Mark of the destiny

Can you tie my shoelaces?

Can you tie my shoelaces?

0Sleeping after a fight with your most loved person felt like a fleeting chore. Suyin wrestled the entire night trying to find comfort on either side but sleep was on a strike. Honey's sweet voice, his tear-stained face, him wriggling in Wang Shi's arms and calling out Aunty Suyin while running after her-- was torture to her soul.      

She even considered the sleeping pills but pushed the thought at the back of her mind, comforting herself in the thoughts and memories of the past. She, Honey, and Wang Shi sleeping together!     

Her tired mind by refueled by Wang Shi's loveable and considerate act of updating her on Honey.      

She instantly shuffled through the blankets in search of the most precious gadget of hers. Phone! In Wang Shi had sent Honey's photograph after he had slept. It was in the middle of the night, undoubtedly even her little fairy slept late.     

She grabbed her phone from the side table; the picture was still opened. Honey was tucked into the blanket, looking as kissable as always. But his lips were drooped.      

Suyin looked at the laughing buddha statue kept on the bed table, "Cruel. Very happy, isn't it? I hate you. Just wait, let this thing solve, I'll place you out of the house. Jealous!"     

God, 'What did I do? What makes you think I'm jealous?'     

"You are jealous because I love Honey more than anyone. Even if you are the last person in this universe, I will never love you. So stop trying, okay?"     

God, '...."     

'I'm not mad to put my head inside lioness's mouth. Thank God, you don't love me. Wait! Is there even a God above me? Duh, whatever. Just spare me, you've literally turned me into a blood pressure patient.'      

Suyin narrowed her eyes at the statue, and God broke in goosebumps, 'What now?'     

Suyin, "I may consider forgiving you, if you do some magic and let me see Honey once. deal?"     

God "...."     

'Oh yes, your highness. Anything else? God is at your service, after all, you are the only human who I have to look after..... hey, WAIT. WHAT ARE YOU DOING?'     

Suyin picked the statue and stuffed it inside the drawer. "Stay there until you do as I say."     

God, 'Crazy woman, get me out!'     

Her gaze drifted to the window where a broken airplane occupied the corner. Honey crashed it in her balcony weeks back, and she never returned it. She caressed Honey's photo, and gave a mandatory kiss, "Love you, little fairy."      

With an exhalation, she threw the blanket aside, ready to start the day. It was Saturday, she put on her tracksuit and jogging shoes looking for a distraction. Otherwise, who knows what she might do to get a glimpse of Honey. This irresistible urge was impossible to control, especially when it's the first time she behaved coldly to a kid.     

She was down at the society's jogging track, running circles. But who knows she'd be joined by someone....     

Someone unexpected.     

"H-Hi," Honey got closer to Suyin, catching up with her speed. Just when their gaze met he pinched his earlobes, and made a cute puppy face, striking all the chords of Suyin's heart. The first thought that crossed her mind was the morning's interaction with God. Maybe putting him in the drawer was a good idea, she should do it often.     

"Hey," she puffed, taking a step away as he got closer. The customized red tracksuit with an embroidered pooh bear on the chest pocket looks so adorable that Suyin had to peel her eyes off of him. "Wasn't expecting you. Isn't this your sleeping time, Little-- Wang Qiang?" though she continued running, her attention kept returning to Honey, scanning him from top to bottom.      

He let out a low throaty voice, disliking the way she addressed. "I thought asking for an apology in the morning will be a good idea. You are usually cheerful and happy during this time." he noticed people of all age groups waving at Suyin as they pass by.      

Suyin looked sideways at him. There was a fine film of perspiration on his face as his breath came deep and heavy. She slowed down, "I told you, I'm not angry."     

"You are. This is not how you normally behave with me. You didn't even stop for me when I ran after you yesterday." He protested, tapping on Suyin's hand. "Pretty please, sorry...."     

Suyin increased her speed a little, her voice carrying the usual indifference, "This is the second time I'm repeating, I'm not angry. Go back home,"     

"I won't," he ran faster.     

"Then run, I've six lapses left."     

"SIX? THAT MUCH?"     


"Still, I won't give up,"     

Suyin didn't reply but deliberately ran at a slower pace. Saying she was not enjoying this adorable company would be a big lie. However, after two lapses, Honey started to lag behind. He dropped his hands onto his knees and wheezed.      

Suyin turned, "You never liked me from the beginning. So what's the meaning of this? Isn't it good I'm not troubling you anymore? Be a good boy, go back home,"     

"What if I want to be troubled?" Suyin leaned closer at his muffled answer, unsure if she heard it correct or the God is making fun of her. She was about to ask him to repeat when Honey wiggled his shoes, "Can you tie my shoelaces?"     

Her lips twitched, crouching down she extended her hands, "Such a big man, and doesn't know how to tie his laces--AHH!" Honey kissed her on the nose. It was so out of character that she plopped on her butt, staring at his red face open-mouthed.     

"Weirdo duck, I'm a clingy man. Unless you forgive me, I'm going to follow you everywhere. Stop me if you can." He picked her jaw up and kissed her on both cheeks while saying 'sorry' at each kiss. In the end, the naughty one even dared to pinch her cheek. "You are stubborn, but my way is better."     

He tied his shoelace in a perfect flower knot, give a wink, and left.     

Suyin "...."     

"How long have you planned to sit there?" She looked up at the owner of the voice, still lost in the shock Honey gave her. He waved his hand in front of her face, "Wake up, sweetheart. I know your ovaries are screaming in excitement but at least get up from the floor."     


"I said, get up from the floor," he pulled her up, but her treacherous legs gave up. Honey's truck loaded cuteness turned her into a mushy mess, "Wow there, hold yourself."     

"Shishi, did you see that? Honey kissed me! No! Honey kissed me thrice! On his own! I didn't even ask him! Oh my God, you are the best! I love you!" she jumped on her toes, ignoring the curious gaze of the people.     

God, 'Oh yeah? Then come back and get me out of this damn drawer. It's suffocating.'     

"Give me a retake."     

God "...." 'No thanks, I'm comfortable here.'     


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