Flowers Bloom from Battlefield

Don’t Think of Anything

Don’t Think of Anything

0After resting for a while, Jun Min quickly checked Soujin's wound. There were a lot of marks and blood on him, making him look rather ghostly. At the very least, he was still breathing clearly.     

Jun Min teared up Soujin's clothes and saw that some of them are heavy wounds while the others are merely scratches. She was a bit surprised to see the fine body of Soujin, which unconsciously made her cheeks hot. Although she is used to seeing men, this is the first time she saw someone with such a 'perfect' body.     

It lasted for less than one second as she shook her head and dispersed that thought as fast as possible. The other party was hurt and she was still thinking about that? She needs to learn to remember that at this time, she is a guy and not that little girl from the capital.     

Jun Min turned her attention to the wounds. She was a soldier, so she knows some basic first-aid. Because she still had her small pouch on her waist, she could do the treatment for Soujin. The pouch is made from animal skin, which prevents water from getting inside so the contents are mainly still in good shape.     

After cleaning up the wounds and giving some medicine, Jun Min was in a dilemma. The wound is too big for her to close with just a cloth. It needed to be stitched which she cannot do. Jun Min remembered that she still brought her needle, because of habit from learning embroidery every day, but she never stitched a wound before.     

"If I do it the same way as embroidery… will it be alright?" Jun Min hesitantly looked at the other party.     

With Jun Min's small body, there is no way she can drag Soujin all the way up despite there having a small path near them. In addition, with the wounds on Soujin's body, he might develop complications even before they reached the top of this cliff.     

"After this, we need to bring you to a doctor as fast as possible," Jun Min gritted her teeth and gathered her concentration. She didn't bring thread, so hair should do it…     

With her remembering the way she did it before, Jun Min started to move the needle and stitched up the wounds on Soujin's body. Her hand moved fast, but sweat was starting to appear on her forehead and by the time she was done, Jun Min felt really weak.     

"The treatment is done… I want to sleep…"     

Leaning back against the wall, Jun Min closed her eyes and went to dreamland. Not caring about her wet clothes anymore, she slept soundly. Thankfully, due to her strong physical strength, just a few hours of wearing wet clothes won't make her sick. Of course, that is if she is in perfect health.     

The two of them passed out like that and the noisy water current on the side was incapable of waking them up.     

Soujin woke up a few hours later. Their clothes have dried while they were sleeping. He looked around and finally his gaze arrived on the little kid before him who was sleeping soundly.     

"Where are we?"     

Looking around, Soujin noticed that there is water current beside them and his body is wrapped with bandages. He faintly recalled that he had held Jun Min in his arm when they were falling. Somehow, when he looked at the other party when they were falling, he remembered the little girl he met in the academy, so he subconsciously held the other party.     

Soujin shook his head at that thought. How could he think of Jun Min as a girl? Both of them have similar stature, but it shouldn't mean that they are the same person… right?     

Glancing at the other party, he shook her shoulder. "Jun Min, wake up."     

Jun Min opened her eyes drowsily. At first she didn't recognize this place, but turning to Soujin who was still riddled with bandages, she subconsciously blushed and turned her head away.     

"What is it?"     

"What happened yesterday?"     

Jun Min didn't have the courage to tell him that she stitched up his wounds, so she just narrated it in a slightly different version.     


"I should be the one saying thank you, you shielded me when we were falling."     

Soujin laughed. "About that, I just somehow thought of your sister when we were falling. A girl shouldn't hurt their body, so I moved without thinking."     

Jun Min wanted to dig a hole right now. Has her identity been found out? But from Soujin's narration, she noticed that the other party only thought of her as Jun Hua and it did not mean that he had noticed it. Jun Min felt immense relief when she thought of this.     

But didn't Ming Hui say that Soujin has sharp eyes? How come he does not notice something so obvious like this? Maybe the sharp Soujin surprisingly cannot notice something that is right before his eyes? It's kind of funny, though.     

"Still, thank you."     

Soujin nodded. He looked upwards. "There is a stone path over there, can you walk?"     

Jun Min felt really awkward. Maybe she shouldn't have used her martial arts to stitch up Soujin's wounds in a few hours before as it has drained her energy. She didn't have the courage to say that she doesn't have any energy left.     

"What is it? You can't even walk?"     

Jun Min glared at the other party. Dragging Soujin ashore was already taxing with their difference in physique and including her treating his wound, she had drained her energy. Although the sleep has helped her, what she needs the most now is food and not just sleep. Besides, climbing such a steep cliff, it will be a miracle if she could do it with this tired body.     

"Let me carry you on my back," Soujin decided after seeing that Jun Min indeed could not move. He did not want to carry a guy, but he can make an exception…     

Jun Min didn't want to move all the more. She has never been close to any guy before including in the military since her uncle would beat up anyone who dared to get close to her when she was still weak. And after she gained more strength, she could chase them out by herself without relying on her uncle anymore.     

"Are you sure?"     

"I can think of you as your sister. You have the same stature after all," Soujin remarked.     


If Jun Min was not Jun Hua, she would have the urge to beat up Soujin even more, that is if she has the strength for that. While sighing in her mind, Jun Min climbed up Soujin's back and held his shoulder. Thankfully, she hadn't undergone puberty yet, so it was not obvious that she is a girl.     

"Don't think of anything."     


Those are her words alright!     

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