Chapter 454: The Hungry Wolf

Chapter 454: The Hungry Wolf

0All the reporters had deep sympathy for the poor girl.     

Janet continued. "Why don't you find a job? If you want, we can help."     

Hearing that, the girl rounded her eyes in shock and said, "Miss Upton said the same thing as you to me! She helped me find a job at a supermarket, and I'm going to work there as a cashier."     

Reporters all complimented that Vivian was a really nice person.     

The girl raised her voice all of a sudden. "Miss Upton saved my life but didn't tell me her name. I heard her assistant call her name when she left, so I searched her name on the Internet." Many cameras pointed at her face.     

"I read many negative comments about her. Many people say she's a mistress and criticize her about that, but I don't think so. Miss Upton is the kindest person I've ever met in my life."     

Right at this moment, Kylie followed Kate walking outside.     

Reporters surrounded them at once.     

"How's Vivian right now?"         

"Is she going to join the shooting with injuries?"         

"I heard her face is seriously injured. Does she need plastic surgery?"      

Reporters bombarded them with questions.     

Kylie stopped. She gave a glance at those cameras and microphones before her, then turned to look at Kate.     

Kate nodded at her and told her to answer their questions.     

Kylie then picked a microphone and said, "Vivian's face indeed is injured, but it's not serious, so there is no need for her to have plastic surgery."     

"She's in good condition now."     

"As for the role, Vivian said she might better quit for the quality of the show. And I need to thank Vivian for her kindness to recommend Elizabeth to replace her. "     

The moment Kylie finished, it threw a bomb among the reporters.     

Rumors abound as to the competition between Elizabeth and Vivian for the supporting role in Oh, Mother before.     

Now Vivian was injured, and Elizabeth was going to replace her?     

"I promise Elizabeth has nothing to do with the accident that happened to Vivian," Kylie added. "Since Vivian trusts me so much, I bet you all must believe me as well, right?"     

Kylie said something good about Vivian and also cleared up Elizabeth's name.     

Faith, who stood far away, clenched her hands into fists. Kylie just ruined her plan once again.     

She used to plan to help Vivian gain more attention to Elizabeth's coattails, but now she had to change her plan.     

Kylie left with Kate after a while, and reporters were all gone with the big news. Faith then walked to the girl and gave her a roll of dollars. "Good job! You deserve this."     

The girl smiled and put the money into her backpack. "Call me whenever you need me in the future."          

Faith shook her hand. "You can leave now."          

Fannie said to Kylie on their way back after she drove Kate home, "I know the girl Faith hires. She's a student studying in an academy of dramatic arts."     

"How do you know it?" Kylie took off her shoes and started to massage her feet.     

"I was responsible for an ad before. The girl was extra. She was born in a low-income family and had much vanity," Fannie said. Kylie pulled her lips but didn't say a word.     

Fannie continued. "The fund is almost well-prepared. Why don't you give it a name?"          

"Um..." Kylie thought for a while. "How about Rare Blood Fund?"          

"Great!" Fannie agreed. "I'll see whether it's already registered or not tomorrow."         

"Hope not." Kylie leaned against the back of the rear seat, feeling quite comfortable.     

"Oh, how's Nate, Fannie," Kylie asked all of a sudden.     

Fannie was struck dumb for a second, then said, "Lasting and violent. He's like a hungry wolf that can never have enough in bed!"     

"See?" She pulled her collar. "He almost ate me up."          

Kylie laughed out loud. "I didn't ask you how Nate is in bed, but how he treats you." Fannie knew she was trapped by Kylie and flushed. "Kylie!"        

"Hey, why don't you carry a baby as well? We can be mothers in the same year." Kylie smiled at Fannie.          

Hearing that, Fannie looked a little disappointed. "We're different."         

Mrs. Bass had prepared for three years to collect enough blood before she gave birth to Nate, in case she lost a large amount of blood during the birth.     

Fannie had witnessed her mother lying on the bed with a pale face after the blood draw.     

Although Fannie didn't have hemophilia, she couldn't give birth to a baby randomly.     

First, she was afraid she might not have enough blood supply. Second, she must transfer her blood into Mrs. Bass's body if Mrs. Bass had an accident in the future, which could affect her baby's health.     

Kylie understood her worries and patted her shoulder to comfort her. "Don't worry. Once the fund is established, people of rare blood types will join us. A drop of blood from each of them can make up a sea of rare blood."     

Fannie felt like crying. "Kylie, thanks. Thank you for what you are going to do for people of rare blood types."           

"Ha-ha." Kylie placed her feet on the windshield. "Don't flatter me. You know I don't like flattering."          

"Kylie, I love you!" Fannie smiled.     

Kylie laughed again. "Nate occupies you all day long. I don't think you have extra time or energy to love me."           

"Stop talking about me." The car was stopped by the gate of the Finch family's house.     

Fannie smiled. "I heard Ethan was the top one fighter in the army, and I bet he must be unusually energetic in bed, right?"     

Kylie gave Fannie a thumbs-up. "You win."       

After that, she pushed the car door open and walked towards the handsome man waiting for her at the door.     

"Honey, are you here waiting for me?" Kylie beamed and threw herself into his arms, then turned to make a face at Fannie.     

Fannie rolled down the car window and made a face at Kylie too before she drove away.     

"Did you talk about me in the car?" Ethan's voice sounded super attractive in the night.     

Kylie laid her hands on his belt and moved inwards. "I just said you're unbelievably good in bed!"          

Ethan smiled. "What are you thinking in your mind? You never flatter me for anything."     

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