Mark of the destiny

Human puppy

Human puppy


"Wow…. Exact same voice! I'm sure drunk!"     

Wang Shi looked at Zhao Suyin dumbfounded as she mumbled, scratching her head.     

"Miss. Zhao, what are you doing here?..... and that too in this state! Did something happened?"     

His eyes scanned her from top to bottom; loose dusted clothes with holes, eyes smudged dark, hair like hay, and her earlier pale smooth skin now looked like a road map.     

Had he not met her earlier, he'd surely assumed her a beggar and paid some money to clear the way.     

*No response*     

Suyin was busy admiring the beauty that makes her hormones go wild.     

"Miss. Zhao," he waved his hand in front of her eyes as she kept on staring him. "WOW…. Careful…" He leaped forward to hold her by the waist when she was about to fall back.     

A few seconds passed by but the woman didn't show any intention to steady herself, continuing staring at her reflection in his dark eyes. Mesmerizing! Deep!     

"Are you really hottie bum?" Expanding her beautiful grey orbs to maximum, she carefully asked, poking her finger in his cheeks.     

Wang Shi "…." 'Who is she assuming me?'     

"I'll send you home."     

The corner of Wang Shi's lips twitched as he picked her up but suddenly she squirmed, pushed him on the chest, "You stupid driver, put me down. My hottie bum won't pick women from the road, you are a kidnapper. HELP. KIDNAPPER. MURDERER. "     


With a thump sound, Wang Shi dropped her on the road when she poked her finger into his right eye.     

"What the hell!" he grounded his teeth as his palm went to cover his targeted eye, "Miss. Zhao, I don't know whom you are referring to, but trust me I've no intention to kidnap you." he snapped at a drunkard woman coldly. "Now c'mon, get into the car. Otherwise, I'll leave you on the road. Do you want me to do that?"     

He only tried testing the water by scaring her, but miraculously it worked. She shook her head like a rattle drum, "Home....please"     

Seeing the tears rolling out, he regretted scolding her, feeling something stir in his heart; something that makes him uneasy, a feeling he had not experienced in years.     

His brows knitted together at the weirdness of his own heart, seems to act on its own.     

Naah! It must be something else!     

Just palpitations!     

With a shook of a head he chucked it out, bending close, he proffered his hand out, "It's all right, don't cry. I'll take you home."     

After making sure she's seated comfortably on the shotgun seat, he grabbed his ID card from his wallet and gave it to her, "Read this."     

This was important to not let her create any more problems. What if she started accusing him in front of someone she should not?!     

"Hottie bum" He heard her say as he stepped on the accelerator.     


"Ho…tti…e…B..u..m…" She run her fingers on the name written on the ID and enunciated word by word.     

Wang Shi "…" 'Drunk!'     

"Where to?"     


Wang Shi "…."     

"Right, where is your home?"     

"In a big building."     

Wang Shi banged his head on the steering wheel.     


"Why is he not home yet? Didn't he say he will reach in thirty minutes?"     

Amidst a dark room with only wall lights illuminating warmth, a little boy was cuddled on the couch with lower-half buried in the blanket's warmth. His eyes kept on staring at the minute hand of the alarm clock clutched in his delicate hands.     

He seems too big to be a baby but still very young, about five or six years old. His stubby fingers curled into the blanket, not clasping tight, but enough to calm down his frantic heart as he looked out from the parted curtains, eagerly waiting for someone.     


His ears caught the sound he was waiting for and scrambled out of the blanket in record time, running in his blue silk pajama that does not go with his age and neither with his tiny frame.     

The lights of the mansion lit up automatically, saturating his eyes as he closed them instinctively to let them adjust. With half scrunched face, he opened the door….     

"Da….." he froze, lashes fanned his peach blossom eyes lost in shock. "Who is she? Why did you bring her here? Why are you carrying her?"     

"Not sleeping?"     

"Answer my question first."     

"um… she is…"     

"Aww…. Such a cute human puppy." Before Wang Shi could say something, Suyin wriggled from Wang Shi's arms and jumped towards the supposed puppy.     

"Beware," The little boy's eyes showed a dangerous glint as he raised his palm and step back, simultaneously sending a questionable glare at his father. "Handle this weirdo, dad"     

"She's drunk, bear it." saying he walked to the table to get a glass of water. How can a woman completely change after getting drunk? So troublesome! Worse than a toddler! Finally, he understood how it feels to be troubled by a drunk woman.     

"Oiii….. MUAHHH… such a softy…. MUAHHH…."     

"Ew… Stay away…. DAD…" With his small hands at her face, preventing her from taking any more kisses, he yelled, "She is taking advantage of me. I'm a man, dammit"     

Wang Shi "…"     

"With that height, you have the nerve of calling yourself a man!?" Wang Shi kneeled down as he pulled his little cheeks before separating the woman who was literally glued to his son. "I'm acquainted with her, can't leave her on the street in this condition."     

"Whatever! I've to bathe now. You should too." The little boy's fairy-like face wrinkled in disdain, he wiped his chubby cheeks and trotted towards the stairs, "Food is in the microwave. We'll talk in the morning. Good night."     


All Wang Shi heard was the sound of the door.     

Suyin make a snorting sound from the nose, pouting her lips, "Puppy…."     

"Quite! Sit here. Finger on lips. If you dare to move, I'll throw you on the road." After making sure she won't move, he called his servant, "Butler Chu, there's a woman at home, send two female servants to get her bathed."     

Poor Butler Chu! He could barely stand still hearing the words 'woman at home'.     

Wang Shi hung up and turned to face her, but saw her sleeping on the couch hugging his son's favorite plush, a miniature version Wang Shi closed to her heart.     

"Honey will strangle you if he saw this." Wang Shi tried taking the plush but the more he tried the more firmly she held it. "Whatever!" sighs.     

He carried her to the guest room, not worrying about the fact she was filthy, smelly, and covered in dust. He knows this was not the real her!     

Suyin nestled in his warm embrace, taking in his intoxicating scent that's pleasing to the senses. If only she woke up and saw her hottie bum carrying her princess style, she will surely die of happiness. It's a dream come true for her!     

If only!     


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