Under the Veil of Night

Clash of Groups (Prelude): Second Meeting with Master Rudy (2)

Clash of Groups (Prelude): Second Meeting with Master Rudy (2)

0Finally, Kanae looked back to Master Rudy. "Please tell us what the incident in Lima School is about."     

Master Rudy smiled. "What do you know about the experiment they're conducting?"     

"We only know that it should be something dangerous because they always do everything in secret," Jason replied.     

Hearing that answer, Master Rudy's eyes showed a trace of surprise. From what the young man said, it was clear that he had already seen the events himself. It could only mean one thing.     

He enrolled in Lima School!     

This caused his interest towards this small group to pique further. However, this was not the time for that. Right now, he needed to explain the experiment to them.     

"You're right," Master Rudy smiled. "They're doing experiments relating to a person's innate potential."     

The three of them stared towards Master Rudy with wide eyes. Only Tommy didn't understand what this old man was talking about. He noticed the others' confused reactions. What in the world was that potential?     

"That should be impossible, right?" Jason's voice quivered. "Everyone has different potentials and doing experiments on that will only destroy what's in our brains."     

"Why do you think they test every newborn baby for their potential?" Master Rudy snorted. "They can only know that someone has the potential because they have researched about it beforehand."     

Jason frowned. "Isn't it enough to just know one's potential?"     

"Not really. There's something called awakening your talent. Even though the process is arduous, it will make people grow stronger even faster in their own domain."     

Kanae raised her head slightly. "Do you mean they're trying to find a different way to awaken someone's talent because awakening it naturally might break the person in question?"     

Matt stared at the youngsters in front of him with a narrowed gaze. From this simple conversation, he could tell that these people were not ordinary. Ordinary people didn't know about the talent and the awakened person. For a small group to have three people who knew about it, it was rather amazing in itself.     

"You're correct, little lass. They want to find a way to forcefully awaken someone's talent without the arduous process. So far, the experiment has not been successful, but they have been using a lot of people in the experiment. I believe you should know the outcome of a failed experiment."     

Kanae nodded. "They will become monsters because their bodies can no longer control their potential or they will die because their potential destroys them from the inside."     

"Exactly," Master Rudy smiled. "The experiment is not complete. This incident is for them to recruit people and test the people they used in the experiment."     

"What do you mean by recruit people?" Jason interrupted.     

"It's exactly what I said. In a matter of hours, there will be a very tempting mission on the Black Market. The danger is very great and if you can survive from the disaster, I believe that you'll grow stronger."     

"How strong will we be?" Kanae asked.     

Master Rudy stared back at the little girl's irises. "Your chance of survival against my real attack will increase by at least 30%."     

Having experienced herself how deadly his strike was, Kanae knew for sure that every percent increase would be very beneficial to them. It was easy to say that they would be able to stay alive with just a margin of difference.     

"I see."     

"Is that true?" Jason asked full of disbelief.     

Master Rudy chuckled. "Like I said before, it's up to you whether you want to believe me or not."     

They looked towards each other in hesitation. They truly wanted to grow stronger, so they chose to believe in him. But the big question was whether they should accept the mission or not. After all, the danger should be very great.     

When they turned to ask him again, the old man had already disappeared. They stared at where he was standing with wide eyes. Where did that man go?     

"Master, isn't it impolite to just leave?" Matt asked in exasperation. Right when they were not looking, his master sidestepped quickly. If not for him accompanying this old man all this time, he might not have been able to react in time.     

Master Rudy laughed. "I just want to tease them."     

Matt: "…" Master…     

Looking towards the sky, Master Rudy smirked. He knew that they wouldn't possibly pass up this chance as another wouldn't come by so easily. However, at the same time, he knew that he would change the nature of that little girl very much.     

The school would be no different from a battlefield.     

Everyone would be forced to be full-fledged killers with no mercy for each other. If they showed even the slightest bit of mercy, the next second would be their funeral.     

"When an excellent fighter gains the determination to kill, what do you think will happen, Matt?"     

Matt looked towards his master in confusion. "That person will be unparalleled."     

"You're correct," Master Rudy smiled. She would be unparalleled. When they met again in the future, he truly wanted to train her further to enhance her skills that will have been honed in the blood of numerous people.     

Of course, the prerequisite would be, she has to survive.     

"Master, you're in a really good mood today."     

"Of course, I met with an excellent seedling today."     

"Should I report to Second Senior that Master caught a deadly illness?"     

"What illness? We should return back soon, Matt. I want to test my skills again, you should be a good partner for me."     

Matt nearly vomited when he heard what Master Rudy said to him. He knew that this master of his loved to spar whenever he had time. However, against someone like him, the discrepancy in skill was still like heaven and earth. It was very easy for Master Rudy to beat him up.     

"Master, I think I need to return. There should be work waiting for me."     

"What are you talking about? You're just a low-level minister in the government. They barely listen to what you have to say, so you don't have much to do."     

"Master, I have just risen to a higher position."     

"Congratulations! To celebrate, let's spar with each other."     

Seeing how excited his master was, Matt knew that it would be impossible for him to escape his fate today. His master would surely beat him up in their spar again. He was pretty sure that he wouldn't know what was happening to him before everything ended.     

"Master, please hold back a bit today."     

"To celebrate your promotion, I won't hold back!"     

Matt: "…" Master! Why did I pick him as my master in the first place?     

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