Chapter 402: I Don’t Agree With It

Chapter 402: I Don’t Agree With It

0"No way." Before Kylie could say a word, Ethan rejected.     

"I'm not talking to you." Stephen took a tough stance on it.     

"I'm the child's father, and I have the right to reject it," Ethan said in an undeniable tone.     

Stephen was struck dumb.           

Kylie pulled Ethan's hand, but Ethan remained adamant.     

"Well, actually, I need your help too speaking of that," Kylie said with a smile. "Would you please be my doctor and take care of me during my pregnancy?"        

Stephen's eyes lit up at once. "Of course, yes."         

Ethan, however, rejected it again because Kylie hadn't discussed it with him beforehand. "I don't agree with it."         

"I'm the child's mother, and I have the right to make this decision," Kylie said in an undeniable tone.     

Seeing Ethan being displeased, Stephen was satisfied and showed off. "Rest assured. I promise the baby will be healthy out."        

"I trust you," Kylie said.     

Dinah was also surprised by the fact that Kylie was already pregnant, but her focus soon moved to the conflict Stephen had against Ethan.     

When they finally stopped arguing over it, Dinah said out loud all of a sudden, "If Stephen is the child's godfather, I'll be the child's godmother!"     

In an instant, three pairs of eyes glared at Dinah.     

Dinah scratched her head, moving her eyes to the surface of the sea. "Um, look at the ocean. How beautiful it is!"        

Ethan wore an annoyed face and pulled Kylie into the cabin. "Why did you let Stephen be your Doctor to take care of you during your pregnancy? Do you know..."     

The best way to shut a man's mouth was to kiss him.     

Kylie knew it very well, but Ethan stood upright and refused to bend his head this time. He can't tell her that it's dangerous for Stephen to be her Doctor because he knew his secret. Stephen was the one who formulated the medicine for Ethan and his vampire race to retain their human form.      

He was worried that Stephen would tell Kylie the truth about his real identity. annoyed and frustrated, he didn't even bother to respond to her kiss.     

Kylie gave it up at the end, then stared at his eyes with a serious face. "You told me I could be safe in Star's hotel."     

"So? Honey, it's different things," Ethan still frowned.     

He refused Stephen to be their child's godfather exactly because he wasn't willing to let Kylie be close to him. If Stephen became Kylie's Doctor and took care of her during her pregnancy, they would be together often without a doubt. He knew Stephen would betray him if he is given a chance.      

In Ethan's eyes, Stephen was his close comrade but was also a thorn in his life because of his biggest secret. And he knew Stephen loved Kylie.      

In fact, Stephen's love for Kylie was likely to be as deep as his.     

Therefore, Ethan felt nervous if Stephen stayed by their side.     

Kylie held Ethan's hand with their fingers entwined.     

"Stephen had used medicine on me when he hypnotized me. I overheard his talk with his housekeeper one day that the medicine might cause infertility," Kylie said and noticed Ethan was in a rage hearing that.     

If she hadn't held Ethan back with great force, Ethan would have thrown Stephen into the ocean to feed fishes.     

Kylie softened her tone. "I think he said that just to protect me in case his housekeeper used random medicines on me." Seeing Ethan calming down, Kylie added, "Even if the medicine really has a side effect, only Stephen knows how to solve it."     

"Didn't you tell me the most dangerous place is also the safest place? Since Star is my Doctor now to help me prevent miscarriage, he'll keep our baby safe, right?"     

Ethan clasped Kylie's hand. "You should discuss it with me beforehand."        

"I'm sorry, but Star just asked me about it all of a sudden, so I had that idea." Kylie held his arm with another hand. "Relax, I'll only love you as always for the rest of my life."     

Hearing that, Ethan bent his head and kissed Kylie. "Remember to keep your promise. One day, I will tell you my biggest secret,"       

Kylie leaned against his chest and smiled. " Secret? Again, ugh...how many secrets do you have? It's not a bad thing that you have an enemy in love. At least you can learn to care about me."     

"I will tell you at the right about the secret I've mentioned to you now,"      

Afterward, Ethan hugged Kylie in his arms, and they enjoyed the long passionate kiss. Just when Ethan's hand was about to fall on Kylie's butt, someone intruded in.     

"Oh, sorry," Stephen said but didn't feel embarrassed at all.     

Kylie flushed red and wanted to push Ethan away, but was held tightly in his arms. She understood her jealous husband was announcing his possession of her.     

They kept on kissing, and Stephen continued to say, "As a professional doctor, I strongly advise you not to kiss for too long. It might cause hypoxia for the baby."     

Kylie looked at Ethan. Ethan was wearing an expressionless face but stopped kissing.     

Kylie felt like laughing. Stephen probably was Ethan's nemesis.     

"When was the last time you had your period?" Stephen took out a notebook from his pocket.     

Kylie thought for a while. "I forgot about it."        

"Tell me an approximate time," Stephen said.     

"Um, probably when I went to Hamorna for the recording of The Trailblazer. I need to ask Lucas for the specific date," Kylie replied.     

Ethan lost his patience. "We've done the B-scan, and Kylie's been pregnant for ten weeks till now."        

Stephen didn't raise his head but focused on writing in his notebook. "B-scan result is only a reference. I need to know the specific time to estimate the development of the fetus and the expected date of delivery."     

"Oh, right," Kylie said. She used to think pregnancy wasn't a serious thing, but Stephen took it so seriously.     

Stephen turned around, walking away, but soon turned back after a step ahead. "The first three months and the last three months of pregnancy should avoid deep sexual intercourse, which might cause miscarriage."        

Kylie looked at Ethan, laughing. Ethan, instead, seemed displeased. "How deep do you mean?"     

Kylie tried to hit Ethan, but her fist was caught by his big palm.     

Ethan then showed off. "My size is larger than normal men. Will a half be fine?"          

Stephen's lips trembled a little, but he still said in his gentle tone as usual, "You better not penetrate at all, if you really care about this baby and Kylie." After that, he strode outside.     

"Why did you have to say that?" Kylie pouted and blamed Ethan for having embarrassed Stephen.     

"I just told the truth," Ethan snorted. "We've been having lovemaking during your pregnancy, and our baby is fine. The Doctor said it's OK as long as it's not frequent nor violent."     

"That's what the previous doctor has said, but now Doctor Cecil said we better not have love making anymore!" Kylie raised her voice.     

Ethan bent to kiss her and said in a tender tone, "Fine, I can tolerate that."        

"Great." Kylie hugged his waist. "I can also help you..."        

When they were kissing, Stephen intruded in again.     

"For the health of the baby and the mother, I've made a diet for them."     

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