Mark of the destiny

I'll ask you directly

I'll ask you directly

0"You are not taking proper care of it, the wound is not healing. Are you taking the medicines prescribed?" He was taking his injury casually. If this continues, he might face sequela. Wang Shi just nodded. "You are angry with me. Must you let it out on your injury?"     

"I don't have a reason to be angry with you, do I? You are just behaving off for two days, asked for some space, then you went against your promise and skip dinner, and lastly, I picked you from a club in the middle of the night, drunk. Do I have a reason to be angry? I don't think so." The sarcasm rendered Suyin speechless, her lips pursed. "A request Suyin~ can we keep this away from Honey and behave normally in front of him? He was bothered last night, and had thousands of questions when he saw you drunk, mumbling gibberish."     

"Did I say something? Took any name?" Jeez, How can she forget she speaks her heart when drunk. Did she take Zena's name? Or said anything about her suspicion.     

"Were you supposed to?"     

"No... whose name are you expecting?" she spun, covering her nervousness, "I-It's just I speak nonsense when I'm drunk. Hope I didn't curse your mom."     

"You didn't. I understood nothing from your gibberish." Watching her checking her phone, he added, "Wu Sean was calling and messaging you continuously. I put it on silent to not let him disturb your sleep. See what is he looking for, I will reheat breakfast for you."     

"Shishi," she followed him to the kitchen, "Don't you have anything to ask about Sean?" he must have seen him with her last night.      

"We both meet hundreds of people daily, that doesn't mean we have to explain each of them. I trust you." Wang Shi didn't look at her, "There's no place for jealousy, doubts, or questions in our relationship. If I ever have any doubt, instead of tormenting myself with negative thoughts, I'll ask you directly." his words leaving Suyin battling with herself.     

Just then another message from Wu Sean popped up. She scowled and put it off, not willing to listen to his nonsense. She had something important to do.....      

"I-I will not let this repeat in front of Honey. I'm sorry. Just give me some time, I'll sort it whatever I'm struggling with."     

Wang Shi put the food bowl in the microwave and turned to face her. He pulled her to him. "We need to talk. There's something I want to tell you." now that Suyin had doubts, it's time he doesn't delay it anymore and talk to her before she comes to know from somewhere else.      

"Me too.... " she slides her hands around him and tiptoed to peck him on lips" But before that I have to fix one thing. Do you know where my handbag is? And has Daiyu arrived? I need his help."     

"On my desk. Yes, Daiyu has arrived already." He backed away, watching her fading away. He immediately called Daiyu on the intercom, "Suyin is about to come to you for help. Find a way to give her Zena's address. Do it surreptitiously."      

It was a lie. Wang Shi understood every word of her gibberish last night. If Zena's address could help her in some way, he'd give it to her happily. But what confused him most was Zena having the same locket?      

To clear his doubt, he went through the previous video when Zena had barged into the hospital during Honey's incident. Indeed, she was wearing the same locket!     

Next, he called the hospital director Lin Han, "How are those two?"     

[Fine. Should I send them over?]     

"No need. Let Suyin have breakfast first, I will ask her to meet them later" It was Zeng and James.      


Last night Zeng and James went to Evan's apartment for investigation and almost escaped death.     

It was a cool, clear night by the time they reached Evan's apartment after a drive of four hours. The apartment was away from the hustle-bustle of the city, in a peaceful location facing the river. Evan's idea was to get a place where no one can disturb him.     

James was registered on the family list of Evan, the security had seen him a few times, and let him pass with no problem.      

As James punched in the key combination of the penthouse on the twenty-third floor and pushed the door, the memories flooded in. It was a luxurious house, but everything screamed of their relationship in the house. Cozy.     

Evan had the weird habit of collecting everything that belongs to their relationship and use it in interiors that not only acts as a memory but actually adds a quirk to the interiors.     

For instance the huge glass over the center table was actually the collage of their restaurant bills in their dating period. The painting of a naked man on the wall that Evan used to call modern art was actually James's first and only attempt at drawing. It took a lot of effort to convince Evan to pose for the painting. Later they both laughed at it.     

The more James sees this, the stronger his intuition gets. Evan was definitely not faking this relationship....      

Keeping aside the memories that flooded in, James forced himself to turn a blind eye to everything and concentrate on the task at hand.     

Instead of checking all the room, James' only interest was to go through the room Evan had forbidden him from going in. He used to keep it locked.     

Zeng looked at the locked door, and then at James. "It can only be locked by thumbprint. We have to break it."     

"I will get the toolbox."      

Had James was not aware of Zeng's profession, he'd have assumed Zeng to be a locksmith. "Looks like you are pro, how many houses have you break-in before?"      

"This is the first one. But car repairing comes handy."     

"So you are a mechanic, I thought you are a racer."     

"Someone is jealous of my multiple talents. Maybe you should step out of the kitchen and learn something else too. It comes handy in such situations... CLICK," The lock clicked, "I have loosened the lock, but still we have to push it. On the count of three--" James nodded, taking the position to push the door by the shoulder, "One, two, three.... BANG."      


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