Chapter 474: A Souvenir

Chapter 474: A Souvenir

0Seeing Ethan walking away, Agnes was disappointed.     

Stephen had left his work behind as he wanted. He even made an excuse to turn the invitation down.     

Agnes didn't care about the meal but wanted to figure out whether the idea in her mind was true.     

"Stephen, why did you reject their invitation?" Agnes complained.     

Stephen put Kylie's blood sample away. "Didn't you say I shouldn't have left my work behind?"         

"But..." Agnes compressed her lips. She thought she could still catch up with a couple of Ethan and Kylie, so she said, "Fine, I gotta go now."           

However, the second she turned around, Stephen stopped her. "Mother, please wait a second. I have something to ask you."          


In the Knight XV.     

Once Kylie fastened her safety belt, she sensed Ethan was staring at her face all the time.     

"What? Am I prettier?" She played cutely but was still very nervous.     

"Stop pretending." Ethan held her hand in his big palm. "Tell me."     

Kylie thought for a while. "Tell you what? Me and Stephen? I did that just..."     

"You know what I'm asking." Ethan interrupted her.     

Kylie, instead, remained silent. She was gambling that Ethan had found nothing.     

Ethan held her hand, then gradually caught her slim wrist and played the bracelet with one finger.     

"It's gorgeous," he said.     

"O-Of course, it's your mother's gift." The smile froze on Kylie's face.     

Ethan pulled his lips. "I meant the one on Agnes's wrist." Kylie held her breath.     

She totally forgot the fact that Agnes and Ethan's mother shared the same given name.     

Had Ethan found out something unusual a long time ago?     

Kylie lost control of her expressions on her face.     

"Ethan, please listen to me..." Kylie turned her hand to hold his, but he threw her hand away.     

She licked her lips and explained. "Agnes's bracelet is very beautiful, but..."     

At this moment, Ethan's eyes were full of hatred. He looked like a devil from hell now. And she suddenly caught Ethan's eyes turn gold. Or was she just imagining something? But she won't be mistaken, as her gaze fell to Ethan, she saw a moment ago that his eyes changed but now when she stared at him, only hatred was found.      

"Is she Agnes Morgan?" Ethan clenched his teeth in anger.     

"Ethan!" Kylie unfastened her safety belt at once when Ethan got off the car and walked back. "Please listen to me."          

Ethan didn't stop at all and pressed the button of the elevator.     

"I did know a little before, but it doesn't mean I didn't want to tell you..." The door of the elevator opened, and Kylie followed Ethan walking in it. "I just wanted to find the right time to tell you."         

"Does Stephen know it as well?" Ethan said in a cold tone when the door closed.     

Kylie still maintained a close relationship with Stephen, although she knew Stephen admired her. He was tolerant enough. If she told Stephen what she had found, but kept it a secret from him, he didn't think he could accept that.     

"No." Kylie shook her head. "Well, I have no idea whether he knows or not."            

The elevator was about to arrive on the floor. Kylie pulled Ethan's hand with anxiety. "Are you going to question her or punch her for your mother?"      

"Do you expect me to pretend that nothing has happened?" Ethan threw her hand away the second time and walked out without hesitation when the door opened.     

Seeing his proud, cold back, Kylie had a strong, strange feeling of worries.     

Before she could figure out the reason, Ethan already pushed the door of the clinic with great force.     

With a loud sound, the door moved a little, but it turned out it was locked.     

Kylie was relieved, then walked over. "Stephen probably is gone with Agnes. Didn't he say he's very busy?"     

Ethan turned around, but not to look at Kylie. He stared at the other elevator, and the indicator light showed that it just arrived on the first floor.     

They missed each other.     

"What else do you know?" Ethan fixed his eyes on Kylie.     


Inside the Lamborghini.     

Stephen took out a clown mask and put it on before he made a call. "How is it going?"         

"Lord Stephen, everything is ready." The housekeeper's voice with a smile sounded in his earphones.     

"Great!" Stephen also smiled with satisfaction. He turned to give Agnes, who was in a deep sleep on the passenger's seat, a glance, then slammed on the accelerator.     

The blue Lamborghini drove to the international dock like lightning.     

"Lord Stephen!" The housekeeper wearing a clown mask stood in front of a large container waiting for him. When he saw the woman hanging on Stephen's arm, he was surprised. "This..."           

"A souvenir." Stephen threw Agnes to him, then walked in the container.     

From the outside, it looked like a lot of containers were piled up for transportation, but the inside was transformed into a three-story large factory.     

Many workers were busy working inside, and nobody noticed that Stephen was walking inside.     

Stephen glanced around and felt satisfied with the scene in his sight. All the workers here were working in order with clown masks on their faces.     

"Lord Stephen." The housekeeper walked to Stephen's back, then showed him Agnes, who was hanging in his arm now.     

Stephen glanced at her. "Lock her up for now."           

"No problem." The housekeeper walked away with Agnes.           

After that, Stephen stepped to a slim short clown.     

"3869, how is it going now?" Stephen asked in a deep voice.     

The clown named 3869 stopped at once and answered Stephen's question with great respect. "We've already finished 18 boxes, and we're only two boxes away from our target."           

"Finish it before 10 pm tomorrow." Stephen made an order.     

"Yes, sir!" 3869 said, then lowered his head again to deal with those bottles in front of him.     

In the basement, the housekeeper put Agnes down on the floor. Seeing there was nobody around them, he took out a small bottle and shook it before her face.     

Agnes soon woke up.     

"Jesus!" Agnes screamed when a clown's face appeared in her sight all of a sudden.     

"Don't scream! It's me." The housekeeper took off his mask at once. "It's me!"     

"Seth?" Agnes was surprised. "What are you doing here? Did you abduct me?"     

The housekeeper stood up and snorted with disdain. "It's Lord Stephen who abducted you."     

"You're on the same boat." Agnes rolled her eyes, then glared at him. "How dare you deceive me! You told me Barbara's child was dead, but I just saw him today!"     

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