Mark of the destiny

Suyin's friend

Suyin's friend

0"It's been over four days and Susu's whereabouts are unknown. How long are we going to sit doing nothing about it?"     

"James is right. I have spoken to assistant Long, even he doesn't have any idea where Susu could be. According to him, the last time he saw her, she was not in a good mood and left early from the office."     

"Who else other than that basta*d Wang Shi could it be that her mood was off. Can't believe he drooped so low to take a life of an innocent child to save his own son. And he had the guts to call us and ask for her. Even that little boy by his side is calling us daily. Jeez, it reminds me Susu's baby is dead because of him. Don't know how she is. If she is fine--"     

"She is fine. Don't talk nonsense." Si Han interrupted, "I know my daughter more than anyone. She's not a coward. I'm sure she's taking some time to calm herself before she strikes at her enemies with full force. She has to avenge her son and gave the same pain to those Wangs. Just wait a little more, she will come back."     

"But I can't wait any longer. I'm calling the cops."     

"No, you won't," Zeng caught James' arm as he reached for phone, "Who do you think Wangs are? They are no regular people but control this country. What if they get Suyin killed to save their name from coming out in public? Just wait."     

"DAMN YOU," James hissed. "LET GO."     

"You are not understanding the severity of the situation, crazy stubborn man,"     

"SHUT UP. You are just a selfish pig who is now enjoying the attention of your parents and doesn't care whether she's alive or dead. No doubt Suyin and your relationship had always been strained."     

The thud sounded as Zeng threw a punch, tossing James on the couch, "Bastard, dare say that again."      

James threw Zeng off of him, and dodged another coming punch, throwing one of his own.      

"STOP IT BOTH OF YOU." Zhao Shu shouted and ran to pull the two men fighting like kids.      

"This is not over." James turned to leave.     

"Jamie, where are you going?" Si Han asked.     

"Wang Shi. If he has any hand in Suyin's disappearance, I'll kill him first and then tell about his dirty deeds to the media. Medical test on Honey will prove my claims are not false."      


Ignoring everyone, James picked his phone from the table and walked faster. He rushed out from the front door, into the elevator without looking back for a second.     


"I DON'T WANT TO HEAR YOUR LECTURE. I KNOW YOU WILL TAKE HIS SIDE. " Zeng yanked Zhao Shu's hand, taking him by surprise. "Just leave me alone. You think I can't see even you and mom think I'm enjoying Suyin's disappearance? It's in your eyes. Don't pretend in front of me." He wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and picked the car keys from the table, leaving the two alone. Dejected.     


"Excuse me," Suyin's parents looked up hearing the voice. A stranger standing at the door. "I-I'm Wu Sean, Suyin's friend."     

"Suyin is not at home," Zhao Shu answered.     

"I know. I heard everything. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have, but---" sighs, "Mr and Mrs Zhao, I'm really sorry about what you are going through. I'm well aware of Wang family's power, and their cruel methods to silence any voice that rise against them. That's why I have warned Suyin against them."     

Si Han, "You warned her about it?"     

"I did. The last time we met, I gave her a file containing substantial evidence against the Wangs and the NGO they had been running. It was shocking for her. But as expected of brave Susu, she decided to expose Wangs." He lied, and deliberately called her Susu to show his closeness to her.     

Zhao Shu, "Evidence against Wangs? When? When did you last met her?"     

"Around four days back. In her office. Minister Yuan was their as well." Sean said, "Now that I recall, her mood does seem off that day. Though she didn't tell me the reason, she was not by herself."     

Si Han, "That's the day she disappeared. But she mentioned nothing about it in her last ca--" Zhao Shu pressed at her hand, hinting something. Wu Sean frowned.     

"Wait. Y-You are the minister of law and justice, Mr. Wu Sean?" Zhao Shu said, "Pardon me, I didn't recognise you."     

"It's fine. I came here not as a minister but as her good friend. This is our third project together, and--" he made a deliberate pause, "-- and the most dangerous. But rest assured, I will send my elite team to search for her ASAP. As far as the Wangs are concerned, I won't let any harm touch her. But Mr. and Mrs. Zhao, you must help me as well. If you know anything that can help me find her, please tell me. Anything can be helpful. Anything. Wang Shi had been Susu's boyfriend and knows her weakness very well. You get to help me."     

Si Han and Zhao Shu hesitated.     

"It's fine. I can understand. Why would you put your trust in a stranger?" Sean stood, adjusted his coat, "I'll take my leave. Will keep you informed." He spun towards the door, a smirk plastered at his face.     

"Wait." Si Han took two fast strides--     



In his arrogant triumph, the left side of Wu Sean's lips tugged upwards. His visit to the Suyin's house was fruitful. As expected of the wounded tigress. Instead of mourning in the corner over her dead cub, she had taken a few steps back only to launch with all her might and kill the enemy in a single attack.      

So Suyin had not disappeared, but she had hid herself, preparing evidence against the Wangs. And it's only her parents who know about it. Not even her best friend and brother.     

"Oh, Suyin, you will never stop surprising me. That's the reason I like you so much. You are so unpredictable." A ring on his phone caught his attention, his jubilant mood turning off. His father. "Situation is under control. Will tell you once I reach."     




"So, how was it?" Soon after Wu Sean left, James entered Suyin's house. He fixed his hair in the reflection of a painting at the wall, "Do you think I can make a career in Hollywood?"     

"Flop career." Zeng tapped James' head, and shut the door after him. "And please change the ketchup brand, this one's sweet. I want something tangy."     

"That's Susu's favourite. No one's changing it. Go get another for yourself."     

"No thanks for the advice." Zeng stick out his tongue at James, and rested his head on Si Han's shoulder, "But mom, you definitely deserve an Oscar. My drama queen!"     

James, "I agree. Suyin definitely inherited everything from mom, other than her looks. Right, sexy lady?" Zhao Shu growled at James for using that endearment for his wife.     

Si Han, "Don't let your guards down. Suyin already knew that Wu Sean would come after us to inquire about her, that's why she had warned us before. Be ready, he will come back once Suyin start with her plan."     

"Um, about that--" James ran a hand through his hair, his eyes averting in hesitation, "--I won't be with you guys. I'm leaving for France two days from now."     

"You found a clue about Evan?" Zeng questioned. James nodded. "I'm coming with you. This could be helpful to Suyin."     


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