Unexpected Second Chance at Love

show you something

show you something

0The Qin family stood rooted to the floor. The father, mother and daughter all held a dumbfounded expression, especially Madam Qin. She had thought so little of Yue Ling and had judged her completely wrong.     

What Yue Ling is after the Qin family fame? The girl clearly has her own wealth and way more fame than what the Qin family can offer.     

However, as she thought this, her face scrunch into another thought. She still cannot be sure, because she has met Ji Chu Hua a few times and that girl is nothing but a white lotus. Unless, Yue Ling is different.     

Qin Xue stare with eyes far wider than her father and mother. When she came to see Yue Ling, she did run into Grandfather Ji, but she thought he was just making his rounds to check on the women who were saved from the incident.     

He had also come to check on how she was doing too.     

Grandfather Ji looks at the three people, then wave his hand like was dismissing them. Placing his hands behind his back, his words fell as he enters the room.     

"Do excuse this old me. I would like to check on MY Ji family's Ah Ling."     

He emphasized the word 'my' as it struck more shock and embarrassment to the Qin father and mother. However, Old Qin did not forget to nod is head in understanding.     

As Grandfather Ji entered the room, Old Qin glares at his wife.     

"See, I always told you to watch that temper of yours. Look at what has happened."     

Even though this is all a misunderstanding, who knows how Grandfather Ji will take it. The old man may have looked calm, but behind that face, he must be fuming in rage with them.     

Heaving a long sigh, he (Old Qin) does not drag his daughter away, but instead his wife.     

Their Qin family is not after the Ji family's wealth or fame, but one should know never to get on Grandfather Ji's bad side.     

He will have to find a time to personally apologize to the old man.     

However, what Old Qin and Madam Qin does not know is that, it is not only Grandfather Ji who they have to deal with. There is also the Lu family as Yue Ling is their precious daughter-in-law.     

As Madam Qin was dragged away by her husband, she did not forget to drag her daughter away. However, Qin Xue pout her lip.     

She had come to find Yue Ling to thank her and…     

Sighing inside, she wanted to cry. There was another reason why she came to find Yue Ling. She wanted to know who was the person that stayed by her side until the paramedics came.     

Shi Yan had told her it was a man. Whether he is good looking or ugly, Qin Xue did not care. All she wanted to do was know who the person is so she can give him her thanks.     

"Aiya. Aiya. Can you believe the nerves of that woman?"     

Inside the room, Grandfather Ji snorts as he paced back and forth. He had left for not even an hour and his granddaughter was already met with such a disturbing morning.     

Never did he think that the quiet Qin family thought so highly of themselves. Even he, who has more power than them do not even look down upon those who are lower than him.     

Yue Ling stares as her grandfather pace and mumble to himself. She could see that his face was turning from normal to red and she sighs.     

Standing up, she walks over to him to help him sit down before he faints from anger.     

"Yeye, it is alright. Madam Qin is only worried about her daughter. If it were me or Jingxu, you would probably react far worse than her."     

"Of course!!"     

Grandfather Ji quickly retorted her words. However, sitting down, he breathes in deeply and massage his forehead.     

"When it comes to you and Jingxu, it is off with their heads."     

Watching him try to calm himself down, Yue Ling smiles, and she leans against the side of the bed.     

"Madam Qin may have a bit of a bad temper, but Qin Xue is still a good person."     

Recalling Qin Xue's apologetic look when she was being dragged away, Yue Ling could not help but massage her own forehead.     

In that moment she felt like they were in a scene from a drama.     

The kind of scene where the main character's mother disapproves of her love choice and forbids them from ever being together.     

She softly chuckles at the thought and looks back at her grandfather. Seeing that he had calm down a bit, she spoke again.     

"Once Qin Xue recovers enough, I will pay her a visit."     

Grandfather Ji nods his head and leans back on the chair. He cross his arms over his chest and looks at his granddaughter.     

"If the Qin family gives you another hard time, just let me know. I will deal with them."     

Hearing his words, Yue Ling arch a brow then her eyes slightly narrows as she too cross her arms over her chest.     

"Really? You will deal with them?"     

Grandfather Ji snorts a scoff before giving her a confident look. "Of course. Who do you think I am?"     

Staring at him, Yue Ling wanted to say something, but decides not to push the topic. She will wait for the right time as it is not her grandfather who she wants to say this to.     

It is Ji Chu Hua.     

During the old man's birthday, she by chance heard the guests whisper about the dispute between Ji Jingxu and Ji Chu Hua before she arrived. She also knows that her grandfather did little about the incident out of consideration for his deceased brother, but that does not mean she will too.     

Be it a friend or foe, anyone who talks down about her younger brother must face the consequences.     

Oblivious to her thoughts, Grandfather Ji suddenly remembers something when he subconsciously glance at the window.     

He abruptly stood up and grabs his granddaughter's hand.     

"Ah Ling, I need to show you something."     

Without giving her any time to react, Yue Ling was already pulled out of the room. She was taken back by surprise, but at the same time curious as to what it is her grandfather has to show her.     

As they pass through the hospital corridors, her brows arch up seeing that they were making their way towards the hospital entrance.     

"Yeye, what is it? Why are we heading this way? What about…"     

Yue Ling's words fell as she and the old man steps out from the glass doors. However, in that moment, her entire being froze and so did her words.     

Her eyes shook with her lower lip and she stares ahead in disbelief.     

Two black cars parked in front of Imperial Military Hospital.     

The back door to the first car opens and Lu Tian's figure steps out into view. Seconds after him, the other doors opened with Liu Shan, Xu Long, Lin Hui, Qi Li, Jiangyu and Ye Zhongwei following in pursuit.     


She whispers his name, but like they were two people with one soul, he looks up and their eyes met.     


Yue Ling lets go of her grandfather's hand and runs towards the man. She ignores the sudden attention that is directed at her, because right now, she is only happy to see Lu Tian and everyone.     

It may have been only one night, but one night felt like one year for her.     

As she nears him, she does not care about anyone's thoughts and jumps into his embrace. Her arms wrap around his neck and she press her face against his chest.     

The moment Lu Tian felt her warmth, his entire being softens. He tightens his arms around her waist and picks her up.     

To his surprise, he couldn't help but smile when he felt her slender legs wrap around his waist like a child. However, he too doesn't care about anyone else and continues to hold her.     

Supporting her up with one arm, his other hand moves up and gently held the back for her head.     

Slightly turning his head towards her, he plants a kiss on the side of her head before whispering into her ear.     

"I'm back."     

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