Chapter 468: I’m Sure

Chapter 468: I’m Sure

0Tory then gave them a cold glance, which scared them, and they drew their looks back without delay.     

When Kylie walked out with cakes again, she somehow felt those staff members working nearby became so quiet all of a sudden.     

"Please enjoy yourselves!" Kylie said, then handed out drinks and cakes to them.     

"Have a taste, please." Kylie put a small cake in front of Tory.         

Tory looked down at it for a while, the used a fork to pick up a small piece of it. "It's very delicious," he said and tasted it. "Can I bring a cake home?"     

"Sure!" Kylie went back to the kitchen like a flying butterfly.     

Carl and Meryl were both good cooks, and they were excellent at cheering their guests up, so people were all singing, dancing, and laughing around their table.     

However, no matter how William told jokes, people still sat there like they were having a serious business meeting.     

When it was just 10 minutes away from the ending of the competition, William gave it up and leaned on a pillar at the door. "Is there anything we've done wrong?"          

"Probably because your dishes aren't delicious, or my cakes are too sweet." Kylie shrugged.           

The director announced time was over, and the guests started to vote.     

To everyone's astonishment, guests around Kylie and William's table all voted for them, while guests around Carl and Meryl's table all voted against them.     

"Seriously?" Carl and Meryl couldn't believe their eyes. Their guests just gave them thumbs-up. Why do they now all vote against them?     

Carl caught up with a guest who didn't walk away yet. "Hi, if you think the food is delicious, you can vote for us, not against us. Are you sure you made the right decision?"           

The Thai replied in accented English, "I'm sure."          

Those Thai didn't feel relieved until they walked far away. When Tory joined Kylie's group, they all ached to changed their seats.     

However, Tory stopped them with his eyes, so they didn't dare vote for Carl and Meryl when the game ended.     

In that case, Kylie and William won.     

Friendship first, competition second. Carl and Meryl still gave Kylie and William a hug.     

"We'll join the show again in the future to gain our honor back!" they said before the cameras.     

"You're always welcome!" Kylie and William sent them gifts they prepared for them.     

In the evening, Kylie told Dora Tory's request and her own thoughts when she was back in the hotel.     

"No problem, but you need to do some pickup scenes tomorrow," Dora said.     

"I'll stay here for one more day too." William winked at Kylie.     

Kylie understood he was going to have fun in Thailand. "Be careful."           

"Relax, I have boundaries," William said, then went back to his room, sinning along the way.     

Dora patted Kylie's shoulder. "You did a better job than I thought. Have a good rest!"           

"Thanks." Kylie stretched her arms. "Good night, Dora!"          

Although it was a long day, Kylie was still energetic when she had a video call with Ethan.     

"Are you still working?" Kylie lay on the bed with her two legs swinging.     

Ethan covered his head in a pile of documents. "Yeah, it's a little tricky. How are you doing today?"     

"Very well. Dora just said I did a better job than she thought." Kylie beamed.           

Ethan slowly raised his eyes. When he saw Kylie's ample boobs almost jumping out from her sleeping gown, he made a cough.     

"If you keep lying like this, I'm afraid I'll be busy working till the daybreak," he joked.          

"Why?" Kylie glanced at her neckline, then pulled it down on purpose. "How is it now? Will you work faster?"     

"I don't mind if you undressed." Ethan leaned backward in his executive chair and loosened his tie.     

Kylie laughed and kissed the screen. "Honey, you're the best, and I believe you can solve all the problems in your way!"     

"As for the acquisition, I had an idea to build the headquarters on the land, but an Italian businessman out of the blue offered a double price for it," Ethan explained. "I can give the land up, but he disrespected me in my ambition. Shouldn't I teach him a lesson?"          

"Of course, you should." Kylie nodded. "You can kick his ass, baby."          

"Ha-ha, ha-ha." Ethan was amused.         

"Don't work too late. It's not good for your health," Kylie said.          

"Put your phone on the bedhead, so I can watch you while sleeping," Ethan said with a tender smile on his face.         

"I don't look good in a deep sleep." Kylie pouted but still listened to him.     

"Slobbering, snoring, farting, what else can you do?" Ethan removed his tie and unfastened the first button of his shirt.     

Seeing Kylie's desirable lying position, he was sexually excited.     

Kylie pouted again and threatened. "Say that again, and I'll end this call!"         

"Fine, I won't say it again." Ethan still smiled.     

"Good night, honey." Kylie faced the screen of her phone.           

"Good night, baby," Ethan said.          

Kylie had worked all day long today, and she felt so tired now, but she only showed her happiness before Ethan. She was afraid Ethan might fly to Thailand and left his work behind if he found it out.     

Kylie soon fell asleep after closing her eyes.     

Hearing her light snore, Ethan touched her face on the screen. "It must be a very tiring day."     

He wasn't dumb, nor blind, and he noticed the swelling on Kylie's face.     

Ethan fixed his tender eyes on the girl in sound sleep until Kylie rolled her body and showed her sexy back.     

If he kept watching, he would have to cool himself down with cold water again.     

Ethan ended the video, then called Dora.     

Dora watched today's film in her room, and she was surprised to receive Ethan's call. "What's up?"          

"Did everything go well today?" Ethan asked in a deep voice.     

Although it was a topic about Kylie, Dora was still happy to talk with Ethan.     

She told him what Kylie had experienced today and what she was going to do tomorrow.     

Knowing that the mysterious man was unwilling to show his face in the show, Ethan's voice became colder instantly. "Who is he?"          

"I heard he's a frequent visitor here," Dora said. "He also has a son, and he comes here with his son for a vacation."           

"Send me pictures of him now." Ethan made an order.     

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