end, he laid back down on his bed. He closed his eyes but he was a little afraid to sleep. However, unknown to him, Dr. Phillip had actually given him a shot earlier. Thus, not long after he closed his eyes, he went to sleep again.     

As Dr. Phillip watched over DX, he sighed, "You id*ot. How can you take care of them if you get sick? Just rest for now..."     

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