Mark of the destiny

Title- *Secret

Title- *Secret

0"I don't know what life has in store for us. I don't know what the next day, next hour, next minute, or next second will bring for us. But if there is truly an almighty above,  watching us from his live tv, I command him I get to live every moment with you. I command him, that I sleep in your arms every night and wake up to the beats of your heart. I command him I see the world while holding your hand. I command him not to play with our lives again, otherwise, I'll barge into his heaven and punch him. I command him I don't want to grow old with each other but remain childish forever....."     

His steps paused, his breath hitched at the sight of the gorgeous woman. Tall and slender. Beautiful grey eyes perfectly highlighted by shades of black and red, red luscious lips, sculpted cheekbones, silky skin, and breathtaking smile.....Deep V neck A-line long chiffon gown in red, snugged at the waist and free-flowing down, complimenting her figure and hugging from all the right places. She looked nothing short of a Greek goddess descended from Olympus.      

Wait. The gown!     

Wasn't it the one he had bought for her for an art event at the national gallery? Where did she get it from? It was long forgotten, lying somewhere in the unwanted corner of his house.      

He knew she would look beautiful in it, but this-- God, where could he hide her? Was she even wearing evil's eyes amulet? She better be.      

He was yet to recover from the shock when Suyin gave him the biggest shock of his life.... Somewhere in the background soft music accentuated the beauty of the moment. It was the song 'True companion by Marc Cohn'...      

Wang Shi's lips quivered. He knew what's coming next... His eyes traveled down as she got down to her knees, her fingers curling around the mic tightly, "Will you-- Will you marry the Jerry of your Tom?"      

Everything inside him bursts into chaos, heartbeats echoed in ears like jungle drums.      

"Hey, I'm Jerry, you are Tom." A voice came from the darkness, but Wang Shi was so lost in her to pay attention to something else or move his gaze away from her. Everything seems like a dream. What if he moves his eyes and the next moment she disappears?     

She set the mic aside and picked a blue velvet box kept near her foot. With trembling fingers, she opened it and held it out for him. Her eyes on him. Smiling. Teary. He can see how deep she was into the moment.     

"Shouldn't I be the one asking this?" his voice cracked as a swarm of emotions took over.      

She smiled, still holding the ring for him. "Are we gender stereotyping the proposal?"      

"No. But I wanted to do this. Just waiting for the right time."     

"Okay. You can try another time. I don't mind another proposal and another ring. The many the merrier." she said, "In fact, you can do it every year. But not tonight. It's my moment--"     

"You--" He broke into a grin and took another step to clear the distance and pull her from the floor into his embrace. The impact knocked the emotional breath out of her as she hugged him back with all her might. "So this was the emergency, huh? Silly. I so want to scold you for giving me a heart-attack."     

"Do it after accepting my ring. Everyone's waiting with party poppers, and firework."      

He broke the hug to see her face, lips curling into a mischievous smirk. "What if I don't?" he heard ruffles, whispers, and scrunching of leaves from the darkness. Definitely others were losing patience.      

"Then I will take it." Honey screamed, running his way on the wooden path to reach the deck. Yuyu, Lan, three black panthers, and one white fox following as if all connected to Honey by an invisible rope.     

Honey placed his hand on his hips, watching the two with stern eyes, "You two are taking forever. Are you going to make us wait till Christmas?" He looked at his little army. "Why are adults so slow?"     

The two girls walked to stand with Honey and matched his action. Glaring daggers.      

The four furry animals followed their masters and growled at the two.     

The family and friends also stepped out of the darkness and waited at the pathway, suppressing their laughter. They don't have to do anything. The kids were doing it with more conviction.      

Suyin snorted, "You see this? I have a backup prepared. The name is Wang Qiang. Say no, and I will put this ring on his little finger and use that ugly yellow car of yours to elope somewhere in the snowy mountains. Better think fast."     

Honey stretched his hand, and Wang Shi slapped it away. "Owww....."     

Wang Shi snorted, "Will the ring fit?" Suyin brought the ring close to her eyes to inspect it and at that exact moment, he slides his ring finger into it. "A perfect fit. See, it's meant for me. Only me."     

It was a ring like no other. It looked simple band of gold, but the fingerprint carving on top definitely has some meaning. Suyin has this something in her that she makes the gift meaningful and special.      

He winked at the little human who was just a second away from stealing his ring, watching him jump to his feet, throwing a triumphant fist in the air. Screaming. Celebrating.      


The girls and their furry companions followed.     

Suyin stared at Wang Shi, shocked, speechless, mouth wide agape.     

Wang Shi's hands raked into her hair, tugging her head back, and he dipped to press warmth against her mouth.      

"OH NO!" The kids covered their eyes and turned their backs.     

Suyin closed her eyes, snaking her hands around his neck, tipping on her toes.     


This kiss....     

This kiss felt like a kiss of the century. A silent promise....     

Time stopped there. The feel of her soft body leaning to him, wrapped in his arms as he invaded all her senses, felt forbidden. She smelled hynoptic. His heart a ticking bomb. She wobbled on her knees, and he firmed his grip, pulling her up.     

She opened her mouth, letting him pry his tongue to invade her. Soft. Addictive. Magical.     

He faintly registered the sound of hooting, clapping, something loud popping, and firecrackers lightning the sky..... Who cares? The woman in arms was more interesting. Intoxicating. Breathtaking. She bit at his bottom lips gently, telling him to give her a chance to devour him. Without waiting, she took over, this time invading his senses.     


Title- The proposal     

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